Many of you have been following my blog for years. Thank you for your time and your feedback. But there are always newcomers, and so periodically I like to write a sort of orientation post.
You can subscribe to this blog by RSS or email. I also have a monthly newsletter where I highlight the most popular posts of the month, and occasionally say a little bit about what my business is up to. You can find links to the RSS feed, email subscription, and newsletter here.
I have a lot of specialized Twitter accounts. Most of the content is scheduled, but I sprinkle in spontaneous content occasionally. The accounts are a little broader than their names imply. For example, AlgebraFact mostly posts on algebra and number theory, but it’s also where I post miscellaneous math content. TeXtip posts about LaTeX, but also about typography and Unicode. CompSciFact posts about computer science, and anything else that I think people interested in computer science might want to read.
Sometimes people ask whether I have a team of writers, or they simply assume that I do. Although I work with several other consultants, I write all the blog content and nearly all of Twitter content; I have sent a few tweets that other people have offered for me to use, maybe 20 tweets if I had to guess.
There’s a lot of content on this site that isn’t blog posts. You can find this content via the menu at the top. For example, the technical notes page links to a lot of notes on miscellaneous math and programming topics.
Thanks for reading.