Double rounding

The previous post started by saying that rounding has a surprising amount of detail. An example of this is double rounding: if you round a number twice, you might not get the same result as if you rounded directly to the final precision.

For example, let’s say we’ll round numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 down, and numbers ending in 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 up. Then if we have a number like 123.45 and round it to one decimal place we have 123.5, and if we round that to an integer we have 124. But if we had rounded 123.45 directly to an integer we would have gotten 123. This is not a mere curiosity; it comes up fairly often and has been an issue in lawsuits.

The double rounding problem cannot happen in odd bases. So, for example, if you have some fraction represented in base 7 and you round it first from three figures past the radix point to two, then from two to one, you’ll get the same result as if you directly rounded from three figures to one. Say we start with 4231.243seven. If we round it to two places we get 4231.24seven, and if we round again to one place we get 4231.3seven, the same result we would get by rounding directly from three places to one.

The reason this works is that you cannot represent ½ by a finite expression in an odd base.

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