Help wanted

I’m looking for people to help with some miscellaneous tasks. I don’t expect one person to do everything, but if you’re excellent at any of the following and interested in small projects please let me know.

  • CSS / responsive design
  • WordPress customization
  • Emacs customization
  • Advanced LaTeX
  • Data cleaning and visualization
  • Python (miscellaneous automation scripts)

I don’t have an immediate project to outsource, but these tasks come up occasionally and I’d like to have someone to contact when they do. Mostly these would be small self-contained projects, though data cleaning and visualization could be larger.

3 thoughts on “Help wanted

  1. Hi John,
    I am interested in data cleaning and visualization.
    I have been doing programming for more than 15 years, and have become an Oracle DBA for one and half years.
    Currently, I am taking an course on EDX, “UTAustinX: UT.7.01x Foundations of Data Analysis”.
    I really enjoy learning R and statistics.
    Hopefully we can do some projects together.

    Best Regards,

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