I’ve started two new Twitter accounts this week: @DSP_fact and @MusicTheoryTip.
DSP_fact is for DSP, digital signal processing: filters, Fourier analysis, convolution, sampling, wavelets, etc.
MusicTheoryTip is for basic music theory with a little bias toward jazz. It’ll tweet about harmony, scales, tuning, notation, etc.
Here’s a full list of my 15 daily tip twitter accounts.
If you’re interested in one of these accounts but don’t use Twitter, you can subscribe to a Twitter account via RSS just as you’d subscribe to a blog.
If you’re using Google Reader to subscribe to RSS feeds, you’ll need to switch to something else by July 1. Here are 18 alternatives.
Where is @grokem? Gone?
Andrew: I made @GrokEM broader than just electricity and magnetism, then renamed it @ScienceTip.