… as a base-three number. 2012 in base 3 is 59 in base 10.
2012 is also prime as a base-five number.
Update: Here’s some Mathematica code to find other bases where 2012 is prime.
f[n_] := 2 n^3 + n + 2 For[n = 3, n < 100, n++, If[PrimeQ[f[n]], Print[n]]]
And also in base 25, I believe (2012b25 == 31277)
And base 13.
Only, you, John! I have enjoyed the style and content of your blog like no other. Please keep it coming! :D
Heh… heh… heh… Base 13 is the same base where Douglas Adams’ notorious “What is six times nine” actually *is* 42.
Fun! Here it is in functional style,
Select[Range[3, 100], PrimeQ[2 #^3 + # + 2] &]
Hmm.. a little off-topic, but I wonder if any famous physical or mathematical constants look “nicer” in other base-representations?
A shock! then surprise!!!