Yesterday I needed to write a regular expression as part of a client report. Later I was curious whether an LLM could have generated an equivalent expression.
When I started writing the prompt, I realized it wasn’t trivial to tell the LLM what I wanted. I needed some way to describe the pattern that the expression should match.
“Hmm, what’s the easiest way to describe a text pattern? I know: use a regular expression! Oh wait, …”
Prompt engineering and results
I described the pattern in words, which was more difficult than writing the regular expression, and the LLM came up with a valid regular expression, and sample code for demonstrating the use of the expression, but the expression wasn’t quite right. After a couple more nudges I managed to get it to produce a correct regex.
I had asked for a Perl regular expression, and the LLM did generate syntactically correct Perl [1], both for the regex and the sample code. When I asked it to convert the regex to POSIX form it did so, and when I asked it to convert the regex to Python it did that as well, replete with valid test code.
I repeated my experiment using three different LLMs and got similar results. In all cases, the hardest part was specifying what I wanted. Sometimes the output was correct given what I asked for but not what I intended, a common experience since the dawn of computers. It was easier to translate a regex from one syntax flavor to another than to generate a correct regex, easier for both me and the computer: it was easier for me to generate a prompt and the LLM did a better job.
Quality assurance for LLMs
Regular expressions and LLMs are complementary. The downside of regular expressions is that you have to specify exactly what you want. The upside is that you can specify exactly what you want. We’ve had several projects lately in which we tested the output of a client’s model using regular expressions and found problems. Sometimes it takes a low-tech tool to find problems with a high-tech tool.
We’ve also tested LLMs using a different LLM. That has been useful because there’s some degree of independence. But we’ve gotten better results using regular expressions since there is a greater degree of independence.
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[1] Admittedly that’s a low bar. There’s an old joke that Perl was created by banging on a keyboard then hacking on the compiler until the input compiled.
Asking the LLM to write the ideal prompt for the result you want can sometimes yield good results. Also, getting the LLM to include pre-, post- conditions and invariant checks in the code helps them to check their output and write tests. At the end of a chat, I sometimes ask it to write the prompt that would have got the final result we arrived at, which helps me with my future prompt writing.
Have you used this kind of ‘meta’ prompting and got much out of it?
You don’t mention whether you tried just providing examples of correct input and output rather than a precise specification of the correct behavior. If you haven’t yet, it would be an interesting experiment. In my experience it is the quickest and most effective way to get an LLM to do (a first draft of) your work for you in this sort of situation.
Reminds me of the difference between the mathematical expression for the quadratic formula and a verbal description of the same. The mathematical expression is MUCH easier to understand, one glance is all you need.