Stupidity scales

I’m fed up with conversations that end something like this.

Yes, that would be the smart thing to do, but it won’t scale. The stupid approach is better because it scales.

We can’t treat people like people because that doesn’t scale well.

We can’t use common sense because it doesn’t fit on a form.

We can’t use a simple approach to solve the problem in front of us unless the same approach would also work on a problem 100x larger that we may never have.

If the smart thing to do doesn’t scale, maybe we shouldn’t scale.

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Covariance and contravariance in math and CS

I heard the terms “covariance” and “contravariance” used in math long before I heard them used in object oriented programming.  I was curious whether there was any connection between the two. To my surprise, they’re very similar. In fact, you could formalize the OOP use of the terms so that they’re not just analogous but actually special cases of the mathematical terms.

When I started writing this post, I intended to explain covariance and contravariance. However, the post became longer and more technical than I like to write here. Instead, I’ll just announce that a connection exists and give references for those who want to read further.

Chris Burrows describes covariance and contravariance in object oriented programming in his article New C# Features in the .NET Framework 4.

The terms covariant and contravariant were defined in category theory before computer scientists applied the terms to object oriented programming. Wikipedia has a short, readable introduction to category theory, including covariant and contravariant functors. See also A Categorical Manifesto (PostScript file).

Computer scientists have been interested in category theory for some time, so it’s not too surprising that category theory terms would filter down into practical programming. The real surprise was hearing category terminology used outside of math. It was like the feeling you get when you run into a coworker at a family reunion or a neighbor at a restaurant in another city.

Update (3 Jan 2011): See also Liskov Substitution Principle is Contravariance

Update (28 Feb 2013): See also how covariance and contravariance are used in the opposite sense with vector fields.

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Origin of Mythical Man-Month

The August 2010 issue of Wired has an interview with Fred Brooks. The interviewer, Kevin Kelly, asks Brooks why he wrote his popular book The Mythical Man-Month. Here’s Brooks’ response.

As I was leaving IBM, Thomas Watson, Jr. asked me, “You’ve run the hardware part of the IBM 360, and you’re run the software part; what’s the difference between running the two?” I told him that was too hard a question for an instant answer but that I would think about it. My answer was The Mythical Man-Month.

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I was looking at a word-of-the-day calendar the other day and the word was peripeteia. I didn’t remember what the word meant, but I remembered that I heard someone use it in a presentation.

Eventually I remembered that Mike Rowe had used peripeteia in his TED talk. The word means a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances. Rowe begins his talk by describing a peripeteia moment he had while castrating sheep. He uses this story to illustrate how our ideas about work can be very wrong.

Three surprises with bc

bc is a quirky but useful calculator. It is a standard Unix utility and is also available for Windows.

One nice feature of bc is that you can set the parameter scale to indicate the desired precision. For example, if you set scale=100, all calculations will be carried out to 100 decimal places.

The first surprise is that the default value of scale is 0. So unless you change the default option, 1/2 will return 0. This is not because it is doing integer division: 1.0/2.0 also returns 0. bc is computing 1/2 as 0.5 and displaying the default number of decimal places, i.e. none! Note also that bc doesn’t round results; it truncates.

bc has one option: -l. This option loads the math library and sets the default value of scale to 20. I always fire up bc -l rather than just bc.

The second surprise with bc is that its math library only has five elementary functions. However, you can do a lot with these five functions if you know a few identities.

The sine and cosine of x are computed by s(x) and c(x) respectively. Angles are measured in radians. There is no tangent function in bc. If you want the tangent of x, compute s(x)/c(x). (See here for an explanation of how to compute other trigonometric functions.) As minimal as bc is, it did make a minor concession to convenience: it could have been more minimal by insisting you use sin(π/2 – x) to compute a cosine.

The only inverse trigonometric function is a(x) for arctangent. This function can be bootsrapped to compute other inverse functions via these identities:

\begin{align*} \text{arcsin}(x) &= \arctan(x / \sqrt{1 - x^2}) \\ \text{arccos}(x) &= \arctan(\sqrt{1 - x^2 }/ x) \\ \text{arccot}(x) &= \pi/2 - \arctan(x) \\ \text{arcsec}(x) &= \arctan(\sqrt{x^2 - 1}) \\ \text{arccsc}(x) &= \arctan(1/\sqrt{x^2 - 1}) \end{align*}

The functions l(x) and e(x) compute (natural) logarithm and exponential respectively. bc has a power operator ^ but it can only be used for integer powers. So you could compute the fourth power of x with x^4 but you cannot compute the fourth root of x with x^0.25. To compute xy for a floating point value y, use e(l(x)*y). Also, you can use the identity logb(x) = log(x) / log(b) to find logarithms to other bases. For example, you could compute the log base 2 of x using l(x)/l(2).

Not only is bc surprising for the functions it does not contain, such as no tangent function, it is also surprising for what it does contain. The third surprise is that in addition to its five elementary functions, the bc math library has a function j(n,x) to compute the nth Bessel function of x where n is an integer. (You can pass in a floating point value of n but bc will lop off the fractional part.)

I don’t know the history of bc, but it seems someone must have needed Bessel functions and convinced the author to add them. Without j, the library consists entirely of elementary functions of one argument and the names of the functions spell out “scale.” The function j breaks this pattern.

If I could include one advanced function in a calculator, it would be the gamma function, not Bessel functions. (Actually, the logarithm of the gamma function is more useful than the gamma function itself, as I explain here.) Bessel functions are important in applications but I would expect more demand for the gamma function.

Update (September 4, 2019): Published a follow up post, More bc weirdness.

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Trading education systems with China

American creativity is declining according to a recent Newsweek article. The article says that America is embracing rote learning just as China is embracing creativity.

In China there has been widespread education reform to extinguish the drill-and-kill teaching style. … When faculty of a major Chinese university asked [Jonathan] Plucker to identify trends in American education, he described our focus on standardized curriculum, rote memorization, and nationalized testing. “After my answer was translated, they just started laughing out loud,” Plucker says. “They said, ‘You’re racing toward our old model. But we’re racing toward your model, as fast as we can.’ ”

Ken Robinson argues in his TED Talk that rather than encourage creativity, schools kill it.

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How many errors are left to find?

There’s a simple statistic called the Lincoln Index that lets you estimate the total number of errors based on the number of errors found. I’ll explain what the Lincoln Index is, why it works, give some code for playing with it, and discuss how it applies to software testing.

What is the Lincoln Index?

Suppose you have a tester who finds 20 bugs in your program. You want to estimate how many bugs are really in the program. You know there are at least 20 bugs, and if you have supreme confidence in your tester, you may suppose there are around 20 bugs. But maybe your tester isn’t very good. Maybe there are hundreds of bugs. How can you have any idea how many bugs there are? There’s no way to know with one tester. But if you have two testers, you can get a good idea, even if you don’t know how skilled the testers are.

Suppose two testers independently search for bugs. Let E1 be the number of errors the first tester finds and E2 the number of errors the second tester finds. Let S be the number of errors both testers find. The Lincoln Index estimates the total number of errors as

E1 E2/S.

You can find historical background on the Lincoln Index here.

How does the index work?

Suppose there are n bugs and the two testers find bugs with probability p1 and p2 respectively. You’d expect the two testers to find around np1 and np2 bugs. If you assume the probabilities of each tester finding a bug are independent, you’d expect the testers to find around np1 p2 bugs in common. That says

E1 E2/S

would be around

(n2 p1 p2) / (n p1 p2) = n.

The probabilities of each tester finding a bug cancel out leaving only n, the total number of bugs.

Simulation code

Here’s some Python code for simulating estimates using the Lincoln Index.

from random import random

def find_error(p):
    "Find an error with probability p"
    if random() < p:
        return 1
    return 0

def simulate(true_error_count, p1, p2, reps=10000):
    """Simulate Lincoln's method for estimating errors
    given the true number of errors, each person's probability
    of finding an error, and the number of simulations to run."""
    estimation_error_sum = 0
    for rep in xrange(reps):
        caught1 = 0
        caught2 = 0
        caught_both = 0
        for error in xrange(true_error_count):
            found1 = find_error(p1)
            found2 = find_error(p2)
            caught1 += found1
            caught2 += found2
            caught_both += found1*found2

    estimate = caught1*caught2 / float(caught_both)
    estimation_error_sum += abs(estimate - true_error_count)
    return estimation_error_sum / float(reps)

I used this to simulate the case of two testers, one with a 30% chance of finding a bug and the other with a 40% chance, and a total of 100 bugs. I simulated the Lincoln Index 1,000 times, keeping track of the absolute error in the estimates. The code to do this was simulate(100, 0.30, 0.40, 1000). On average, the Lincoln index over- or under-estimated the number of bugs by about 16. This is a good estimate considering each tester greatly under-estimated the number of bugs.

If you didn’t think about using something like the Lincoln Index, in the previous example one tester would find around 30 bugs and the other around 40. The two lists might have 10 bugs in common, so you’d estimate the total number at 60, far short of 100. But the Lincoln index would often find estimates between 84 and 116.

Note that it is possible that the testers won’t find any of the same bugs. In that case the Lincoln Index cannot be computed and the code will divide by zero. But this is unlikely unless the p‘s are small and n is small.

Software testing

Does the Lincoln Index actually provide a good bug count estimate? That depends on how well the assumptions are met. The index assumes all bugs are equally hard for a given tester to find. It does not assume that both testers are equally skilled, but it does assume that their chances of finding a bug are independent. In other words, tester A is no more or less likely to find a bug just because tester B found it.

The most questionable assumption is that all bugs are equally hard to find. That’s usually not true. But it may be true that all bugs of a certain kind are equally hard to find. For example, spelling errors may be easier to find than validation oversights, but the Lincoln Index might be good for estimating separately how many spelling errors or validation errors there are.

The index might provide a rough rule of thumb even if the assumptions it that go into it are violated. For example, suppose one tester found 15 bugs and another found 20. But only 3 of the bugs were the same. A naive estimate would say since there are 32 unique bugs found, there must be around that many in total. But the Lincoln Index would estimate 100 bugs. Maybe the Lincoln estimate is not at all accurate, but it does tell you to be worried that there may be a lot more bugs to find since the overlap between the two bug lists was so small.

Related postEstimating the chances of something that hasn’t happened yet

Moving from Mathematica to Python

Everything I do regularly in Mathematica can be done in Python. Even though Mathematica has a mind-boggling amount of functionality, I only use a tiny proportion of it. I skimmed through some of my Mathematica files to see what functions I use and then looked for Python counterparts. I found I use less of Mathematica than I imagined.

The core mathematical functions I need are in SciPy. The plotting features are in matplotlib. The SymPy library appears to have the symbolic functionality I need, though I’m as not sure about this one.

As I’ve blogged about before, I’d like to consolidate my tools. I started using Emacs again because I was frustrated with using a different editor for every kind of file. One of the things I find promising about Python is that I may be able to do more in Python and reduce the number of programming languages I use regularly.

Update (2017):

I wrote this post years ago when I was just starting to move to the Python stack. Since that time I have used Python as my default programming environment, though I still use Mathematica as well. The number and quality of Python libraries for applied mathematics has increased greatly over that time.

Python has numerous advantages over Mathematica. It is open source, and so it is more transparent. When something goes wrong, you can dig in and debug it. It is of course free, so you don’t have to buy software licenses, saving not only money but administrative hassle. And perhaps more importantly, other people that you want to share code with don’t have to buy licenses; you might find a Mathematica license a good investment for your company, but you can’t expect everyone you work with to necessarily come to the same conclusion.

The disadvantage to Python relative to Mathematica is that it is less consistent and less integrated. The Python stack for applied math—SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc.—is better integrated than it used to be, but it still remains a collection of separate libraries.

Total cost of software ownership

A decade ago, commercial software vendors would claim that their products were cheaper than open source alternatives when you considered the total cost of ownership. Free software was free to obtain, but difficult to install, configure, maintain, and support.

A lot has changed in the last decade. Open source software has improved a great deal. It would be interesting to revisit the debate over total cost of ownership. Software vendors are right to point out the indirect costs of free software. But there are indirect costs to commercial software too: transaction costs of purchasing the software, upgrades, maintenance agreements, license management, etc.

Suppose you want to buy WinZip. It’s a mature and inexpensive piece of software, selling for $29.95. What will it cost you and your company to buy it? Obviously at least $29.95. But how much paperwork will you have to fill out? How long will it take someone to process your order? How long will you have to wait? If you have a desktop and laptop computer, will you be licensed for both? Can you install it at home? At minimum you’ll have to read enough fine print to find out. Now suppose you get a new PC. Did you remember to save your WinZip installer before they took away your old PC? Do you have your license key? The more you think about it, the better the free alternative 7-zip looks.

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