Let p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + anxn and suppose at least one of the coefficients ai is irrational for some i ≥ 1. Then a theorem by Weyl says that the fractional parts of p(n) are equidistributed as n varies over the integers. That is, the proportion of values that land in some interval is equal to the length of that interval.
Clearly it’s necessary that one of the coefficients be irrational. What may be surprising is that it is sufficient.
If the coefficients are all rational with common denominator N, then the sequence would only contain multiples of 1/N. The interval [1/3N, 2/3N], for example, would never get a sample. If a0 were irrational but the rest of the coefficients were rational, we’d have the same situation, simply shifted by a0.
This is a theorem about what happens in the limit, but we can look at what happens for some large but finite set of terms. And we can use a χ2 test to see how evenly our sequence is compared to what one would expect from a random sequence.
In the Python code below, we use the polynomial p(x) = √2 x² + πx + 1 and evaluate p at 0, 1, 2, …, 99,999. We then count how many fall in the bins [0, 0.01), [0.01, 0.02), … [0.99, 1] and compute a chi-square statistic on the counts.
from math import pi, sqrt, floor def p(x): return 1 + pi*x + sqrt(2)*x*x def chisq_stat(O, E): return sum( (o - e)**2/e for (o, e) in zip(O, E) ) def frac(x): return x - floor(x) N = 100000 data = [frac(p(n)) for n in range(N)] count = [0]*100 for d in data: count[ int(floor(100*d)) ] += 1 expected = [N/100]*100 print(chisq_stat(count, expected))
We get a chi-square statistic of 95.4. Since we have 100 bins, there are 99 degrees of freedom, and we should compare our statistic to a chi-square distribution with 99 degrees of freedom. Such a distribution has mean 99 and standard deviation √(99*2) = 14.07, so a value of 95.4 is completely unremarkable.
If we had gotten a very large chi-square statistic, say 200, we’d have reason to suspect something was wrong. Maybe a misunderstanding on our part or a bug in our software. Or maybe the sequence was not as uniformly distributed as we expected.
If we had gotten a very small chi-square statistic, say 10, then again maybe we misunderstood something, or maybe our sequence is remarkably evenly distributed, more evenly than one would expect from a random sequence.
Thanks for the nice post, John!
Any significance of the chi-square test showing up middle of nowhere?
Why can’t we simply compare the 99 fractions directly as per law of large numbers?
The chi square test gives us a way to assess the deviations from perfect uniformity: Are they larger or smaller than we’d expect from uniform random samples?
Thanks for the post. The use of n for both a variable and the polynomial’s degree is a bit confusing though.