Here’s a post that’s sure to be controversial. Not only am I bringing up religion, I’m comparing Macs and PCs.
I heard someone refer to an article saying Macs are Catholic and PCs are Protestant. I haven’t seen the article in question, so I can only imagine what the analogy it had in mind. I doubt that Catholics are more likely to buy Macs than Protestants are, though I suppose that’s possible. I imagine the analogy has to do with centralized authority. There is one vendor for Mac hardware and untold numbers of vendors for PC hardware. Also, Steve Jobs makes a more plausible Pope-figure than Bill Gates.
The analogy may also have to do with taste. Although I am a Protestant, I’m willing to concede that Catholic churches seem to have better taste in architecture and music. And although I am a PC user, I’ll admit that Apple generally has better taste than Microsoft.
Update: See link to an article by Umberto Eco that Sandra kindly provided in the comments.
Was it Umberto Eco?
And people who use Linux are… Atheist? Don’t believe in either PC/DOS or Mac? Agnostic? Acknowledge the existence of PC / Mac but choose to go their own way? Mind you Linus Torvalds was Scandinavian, so there must be a death metal / satanist element there, surely… ;-)
One should actually read the article before writing such an irrelevant response.