My next endeavor

After over 12 years at MD Anderson Cancer Center, I turned in my resignation last week. I’m leaving my steady job for self-employment.

I have done occasional consulting for 20 years, but I haven’t done it as my only source of income before, other than a salaried position I once had with a consulting company. I enjoy consulting, and I’ve wanted for some time now to do it for a living. Recently, my wife and I agreed that this was the time to make the leap.

I plan to offer consulting in applied math, statistics, and software development. At a high level, this means helping businesses formulate and solve problems, as well as helping them to interpret and apply the solutions. At a lower level, this means using Bayesian inference, number crunching, or whatever else it takes to get the job done. I am also available for speaking and training.

The hard part of consulting is finding enough work. I would appreciate your help in this. Please contact me if you would like to work together, or if you have suggestions for people I should talk to.

27 thoughts on “My next endeavor

  1. Also John I just checked “this page”. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to give more information about your degrees, where you got them, and it what subjects?

  2. Best of luck also! I’ll make sure people know you are available in our Houston office (home of IMSL). We don’t do a great deal of consulting in areas of your expertise though.

  3. John, if your posts are any indication of the quality of your consulting services, I doubt you will ever be out of work. Best of luck.

  4. John

    I occaisionally get requests from individuals / companies who don’t know that I a no longer have my own consultancy company. I will pass them your way in the future.

    Good luck


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