Programming language subsets

I just found out that Douglas Crockford has written a book JavaScript: The Good Parts. I haven’t read the book, but I imagine it’s quite good based on having seen the author’s JavaScript videos.

Crockford says JavaScript is an elegant and powerful language at its core, but it suffers from numerous egregious flaws that have been impossible to correct due to its rapid adoption and standardization.

I like the idea of carving out a subset of a language, the good parts, but several difficulties come to mind.

  1. Although you may limit yourself to a certain language subset, your colleagues may choose a different subset. This is particularly a problem with an enormous language such as Perl. Coworkers may carve out nearly disjoint subsets for their own use.
  2. Features outside your intended subset may be just a typo away. You have to have at least some familiarity with the whole language because every feature is a feature you might accidentally use.
  3. The parts of the language you don’t want to use still take up space in your reference material and make it harder to find what you’re looking for.

One of the design principles of C++ is “you only pay for what you use.” I believe the primary intention was that you shouldn’t pay a performance penalty for language features you don’t use, and C++ delivers on that promise. But there’s a mental price to pay for language features you don’t use. As I’d commented about Perl before, you have to use the language several hours a week just to keep it loaded in your memory.

There’s an old saying that when you marry a girl you marry her family. A similar principle applies to programming languages. You may have a subset you love, but you’re going to have to live with the rest of the language.

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