Paul Klee meets Perry the Platypus

I was playing around with something in Mathematica and one of the images that came out of it surprised me.

filter contour plot

It’s a contour plot for the system function of a low pass filter.

    H[z_] := 0.05634*(1 + 1/z)*(1 - 1.0166/z + 1/z^2) /
            ((1 - 0.683/z)*(1 - 1.4461/z + 0.7957/z^2))
    ContourPlot[ Arg[H[Exp[I (x + I y)]]], 
                 {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, 
                 ColorFunction -> "StarryNightColors"]

It looks sorta like a cross between Paul Klee’s painting Senecio

Senecio by Paul Klee, 1922

and Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb.

Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb

One thought on “Paul Klee meets Perry the Platypus

  1. How surprized I was after plotting y^8 -12*y^7 +6*x^2*y^6 +60*y^6 -72*x^2*y^5 -180*y^5 +169*x^4*y^4 +306*x^2*y^4 +373*y^4 -108*x^4*y^3 -432*x^2*y^3 -648*y^3 +960*x^6*y^2 +1446*x^4*y^2 -678*x^2*y^2 +294*y^2 -972*x^4*y +1944*x^2*y +1440*x^8 -2880*x^6 +441*x^4 -882*x^2 -18

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