Termites and programmers

There are more termites in the world than there are elephants. Not only that, the total mass of the world’s elephants is roughly 1/1000 the total mass of the world’s termites. The big, visible animals, the ones that first come to mind, are a small fraction of the total.

Something similar is true of software projects: the big, visible projects, the ones people write about, are a small fraction of the total. Certainly there are more small projects in the world than large projects. And I imagine more programmers in total work on small projects than on large projects. I don’t have any hard numbers on this, and I doubt anyone else does. Most hard numbers come from large, visible projects! Who is going to do a census of all the little one-man projects that go unnoticed?

This post is a continuation of a comment I made as part of the discussion following my blog post on medieval software project management. My contention there was that most projects involve one developer, have no written requirements, and no external testing. That may not be correct, but I imagine it’s closer to the truth than assuming everyone works on projects with a dozen developers, formal requirements documents, and a staff of testers.

The first books on the “right” way to develop software codified the experience gained from working on enormous federally funded software projects. For example, the recommended practice was to spend huge proportion of the total effort in up-front planning. While that made sense when coordinating the efforts of thousands of contractors in the days of punch cards, it doesn’t make as much sense now. The agile software development movement began when people realized that the world had changed and the “best practices” of a previous generation were not optimal for smaller projects and vastly superior hardware.

Agile software development has replaced the best practices of the 1960s in many organizations. However, there is still a strong tendency to think that small projects should use the same tools and techniques as large, enterprise projects. Most books are written about medium to large projects and many developers worry unnecessarily about scaling up their projects. (“What if I get a million visitors an hour to my website?” You should be so lucky. Worry about that after it becomes a remote possibility.) Few pundits give advice that scales down, that is, advice appropriate for small projects. I wrote about one exception in a previous post in which Rob Page suggests different methods for projects with a budget of less than $1M and projects with a larger budget.

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