Handyman lorem ipsum

This afternoon I ran across some leftover lorem ipsum placeholder text in a magazine.

Ureriliscilla conulputpat nim quisim in utpat, quis atie dolore conse faccummy

Family Handyman, February 2011, page 76.

Here’s a similar instance of lorem ipsum text on a French wine bottle.

2 thoughts on “Handyman lorem ipsum

  1. An old colleague told me that he was asked to review a particular grant application. As he was reading it he came across the line “insert more lies here”. The grant was not approved. One of the funniest similar events involved a bank and the fake name “Rich B*****d” (here presented in edited form). Evidently it was quite embarrassing to the folks mailing out letters soliciting banking business, but some folks were mad that they didn’t get one.

    There are some funny alternative Lorem Ipsum generators on the web, but one advantage of the original is that it won’t inadvertently cause offense therough the words themselves.

    For generating random text, I like EMACS’s dissociated press.

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