DeepSeek-R1: Do we need less compute now?


The reactions to the new DeepSeek-R1 AI model in recent days seem limitless. Some say it runs so much faster than existing models that we will no longer need the billions of dollars in compute hardware that big tech is preparing to buy.

Is that plausible?

To get an answer, we need only look back at the experience of the recently-completed Exascale Computing Project. This large scale multi-lab project was tasked with developing technology (primarily software) to prepare for exascale computing, which has recently been achieved by Frontier, Aurora and El Capitan.

During the course of the project, various algorithm and implementation improvements were discovered by the the science teams, these leading to as much as 60X speedup or more, over and above speedups possible from hardware alone [1]. In response, are the teams just running the very same problems faster on older hardware? No — instead, they are now able to run much, much larger problems than previously possible, exploiting both hardware and software improvements.

Or suppose today there were no such thing as the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and scientists were computing Fourier transforms using (essentially) large dense matrix-vector products. If someone then discovered the FFT, I’d guarantee you that scientists would not only say, (1) “Wow, now I can run my existing problems much, much faster,” but also, (2) “Wow, now I can run problems much larger than I ever dreamed and solve problems larger than I could have ever imagined!”

Paradoxically, faster algorithms might even increase the demand for newer, faster hardware. For example, a new faster algorithm for designing medications to cure cancer might be judged so important that it’s worth building the largest machine possible to run it effectively.

All this is not to say whether you should buy or sell Nvidia stock right now. However, it does mean that there is no simplistic argument that faster algorithms and implementations necessarily lead to lower spend on computing hardware. History shows that sometimes this is not true at all. The smart money, on the other hand, is on research teams that are able to exploit any and every new discovery to improve what is possible with their codes, whether by hardware, data, code optimizations or algorithms.


[1] See slide 9 from Doug Kothe’s talk, “Exascale and Artificial Intelligence: A Great Marriage“. The “Figure of Merit” (FOM) number represents speedup of science output from an application compared to an earlier baseline system. Specifically, a FOM speedup of 50X is the anticipated speedup from baseline due to efficient use of hardware only, for example, on Frontier compared to the earlier OLCF Titan system.

Tricks for radix conversion by hand

The simplest trick for converting from one base to another is grouping. To convert between base b and base bk, group numbers in sets of k and convert one group at a time. To convert from binary to octal, for instance, group bits in sets of three, starting from the right end, and convert each group to octal.

11110010two → (11)(110)(010) → 362eight

For an example going the other direction, let’s convert 476 in base nine to base three.

476nine → (11)(21)(20) → 112120three

In general, conversion between bases is too tedious to do by hand, but one important case where it’s a little easier than it could be is converting between decimal and octal. In combination with the grouping trick above, this means you could, for example, convert between decimal and binary by first converting decimal to octal. Then the conversion from octal to binary is trivial.

The key to converting between decimal and octal is to exploit the fact that 10 = 8 + 2, so powers of 10 become powers of (8 + 2), or powers of 8 become powers of (10 − 2). These tricks are easier to carry out than to explain. You can find descriptions and examples in Knuth’s TAOCP, volume 2, section 4.4.

Knuth cites a note by Walter Soden from 1953 as the first description of the trick for converting octal to decimal.

The trick for moving between base 9 and base 10 (or by grouping, between base 3 and base 10) is simpler and left as an exercise by Knuth. (Problem 12 in section 4.4, with a solution given at the back of the volume.)

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Double rounding

The previous post started by saying that rounding has a surprising amount of detail. An example of this is double rounding: if you round a number twice, you might not get the same result as if you rounded directly to the final precision.

For example, let’s say we’ll round numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 down, and numbers ending in 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 up. Then if we have a number like 123.45 and round it to one decimal place we have 123.5, and if we round that to an integer we have 124. But if we had rounded 123.45 directly to an integer we would have gotten 123. This is not a mere curiosity; it comes up fairly often and has been an issue in lawsuits.

The double rounding problem cannot happen in odd bases. So, for example, if you have some fraction represented in base 7 and you round it first from three figures past the radix point to two, then from two to one, you’ll get the same result as if you directly rounded from three figures to one. Say we start with 4231.243seven. If we round it to two places we get 4231.24seven, and if we round again to one place we get 4231.3seven, the same result we would get by rounding directly from three places to one.

The reason this works is that you cannot represent ½ by a finite expression in an odd base.

A magical land where rounding equals truncation

Rounding numbers has a surprising amount of detail. It may seem trivial but, as with most things, there is a lot more to consider than is immediately obvious. I expect there have been hundreds if not thousands of pages devoted to rounding in IEEE journals.

An example of the complexity of rounding is what William Kahan called The Tablemaker’s Dilemma: there is no way in general to know in advance how accurately you’ll need to compute a number in order to round it correctly.

Rounding can be subtle in any number system, but there is an alternative number system in which it is a little simpler than in base 10. It’s base 3, but with a twist. Instead of using 0, 1, and 2 as “digits”, we use −1, 0, and 1. This is known as the balanced ternary system: ternary because of base 3, and balanced because the digits are symmetrical about 0.

We need a symbol for −1. A common and convenient choice is to use T. Think of moving the minus sign from in front of a 1 to on top of it. Now we could denote the number of hours in a day as 10T0 because

1 \times 3^3 + 0 \times 3^2 + (-1)\times 3 + 0 = 24

A more formal way of a describing balanced ternary representation of a number x is a set of coefficients tk such that

x = \sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty t_k 3^k

with the restriction that each tk is in the set {−1, 0, 1}.

Balanced ternary representation has many interesting properties. For example, positive and negative numbers can all be represented without a minus sign. See, for example, Brain Hayes’ excellent article Third Base. The property we’re interested in here is that to round a balanced ternary number to the nearest integer, you simply lop off the fractional part. Rounding is the same as truncation. To see this, note that the largest possible fractional part is a sequence of all 1s, which represents ½:

\frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{3^2} + \frac{1}{3^3} + \cdots = \frac{1}{2}

Similarly, the most negative possible fractional part is a sequence of all Ts, which represents −½. So unless the fractional part is exactly equal to ½, truncating the fractional part rounds to the nearest integer. If the fractional part is exactly ½ then there is no nearest integer but two integers that are equally near.

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Entering Russian characters in Vim with digraphs

The purpose of this post is to expand on the following sentence [1]:

Russian letters are created by entering [Ctrl-k followed by] a corresponding Latin letter followed by an equals sign -, or, in a few places, a percent sign %.

The Russian alphabet has 33 letters, so there couldn’t be a Latin letter for every Russian letter. Also, there are Latin letters that don’t have a Russian counterpart and vice versa. So the mapping can’t be simple. But still, the above summary is nice: try control-k followed by the English analog and the equal sign. If that doesn’t work, try a percent sign instead.

Which Latin letters does Vim chose as corresponding to Russian letters? Does it go by sound or appearance? For example, the Russian letter Н looks like a Latin H but it sounds like a Latin N. Vim goes by sound. You would enter the Russian letter Н by typing Ctrl-k N =.

For full details, see the Vim documentation :h digraph-table. I give a simplified excerpt from the documentation below. I just look at capital letters because the lower case letters are analogous. All the official Unicode names begin with CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER and so I cut that part out.

char    digraph hex     official name 
А       A=      0410    A
Б       B=      0411    BE
В       V=      0412    VE
Г       G=      0413    GHE
Д       D=      0414    DE
Е       E=      0415    IE
Ё       IO      0401    IO
Ж       Z%      0416    ZHE
З       Z=      0417    ZE
И       I=      0418    I
Й       J=      0419    SHORT I
К       K=      041A    KA
Л       L=      041B    EL
М       M=      041C    EM
Н       N=      041D    EN
О       O=      041E    O
П       P=      041F    PE
Р       R=      0420    ER
С       S=      0421    ES
Т       T=      0422    TE
У       U=      0423    U
Ф       F=      0424    EF
Х       H=      0425    HA
Ц       C=      0426    TSE
Ч       C%      0427    CHE
Ш       S%      0428    SHA
Щ       Sc      0429    SHCHA
Ъ       ="      042A    HARD SIGN
Ы       Y=      042B    YERU
Ь       %"      042C    SOFT SIGN
Э       JE      042D    E
Ю       JU      042E    YU
Я       JA      042F    YA

Note that the end of the alphabet is more complicated than simply using a Latin letter and either an equal or percent sign. Also, the table is in alphabetical order, which doesn’t quite correspond to Unicode numerical order because of a quirk with the letter Ё (U+0401) explained here.

[1] Arnold Robbins and Elbert Hannah. Learning the vi & Vim Editors, 8th edition

Why eliminate trusted third parties?

Suppose one company would like to buy another company’s client list, but only if the lists don’t overlap too much. Neither company wants to hand over their list to the other before a sale takes place. What can they do?

A low-tech solution would be for both parties to provide their client lists to a trusted third party who will report back how much the lists overlap. That may be the best thing to do.

But it is possible to solve this problem without a trusted third party. With homomorphic encryption, the companies can exchange encrypted versions of their client lists that will allow both to calculate the amount of overlap without revealing any further information.

But why go to the effort? Many peer-to-peer technologies raise this question. So you’ve eliminated a third party; what’s so great about that? If you can send someone cryptocurrency, for example, without going through an intermediary like a bank or credit card company, what good is that if the transaction fees are no lower?

It’s often not worth using sophisticated technology to eliminate a trusted third party, but sometimes it is. Here are some reasons the technology might be worth using.

Transaction speed

The two companies hiring a third party to compare their lists have to wait on the third party, and the amount of time they need to wait is beyond their control. Maybe that’s acceptable for a one-time transaction, but not for repeated transactions. With homomorphic encryption, transactions could be automated and the only delay would be computation time.


Sharing limited information via encryption reduces legal risk. If either party later accuses the other of providing incorrect information, the accused party can demonstrate that the software applied to the data gives the reported result.


To paraphrase Bob Dylan, you gotta trust somebody. Some technologies are labeled “zero-trust” or “trust no one,” but these terms need to be understood in context. When a company asks you to run a particular piece of software on your proprietary data and share the results, you have to trust that the software is not malicious or buggy.

Instead of trusting that a third party holding your data is honest and competent, you trust that a third party developing software is honest and competent. You have to decide that the software product is trustworthy. You might test the software on some sample data. Maybe you inspect the source code if it’s available. But at some point you have to trust the software and the context it runs in.

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RSA security in light of news

A recent article reported on the successful factoring of a 512-bit RSA key. The process took $8 worth of rented computing power. What does that say about the security of RSA encryption?

The following Python function estimates the computation steps required to factor a number b bits long using the best known algorithm. We’re going to take a ratio of two such estimates, so proportionality constants will cancel.

def f(b):
    logn = b*log(2)
    return exp((8/3)**(2/3) * logn**(1/3) * (log(logn))**(2/3))

The minimum recommended RSA key size is 2048 bits. The cost ratio for factoring a 2048 bit key to a 512 bit key is f(2048) / f(512), which is on the order of 1016. So factoring a 2048-bit key would take 80 quadrillion dollars.

This is sort of a back-of-the-envelope estimate. There things it doesn’t take into account. If a sophisticated and highly determined entity wanted to factor a 2048 number, they could probably do so for less than 80 quadrillion dollars. But it’s safe to say that the people who factored the 512 bit key are unlikely to factor a 2048 bit key by the same approach.

Can AI models reason like a human?

We’re awaiting the release of OpenAI’s o3 model later this month. Its performance is impressive on very hard benchmarks like SWE-bench Verified, Frontier Math and the ARC AGI benchmark (discussed previously in this blog).

And yet at the same time some behaviors of the frontier AI models are very concerning.

Their performance on assorted math exams is outstanding, but they make mistakes doing simple arithmetic, like wrongly multiplying numbers that are a few digits long. Performance of the o1 preview model on the difficult Putnam math exam is excellent but drops precipitously under simple changes like renaming constants and variables in the problem statement.

Similarly, when o1 is applied to a planning benchmark expressed in standardized language, it performs well, but accuracy falls apart when applied to a mathematically equivalent planning problem in a different domain. And also, a given AI model applied to the simple ROT13 cipher can have wildly different performance based on the value of the cipher key, suggesting the models don’t really understand the algorithm.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, . . .

What is going on here?

For years now, some have made claims of “human-level performance” for various deep learning algorithms. And as soon as one party starts making claims like this, it’s hard for the others to resist doing the same.

The confusion is that, from a certain point of view, the claim of “human-level” is true—but the definition of “human-level” is fraught.

Here, “human-level” is taken to mean achievement of some high score on a benchmark set, ostensibly exceeding some human performance measure on the same benchmark. However, a single AI model can vary wildly in capability across behaviors—“smart” compared to humans in some ways, “dumb” in others.

For humans, test-taking is a proxy for measuring a range of skills and abilities. And even for humans it is not always an accurate proxy. A person can perform very well on academic tests and very poorly on the job, or vice versa.

And the capability ratios for AI models are very different still, in ways we don’t fully understand. So, outscoring humans on a software engineering benchmark doesn’t mean the AI has the whole panoply of coding skills, decision-making abilities, software architecture design savvy, etc., needed to be a competent software engineer.

It’s no surprise that recent articles (below) show a growing perception of the limitations of AI benchmarks as currently conceived.

Ways forward

Perhaps we should consider developing requirements like the following before claiming human-level reasoning performance of an AI model:

  • It should be able to “explain its work” at any level of detail to another human (just like a human can), in a way that that human can understand.
  • It should be able to give answers without “hallucinating” or “confabulating” (yes, humans can hallucinate too, but most occupations would not be well-served by an employee who hallucinates on the job).
  • It should be able to reliably and consistently (100% of the time) do things that we routinely expect a human or computer to do accurately (like add or multiply two numbers accurately, for things like filling out tax returns or doing engineering calculations to build an airplane).
  • It should be frank and honest in assessing its level of certainty about an answer it gives (no gaslighting).
  • It should be able to solve a trivial perturbation of a given problem with the same ease as the original problem (to the same extent that a human can).
  • As someone has said, it should be able to do, without specific training, what a 5 year old can do without specific training.
  • This one sounds good, from Emmett Shear: “AGI [artificial general intelligence] is the ability to generalize [without special training by a human] to an adversarially chosen new benchmark.”

AI models are fantastic and amazing tools—and best used when one has eyes wide open about their limitations.

Have you had problems with AI model performance? If so, please share in the comments.


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Goodhart’s Law states that when a proxy for some value becomes the target of optimization pressure, the proxy will cease to be a good proxy.

Quick change directory

One difficulty when working at a command line is navigating between directories, particularly between locations with long paths. There are several ways to mitigate this. One of the simplest is using cd - to return to the previous directory. Another is to use pushd and popd. Still another is to set the CDPATH variable.

qcd function

This post presents another approach that could be used instead of or in addition to the ones mentioned above. The book Efficient Linux at the Command Line by Daniel Barrett contains a function called qcd (quick change directory) that will cd to any of a list of commonly used directories. The function is essentially a big case statement taking a key and going to a corresponding directory.

qcd () {
 case "$1" in
      cd $HOME/Work/Projects/Web/src/include
      cd $HOME/Family/Cooking/Recipes

So, for example, qcd work will take you to the directory ~/…/include.

Barrett adds one more line after the definition of the qcd function:

complete -W "work recipes …" qcd

This turns on tab completion for the script using the bash builtin function complete. You use this function implicitly when you use tab completion with shell utilities. You can call it as above to add the same command completion to your own functions. So, for example, with the code above, a user could type

qcd w TAB

instead of cd work.


The book says “Store the function in a shell configuration file such as $HOME/.bashrc … source it, and it’s ready to run.” I’d like to make two comments about this.

First, it’s important that qcd is a function and not a script. Scripts run in a subshell, so running a cd command in a script changes your working directory while the script is running. But when the script finishes, the subshell exits, and the working directory is just as it was before running the script.

Second, if you use this function you’ll edit it frequently as you think of new directories to add. I’d rather not put it in my .bashrc file for that reason. Also, maybe I’d like to use it from a bash shell on a Linux box and from zshell on a Mac. So instead of putting the definition of qcd in my .bashrc file, I put it in a file and source that file from my .bashrc file.

When you add a new key and directory to the qcd script, you need to also add the key to the call to complete, otherwise you’ll be in the awkward situation of tab completion working for some directories but not others. It would be possible to write a fancier shell script that would fix this problem.

Generating qcd

My knowledge of shell scripting is minimal, and I’d like to keep it that way. If I need to do something complicated, I don’t do it in a shell script. So I wrote a Python script to generate the file from a dictionary of keys and directories. Someone fluent in shell scripting would find this unnecessarily complicated. To each his own.

By the way, if you’re going to write a Python script, why not just write a Python script and be done with it rather than write a Python script to generate a shell script? For the same reason qcd is a function: cd inside a Python script will only change the working directory while the script is running. There is probably some way around this, but I didn’t want to take the time to figure it out.

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Converse of RSA

The security of RSA encryption depends on the difficulty of factoring the product of two large primes. If you can factor large numbers efficiently, you can break RSA. But if can break RSA, can you factor large numbers?

Sorta. It’s conceivable that there is a way to break RSA encryption without having to recover the private key. But if you can recover the private key, then you can factor efficiently. That is, if you can start with a public key (N, e), where N is the modulus and e is the encryption key, and recover the private key d, then you can efficiently factor N. See “Fact 1” in [1].

Let n = log2 N. Then the algorithm alluded to above can be run in O(n³) time. But the best known factoring algorithms take more than O(exp(n1/3)) time.

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[1] Dan Boneh. Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem. Available here.