Computing skewness and kurtosis in one pass
The code is an extension of the method of Knuth and Welford for computing standard deviation in one pass through the data. It computes skewness and kurtosis as well with a similar interface. In addition to only requiring one pass through the data, the algorithm is numerically stable and accurate.
To use the code, create a RunningStats
object and use the Push
method to insert data values. After accruing your data, you can obtain sample statistics by calling one of these methods:
You can also combine two RunningStats
objects by using the +
and +=
operators. For example, you might accrue data on several different threads in parallel then add their RunningStats
objects together to create a single object with the state that it would have had if all the data had been accumulated by it alone.
Update: Here is analogous code for computing a simple linear regression on data in one pass.
Here is the header file RunningStats.h
#ifndef RUNNINGSTATS_H #define RUNNINGSTATS_H class RunningStats { public: RunningStats(); void Clear(); void Push(double x); long long NumDataValues() const; double Mean() const; double Variance() const; double StandardDeviation() const; double Skewness() const; double Kurtosis() const; friend RunningStats operator+(const RunningStats a, const RunningStats b); RunningStats& operator+=(const RunningStats &rhs); private: long long n; double M1, M2, M3, M4; }; #endif
And here is the implementation file RunningStats.cpp
#include "RunningStats.h" #include <cmath> #include <vector> RunningStats::RunningStats() { Clear(); } void RunningStats::Clear() { n = 0; M1 = M2 = M3 = M4 = 0.0; } void RunningStats::Push(double x) { double delta, delta_n, delta_n2, term1; long long n1 = n; n++; delta = x - M1; delta_n = delta / n; delta_n2 = delta_n * delta_n; term1 = delta * delta_n * n1; M1 += delta_n; M4 += term1 * delta_n2 * (n*n - 3*n + 3) + 6 * delta_n2 * M2 - 4 * delta_n * M3; M3 += term1 * delta_n * (n - 2) - 3 * delta_n * M2; M2 += term1; } long long RunningStats::NumDataValues() const { return n; } double RunningStats::Mean() const { return M1; } double RunningStats::Variance() const { return M2/(n-1.0); } double RunningStats::StandardDeviation() const { return sqrt( Variance() ); } double RunningStats::Skewness() const { return sqrt(double(n)) * M3/ pow(M2, 1.5); } double RunningStats::Kurtosis() const { return double(n)*M4 / (M2*M2) - 3.0; } RunningStats operator+(const RunningStats a, const RunningStats b) { RunningStats combined; combined.n = a.n + b.n; double delta = b.M1 - a.M1; double delta2 = delta*delta; double delta3 = delta*delta2; double delta4 = delta2*delta2; combined.M1 = (a.n*a.M1 + b.n*b.M1) / combined.n; combined.M2 = a.M2 + b.M2 + delta2 * a.n * b.n / combined.n; combined.M3 = a.M3 + b.M3 + delta3 * a.n * b.n * (a.n - b.n)/(combined.n*combined.n); combined.M3 += 3.0*delta * (a.n*b.M2 - b.n*a.M2) / combined.n; combined.M4 = a.M4 + b.M4 + delta4*a.n*b.n * (a.n*a.n - a.n*b.n + b.n*b.n) / (combined.n*combined.n*combined.n); combined.M4 += 6.0*delta2 * (a.n*a.n*b.M2 + b.n*b.n*a.M2)/(combined.n*combined.n) + 4.0*delta*(a.n*b.M3 - b.n*a.M3) / combined.n; return combined; } RunningStats& RunningStats::operator+=(const RunningStats& rhs) { RunningStats combined = *this + rhs; *this = combined; return *this; }
- Wikipedia
- Timothy B. Terriberry. Computing Higher-Order Moments Online.
- Philippe Pébay. SANDIA REPORT SAND2008-6212 (2008). Formulas for Robust, One-Pass Parallel Computation of Co- variances and Arbitrary-Order Statistical Moments.