Last night I posted an article about a problem caused by the MinGW installer. A little later I retracted the article because I believe I was wrong. Those who visit my blog directly will not see the post, but those who subscribe via RSS still do. I apologize to subscribers and to MinGW for the error.
Apparently deleting a post in WordPress does not delete the corresponding Feedburner post. I am surprised since updating a post in WordPress will update the Feedburner post a few minutes later. I suppose I should have updated the post with a retraction notice rather than deleting it.
It’s kind of funny that this post went from being a bug report for MinGW to being a bug report for WordPress!
I think you can force feedburner to refresh your feed.
I actually do not see the post in the feed. I am using this feed URL:
Good. :)
It’s really a Feedburner issue rather than an RSS issue per se. You’re not subscribed via Feedburner, so you’re OK.