Monads and Macros

There are two techniques in software development that have an almost gnostic mystique about them: monads and macros.

Pride and pragmatism

As with everything people do, monads and macros are used with mixed motives, for pride and for pragmatism.

As for pride, monads and macros have just the right barrier to entry: high enough to keep out most programmers, but not so high as to be unsurmountable with a reasonable amount of effort. They’re challenging to learn, but not so challenging that you can’t show off what you’ve learned to a wide audience.

As for pragmatism, both monads and macros can be powerful in the right setting. They’re both a form of information hiding.

Monads let you concentrate on functions by providing a sort of side channel for information associated with those functions. For example, you may have a drawing program and want to compose a rotation and stretching. These may be ostensibly pure functions, but they also effect a log of operations that lets you undo actions. It would be burdensome to consider this log as an explicit argument passed into and returned from every operation. so you might keep this log information in a monad.

Macros let you hide the fact that your programming language doesn’t have features that you would like. Operator overloading is an example of adding the appearance of a new feature to a programming language. Macros take this much further, for better or for worse. If you think operator overloading is good because of its potential to clarify code, you’ll like macros. If you think operator overload is bad because of its potential for misuse, you definitely won’t like macros.

Mutually exclusive

Few people are excited about both monads and macros; only one person that I know comes to mind.

Monads and macros appeal to opposite urges: the urge to impose rules and the urge to get around rules. There is a time for both, a time to build structure and a time to tear structure down.

Monads are most popular in Haskell, and macros in Lisp. These are very different languages and their communities have very different values [1].

The ideal Haskell program has such rigid structure that only correct code will compile. The ideal Lisp program is so flexible that it is essentially a custom programming language.

A Haskell programmer would like to say that a program is easy to reason about because of its mathematical structure. A Lisp programmer would like to say a program is easy to read because it maps well onto the problem at hand.

Lisp enthusiast Doug Hoyte says in his book Let Over Lambda

As we now know, nobody truly understands macros.

A Haskell programmer would find this horrifying, but a Lisp programmer would consider it an acceptable price to pay or even something fun to explore.

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[1] Here I’m referring to archetypes, generalizations but not exaggerations. Of course no language community is monolithic, and an individual programmer will have different approaches to different tasks. But as a sweeping generalization, Haskell programmers value structure and Lisp programmers value flexibility.


Programmers like highly expressive programming languages, but programming managers do not. I wrote about this on Twitter a few months ago.

Q: Why do people like Lisp so much?

A: Because Lisp is so expressive.

Q: Why don’t teams use Lisp much?

A: Because Lisp is so expressive.

Q: Why do programmers complain about Java?

A: Because it’s not that expressive.

Q: Why do businesses use Java?

A: Because it’s not that expressive.

A highly expressive programming language offers lots of options. This can be a good thing. It makes programming more fun, and it can lead to better code. But it can also lead to more idiosyncratic code.

A large programming language like Perl allows developers to carve out language subsets that hardly overlap. A team member has to learn not only the parts of the language he understands and wants to use, but also all the parts that his colleagues might use. And those parts that he might accidentally use.

While Perl has maximal syntax, Lisp has minimal syntax. But Lisp is also very expressive, albeit in a different way. Lisp makes it very easy to extend the language via macros. While Perl is a big language, Lisp is an extensible language. This can also lead to each programmer practically having their own language.

With great expressiveness comes great responsibility. A team using a highly expressive language needs to develop conventions for how the language will be used in order to avoid fracturing into multiple de facto languages.

But what if you’re a team of one? Now you don’t need to be as concerned how other people use your language. You still may need to care somewhat. You want to be able to grab sample code online, and you may want to share code or ask others for help. It pays not to be entirely idiosyncratic, though you’re free to wander further from the mainstream.

Even when you’re working in a team, you still may have code that only you use. If your team is producing C# code, and you secretively use a Perl script to help you find things in the code, no one needs to know. On the other hand, there’s a tendency for personal code to become production code, and so personal tools in a team environment are tricky.

But if you’re truly working by yourself, you have great freedom in your choice of tools. This can take a long time to sort out when you leave a team environment to strike out on your own. You may labor under your previous restrictions for a while before realizing they’re no longer necessary. At the same time, you may choose to stick to your old tools, not because they’re optimal for your new situation, but because it’s not worth the effort to retool.

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(Regarding the last link, think myth as in Joseph Campbell, not myth as in Myth Busters.)

A wrinkle in Clojure

Bob Martin recently posted a nice pair of articles, A Little Clojure and A Little More Clojure. In the first article he talks about how spare and elegant Clojure is.

In the second article he shows how to write a program to list primes using map and filter rather than if and while. He approaches the example leisurely, showing how to arrive at the solution in small steps understandable to someone new to Clojure.

The second article passes over a small wrinkle in Clojure that I’d like to say a little about. Near the top of the post we read

The filter function also takes a function and a list. (filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5]) evaluates to (1 3 5). From that I think you can tell what both the filter and the odd? functions do.

Makes sense: given a bunch of numbers, we pick out the ones that are odd. But look a little closer. We start with [1 2 3 4 5] in square brackets and end with (1 3 5) in parentheses. What’s up with that? The article doesn’t say, and rightfully so: it would derail the presentation to explain this subtlety. But it’s something that everyone new to Clojure will run into fairly quickly.

As long as we’re vague about what “a bunch of numbers” means, everything looks fine. But when we get more specific, we see that filter takes a vector of numbers and returns a list of numbers [1]. Or rather it can take a vector, as it does above; it could also take a list. There are reasons for this, explained here, but it’s puzzling if you’re new to the language.

There are a couple ways to make the filter example do what you’d expect, to either have it take a vector and return a vector, or to have it take a list and return a list. Both would have interrupted the flow of an introductory article. To take a vector and return a vector you could run

    (filterv odd? [1 2 3 4 5])

This returns the vector [1 3 5].

Notice we use the function filterv rather than filter. If the article had included this code, readers would ask “Why does filter have a ‘v’ on the end? Why isn’t it just called ‘filter’?”

To take a list and return a list you could run

    (filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5))

This returns the list (1 3 5).

But if the article had written this, readers would ask “What is the little mark in front of (1 2 3 4 5)? Is that a typo? Why didn’t you just send it the list?” The little mark is a quote and not a typo. It tells Clojure that you are passing in a list and not making a function call.

One of the core principles of Lisp is that code and data use the same structure. Everything is a list, hence the name: LISP stands for LISt Processing. Clojure departs slightly from this by distinguishing vectors and lists, primarily for efficiency. But like all Lisps, function calls are lists, where the first element of the list is the name of the function and the remaining elements are arguments [2]. Without the quote mark in the example above, the Clojure compiler would look in vain for a function called 1 and throw an exception:

CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: quote in this context, compiling: …

Since vectors are unambiguously containers, never used to indicate function calls, there’s no need for vectors to be quoted, which simplifies the exposition in an introductory article.

More Lisp posts

[1] The filter function actually returns a lazy sequence, displayed at the REPL as a list. Another detail one would be wise to omit from an introductory article.

[2] In Clojure function calls provide arguments in a list, but function definitions gather arguments into vectors.

Extreme syntax

In his book Let Over Lambda, Doug Hoyte says

Lisp is the result of taking syntax away, Perl is the result of taking syntax all the way.

Lisp practically has no syntax. It simply has parenthesized expressions. This makes it very easy to start using the language. And above all, it makes it easy to treat code as data. Lisp macros are very powerful, and these macros are made possible by the fact that the language is simple to parse.

Perl has complex syntax. Some people say it looks like line noise because its liberal use of non-alphanumeric characters as operators. Perl is not easy to parse — there’s a saying that only Perl can parse Perl — nor is it easy to start using. But the language was designed for regular users, not beginners, because you spend more time using a language than learning it.

There are reasons I no longer use Perl, but I don’t object to the rich syntax. Saying Perl is hard to use because of its symbols is like saying Greek is hard to learn because it has a different alphabet. It takes years to master Greek, but you can learn the alphabet in a day. The alphabet is not the hard part.

Symbols can make text more expressive. If you’ve ever tried to read mathematics from the 18th or 19th century, you’ll see what I mean. Before the 20th century, math publications were very verbose. It might take a paragraph to say what would now be said in a single equation. In part this is because notation has developed and standardized over time. Also, it is now much easier to typeset the symbols someone would use in handwriting. Perl’s repertoire of symbols is parsimonious compared to mathematics.

I imagine that programming languages will gradually expand their range of symbols.

People joke about how unreadable Perl code is, but I think a page of well-written Perl is easier to read than a page of well-written Lisp.  At least the Perl is easier to scan: Lisp’s typographical monotony makes it hard to skim for landmarks. One might argue that a page of Lisp can accomplish more than a page of Perl, and that may be true, but that’s another topic.

* * *

Any discussion of symbols and programming languages must mention APL. This language introduced a large number of new symbols and never gained wide acceptance. I don’t know that much about APL, but I’ll give my impression of why I don’t think APL’s failure is not proof that programmers won’t use more symbols.

APL required a special keyboard to input. That would no longer be necessary. APL also introduced a new programming model; the language would have been hard to adopt even without the special symbols. Finally, APL’s symbols were completely unfamiliar and introduced all at once, unlike math notation that developed world-wide over centuries.

* * *

What if programming notation were more like music notation? Music notation is predominately non-verbal, but people learn to read it fluently with a little training. And it expresses concurrency very easily. Or maybe programs could look more like choral music, a mixture of symbols and prose.

Top down, bottom up

Toward the end of his presentation Don’t fear the Monad, Brian Beckman makes an interesting observation. He says that early in the history of programming, languages split into two categories: those that start from the machine and add layers of abstraction, and those that start from mathematics and work their way down to the machine.

These two branches are roughly the descendants of Fortran and Lisp respectively. Or more theoretically, these are descendants of the Turing machine and the lambda calculus. By this classification, you could call C# a bottom-up language and Haskell a top-down language.

Programmers tend to write software in the opposite direction of their language’s history. That is, people using bottom-up languages tend to write their software top-down. And people using top-down languages tend to write their software bottom-up.

Programmers using bottom-up languages tend to approach software development analytically, breaking problems into smaller and smaller pieces. Programmers using top-down languages tend to build software synthetically. Lisp programmers in particular are fond of saying they grow the language up toward the problem being solved.

You can write software bottom-up in a bottom-up language or top-down in a top-down language. Some people do. Also, the ideas of bottom-up and top-down are not absolutes. Software development (and language design) is some mixture of both approaches. Still, as a sweeping generalization, I’d say that people tend to develop software top-down in bottom-up languages and bottom-up in top-down languages.

The main idea of Brian Beckman’s video is that algebraic structures like monoids and monads inspire programming models designed make composition easier. This could explain why top-down languages enable or even encourage bottom-up development. It’s not as clear to me why bottom-up languages lead to top-down development.

Related post: Functional in the small, OO in the large

Python as a Lisp dialect

From Peter Norvig:

Basically, Python can be seen as a dialect of Lisp with “traditional” syntax … Python supports all of Lisp’s essential features except macros, and you don’t miss macros all that much because it does have eval, and operator overloading, and regular expression parsing, so some — but not all — of the use cases for macros are covered.

Source: Python for Lisp Programmers

Debugging code running 100 million miles away

From Lisping at JPL [link rot]:

Debugging a program running on a $100M piece of hardware that is 100 million miles away is an interesting experience. Having a read-eval-print loop running on the spacecraft proved invaluable in finding and fixing the problem.

The context of the quote was the author’s experience debugging Lisp software running on the Deep Space 1 spacecraft.

John McCarthy and the origin of Lisp

As I write this, word has it that John McCarthy passed away yesterday. Tech Crunch is reporting this as fact, citing Hacker News, which in turn cites a single tweet as the ultimate source. So the only authority we have, for now, is one person on Twitter, and we don’t know what relation she has to McCarthy.

[Update: More recent comments on Hacker News corroborate the story. Also, the twitterer cited above, Wendy Grossman, said McCarthy’s daughter called her.]

I also have an unsubstantiated story about John McCarthy. I believe I read the following some time ago, but I cannot remember where. If you know of a reference, please let me know. [Update 2: Thanks to Leandro Penz for leaving a link to an article by Paul Graham in the comments below.]

As I recall, McCarthy invented Lisp to be a purely theoretical language, something akin to lambda calculus. When his graduate student Steve Russell spoke of implementing Lisp, McCarthy objected that he didn’t intend Lisp to actually run on a physical computer. Russell then implemented a Lisp interpreter and showed it to McCarthy.

Steve Russell is an unsung hero who deserves some of the credit for Lisp being an actual programming language and not merely a theoretical construct. This does not diminish McCarthy’s achievement, but it does mean that someone else also deserves recognition.

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The myth of the Lisp genius

I’m fascinated by the myth of the Lisp genius, the eccentric programmer who accomplishes super-human feats writing Lisp. I’m not saying that such geniuses don’t exist; they do. Here I’m using “myth” in the sense of a story with archetypical characters that fuels the imagination.  I’m thinking myth in the sense of Joseph Campbell, not Mythbusters.

Richard Stallman is a good example of the Lisp genius. He’s a very strange man, amazingly talented, and a sort of tragic hero. Plus he has the hair and beard to fit the wizard archetype.

Let’s assume that Lisp geniuses are rare enough to inspire awe but not so rare that we can’t talk about them collectively. Maybe in the one-in-a-million range. What lessons can we draw from Lisp geniuses?

One conclusion would be that if you write Lisp, you too will have super-human programming ability. Or maybe if Lisp won’t take you from mediocrity to genius level, it will still make you much more productive.

Another possibility is that super-programmers are attracted to Lisp. That’s the position taken in The Bipolar Lisp Programmer. In that case, lesser programmers turning to Lisp in hopes of becoming super productive may be engaging in a bit of cargo cult thinking.

I find the latter more plausible, that exceptional programmers are often attracted to Lisp. It may be that Lisp helps very talented programmers accomplish more. Lisp imposes almost no structure, and that could be attractive to highly creative people. More typical programmers might benefit from languages that provide more structure.

I’m skeptical when I hear someone say that he was able to program circles around his colleagues and it’s all because he writes Lisp. Assuming such a person accurately assesses his productivity relative to his peers, it’s hard to attribute such a vast difference to Lisp (or any other programming language).

Programming languages do make a difference in productivity for particular tasks. There are reasons why different tasks are commonly done in different kinds of languages. But I believe talent makes even more of a difference, especially in the extremes. If one person does a job in half the time of another, maybe it can be attributed to their choice of programming languages. If one does it in 1% of the time of another, it’s probably a matter of talent.

There are genius programmers who write Lisp, and Lisp may suit them well. But these same folks would also be able to accomplish amazing things in other languages. I think of Donald Knuth writing TeX in Pascal, and a very conservative least-common-denominator subset of Pascal at that. He may have been able to develop TeX faster using a more powerful language, but perhaps not much faster.

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Interview with Clojure author

Simple-talk has an interview with Rich Hickey, author of the programming language Clojure (pronounced “closure”). Clojure is a dialect of Lisp designed to run on top of the Java Virtual Machine. The language is also being ported to the .NET framework as Clojure CLR.

Two things stood out to me in the interview: a comparison of Lisp with C++, and a discussion of complexity.

You’ll often hear a programmer argue that language X is better than language Y.  To support their argument, they’ll say they wrote a program in Y, then wrote it in X in less time. For example, someone might argue that Ruby is better than Python because they were able to rewrite their website using Ruby in half the time it took to write the original Python version. Such arguments are weak because you can write anything faster the second time. The first implementation required analysis and design that the second implementation can reuse entirely or at least learn from.

Rich Hickey argues that he can develop programs in Lisp faster than in C++. He offers as support that he first wrote something in Lisp and then took three times longer to rewrite it in C++. This is just a personal anecdote, not a scientific study, but it carries more weight than the usual anecdote because he’s claiming the first language was more efficient than the second.

In his discussion of incidental complexity, complexity coming from ones tools rather than from the intrinsic complexity of the problem being solved, Hickey says

I think programmers have become inured to incidental complexity, in particular by confusing familiar or concise with simple. And when they encounter complexity, they consider it a challenge to overcome, rather than an obstacle to remove. Overcoming complexity isn’t work, it’s waste.

The phrase “confusing familiar or concise with simple” is insightful. I never appreciated the arguments about the complexity of C++ until I got a little distance from the language; C++ was so familiar I didn’t appreciate how complex it is until I had a break from writing it. Also, simple solutions are usually concise, but concise solutions may not be simple. I chuckle whenever I hear someone say a problem was simple to solve because they were able to solve it in one line — one long stream of entirely mysterious commands.

Thanks to Omar Gomez for pointing out the interview article.

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