4 thoughts on “Poetic software

  1. I love this blog, you’re becoming one of my heroes of computational science…I earned my first BS at 35 in Physics and got into programming more seriously when I graduated.

    “Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn’t have been written.”

    I like this quote b/c it reminds me that as I progress as a professional in the computational field ( newbie now ), my work
    will be seen by the world and measured by someone’s standard. Hopefully a standard of use…and no one will care if I was still learning…thus I refactor.

  2. “Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn’t have been written.”

    I write and review code for a living, and after millions of lines of code written and reviewed (predated by my disappointment with poetry) I could not agree more.

    Who said it first?

  3. Nirmalya Sengupta

    Closely associated and one of my favourites:

    In software, the most beautiful code, the most beautiful functions, and the most beautiful programs are sometimes not there at all.

    — Jon Bentley, Beautiful Code (O’Reilly), “The Most Beautiful Code I Never Wrote”

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