I’ve written a fair amount about creativity on this blog, though I’ve written much more about other topics. I created a Squidoo lens to pull together some of my creativity posts. Maybe some people will enjoy that page who would otherwise be put off by some of the more technical posts here. [Update: apparently the Squidoo lens has gone away.]
The Squidoo page organizes posts into three categories: creativity, simplicity and complexity, and innovation. (*) There is a brief description for each link in each category, usually a single sentence.
In case you haven’t heard of Squidoo, it’s a project started by Seth Godin that encourages people to write about narrow topics they enjoy. One of their slogans is that everyone’s an expert at something. It’s fun to browse around and see what obscure topics people have written lenses for. They’re up to over 700,000 pages.
(*) Three cheers for the Oxford comma.