Updating “PowerShell Day 1” for PowerShell version 2.0

Last year I wrote a little 10-page booklet called PowerShell Day 1. It covers many of the things I wish I had known when I started using PowerShell.

  • How do I configure PowerShell?
  • How do I make PowerShell launch faster?
  • How do I get documentation?
  • Why did PowerShell make some of the design decisions they did?
  • Once I’ve written some useful functions and scripts, where do I put them?
  • Where can I find more PowerShell resources?

Now I’ve started updating the booklet to reflect changes in PowerShell version 2.0. I haven’t had a lot of experience with version 2.0 and would appreciate your help updating the booklet. I have put a link to an alpha version of the update for version 2.0 on the download page.