Integer odds and prime numbers

For every integer m > 1, it’s possible to choose N so that the proportion of primes in the sequence 1, 2, 3, … N is 1/m. To put it another way, you can make the odds against one of the first N natural numbers being prime any integer value you’d like [1].

For example, suppose you wanted to find N so that 1/7 of the first N positive integers are prime. Then the following Python code shows you could pick N = 3059.

    from sympy import primepi

    m = 7

    N = 2*m
    while N / primepi(N) != m:
        N += m

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[1] Solomon Golomb. On the Ratio of N to π(N). The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 69, No. 1 (Jan., 1962), pp. 36-37.

The proof is short, and doesn’t particularly depend on the distribution of primes. Golomb proves a more general theorem for any class of integers whose density goes to zero.

One thought on “Integer odds and prime numbers

  1. A faster version, using a binary search:

    import math
    from sympy import primepi
    m = 20
    low = 0
    high = math.inf
    mid = 2 ** math.ceil(m / math.log(2))
    # initial guess of approximately exp(m), avoiding overflow error
    primecount = primepi(mid * m)
    while primecount != mid:
        if primecount < mid:
            high = mid
            low = mid
        if high == math.inf:
            mid = low * 2
            mid = (low + high) // 2
        primecount = primepi(mid * m)
    print(mid * m)

    With m = 20 it takes about a minute to run on my not-exactly-new computer. It could be sped up more if we re-implemented the sieve algorithm used in primepi to take advantage of the fact that we are calculating it for multiple values and we know the approximate range of those values.

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