Here are a couple variations on the tragedy of the commons, the idea that shared resources can be exhausted by people acting in their individual best interests.
The first is a recent podcast by Thomas Gideon discussing the possibility of a tragedy of the pseudo-commons. His idea of a pseudo-commons is a creative commons with some barriers. He gives the example of open core companies.
The other is Michael Heller’s idea of the tragedy of the anti-commons. If too many people own a resource, the difficulties in coordination may keep the resource from being used effectively. Having too many owners can create problems similar to those caused by having no owners.
If you’re looking for something to blog about, it would be interesting to compare the pseudo-commons and the anti-commons in depth.
Open source software might be used by many people but the development drivers are usually very few, if not one. They can take very unpopular decisions without hesitation, that’s one of the main reasons for forking. Open source is not democracy.