If you walk across the Seine in Paris on the Pont des Arts you’ll see thousands and thousands of love locks. I saw this morning that Heidelberg has its own modest collection of love locks on the Old Bridge across the Neckar.
These may be new. If they were here last year, I didn’t notice them.
There are several other points along the Old Bridge that have locks but nowhere are there very many.
Photo credit: Disdero via Wikimedia Commons
The Brooklyn Bridge too. I have an old U lock from my bike there with a note tucked in.
Here is an article documenting the origins of the practice: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/05/world/europe/05iht-rome.4.6991537.html?_r=0
Curious timing: the city of Paris has just announced that all the locks will be removed.
Copenhagen has them too.