Weak encryption and surveillance

Two of the first things you learn in cryptography are that simple substitution ciphers are very easy to break, and that security by obscurity is a bad idea. This post will revisit both of these ideas.

Security depends on your threat model. If the threat you want to protect against is a human reading your encrypted messages, then simple substitution ciphers are indeed weak. Anyone capable of working a cryptogram in a puzzle book is capable of breaking your encryption.

But if your threat model is impersonal surveillance, things are different. It might not take much to thwart a corporation scanning your email for ideas of what to advertise to you. Even something as simple as rot13 might be enough.

The point of this article is not to recommend rot13, or any other simple substitution cipher, but to elaborate on the idea that evading commercial surveillance is different from evading intelligence agencies. It’s easier to evade bots than spooks.

If you’re the target of a federal investigation, the most sophisticated encryption at your disposal may be inadequate. But if you’re the target of an advertising company, things are much easier.


Rot13 works by moving letters ahead 13 positions in the alphabet. The nth letter goes to the (n + 13)th letter mod 26. So A’s become N’s, and N’s become A’s, etc. Rot13 offers no security at all, but it is used to prevent text from being immediately recognizable. A common application is to publish the punchline of jokes.

Rot13 converts the word “pyrex” to “clerk.” If you use the word “pyrex” in an email, but rot13 encrypt your message, you’re unlikely to see advertisements for glassware unless you also talk about a clerk.

It is conceivable, but doubtful, that impersonal surveillance software would try to detect rot13 encoding even though it would be easy to do. But detecting and decrypting simple substitution ciphers in general, while certainly possible, would not be worth the effort. Security-by-obscurity could protect you from surveillance because it’s not profitable for mass surveillance to pursue anything obscure. For example, the Playfair cipher, broken over a century ago, would presumably throw off bots.

Modern but deprecated encryption

Simple substitution ciphers are ancient. Modern encryption methods, even deprecated methods like DES, are far more secure. For example, DES (Data Encryption Standard) is considered obsolete because it can be broken by a multiprocessor machine in under 24 hours. However, commercial surveillance is unwilling to spend processor-days to decrypt one person’s communication.

This is not to recommend DES. If it’s just as easy to use much better algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) then why not do that? My purpose in bringing up DES is to say that squabbles over the merits of various modern encryption methods are beside the point if your goal is to evade impersonal surveillance.

Everyone agrees DES should be put out to pasture, but it doesn’t matter if you’re just trying to avoid surveillance. Things that not everyone agrees on matter even less.

What matters more than the algorithms is who holds the keys. A system in which you alone hold a DES key may give you more privacy than a system that holds an AES key for you. Companies may want to protect your private data from competitors but have no qualms about using it themselves.

Why surveillance matters

Why go to any effort to evade corporate surveillance?

Companies share data, and companies get hacked. One innocuous piece of data may be the link that connects two databases together. Things that you don’t mind revealing may unlock things you don’t want to reveal.

Related: A statistical problem with nothing to hide

Example of memorizing a 256-bit private key

There are techniques that can enable anyone to memorize much more than may seem possible. This post will show how I generated and memorized a 256-bit encryption key this morning using the approach explained here.


There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. This saying is abbreviated TANSTAAFL in Heinlein’s novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. It takes effort to safe effort.

Memorization techniques make it easier to remember new things if you invest effort into the techniques. The more you invest into the techniques, the easier memorizing new things is.

Whether this investment is practical depends on the person. I find it more interesting than practical; I rarely need to memorize anything. But I know of people who have used these techniques to great advantage.

Generating a key

First, I’ll generate a 256-bit number using Python.

>>> import secrets
>>> s = secrets.randombits(256)

This produced the following:


If you were to run the same code you would not get the same number, which is the point of the secrets module. It seeds a random number generator with entropy extracted from the state of the computer it is running on.

Parsing digits

The number above has 77 digits, so I split it into a two-digit number, 14, and 25 three-digit numbers: 769, 232, …, 581. Then using Major mnemonic system encoding, I associate each number with a letter of the NATO phonetic alphabet.

I encode 14 as “tar”, and the NATO word for the letter A is “alpha,” so I imagine an alpha male covered in tar.

I encode 769 as “ketchup,” and the NATO word for B is “bravo,” so I imagine a brave bottle of ketchup, arms akimbo, and wearing a superhero cape.

I encode 581 as “elevator” [1], and the phonetic word for Z is Zulu, and so I imagine Shaka Zulu riding in an elevator.

Using this process I memorized the random number above in a few minutes.

Just for fun I asked DALL-E 2 to produce an image of “Shaka Zulu, spear in hand, riding in an elevator” the image below is one of the ones it created.

Shaka Zulu, spear in hand, riding in an elevator

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[1] Strictly speaking, “elevator” decodes as 5814. But I use a common convention of only considering the first three consonants in a word. This is a good trade-off because it’s not likely you could encode a 4-digit number in a single word.

What is the point of a public key fingerprint?

Public key cryptography uses two keys: a private key and a public key. The nature of these keys depends on the encryption scheme, such as whether one is using RSA, ECC, or some other method, but you can think of a key as a long number. A key may be a short list of numbers, but let’s just say a key is a number.

When you generate a public key, you get a pair of numbers, one that you keep secret and one that you publicize. Anyone can use your public key to encrypt a message that only you can decrypt, assuming only you have your private key.

If I give you my public key, say I post it on my website, how can you be sure that it’s really my key? Maybe my site has been hacked and I don’t even know it. Or maybe someone tampers with the site content between the time it leaves my server and arrives at your browser (though TLS is supposed to address that).

We could get on a phone call and you could read the key back to me. The problem with this approach is that keys are long. A 4096-bit RSA key, for example, encoded in hexadecimal, is 1024 characters long.

You could read off the last so many characters of the key, maybe telling me that what you received ends in 9F0D 38FA. That would probably be sufficient to tell one key from another—it’s very unlike you’d have two keys in a keychain that share the same last 32 bits—but that doesn’t mean the previous part of the key hasn’t been tampered with.

What you’d really like is a cryptographic hash of the public key, short enough to conveniently compare, but long enough that it would be infeasible for someone to alter the public key in such a way as to produce the same hash. And that’s exactly what a fingerprint is.

In GnuPG, the GNU implementation of PGP, a fingerprint is an 160-bit hash, which means 40 hexadecimal characters. Manually verifying 40 characters is feasible; manually verifying 1024 characters is not.

ASCII armor: send encrypted data in plain text

GnuPG ASCII armor is a way to encode binary data as text and decode the text back into binary. It could be used with any binary data, but most often it is used with cryptographic data: public keys, encrypted messages, etc.

Secure communication over an insecure channel

When people ask whether some medium “supports encryption,” or more specifically whether the medium “supports end-to-end encryption,” they’re asking how convenient it is to use the medium with encrypted data. Any medium can convey encrypted text, but the process may be more or less manual.

You can use Gmail for end-to-end encryption, for example, though I’m sure Google would rather you not. Just encrypt the data on your computer, convert the output to ASCII, paste it into an email, and send. The receiver then copies the ASCII text, converts it to binary, and then decodes it.

ASCII armor is a way of handling the conversion to and from ASCII, with some niceties such as a checksum and human-friendly formatting, as friendly as formatting can be under the circumstances.

Aside: Coding versus Encryption

There are two kinds of encoding in this context: secret and non-secret. Coding theory is often misunderstood because it is primarily concerned with non-secret encoding, such as error-correcting codes and transmission protocols. ASCII armor belongs to coding theory, not encryption, though it is usually deployed in service of encryption.

ASCII armor is not providing protection from prying eyes. It is providing a relatively convenient way to convey naturally binary data, including a checksum to detect errors in transmission.

How ASCII armor works

At its heart, ASCII armor does base-64 encoding. But there’s more to it than that. There are optional fields, formatting rules, and a checksum.

For an example, we’ll take the first 120 binary digits of π after the “decimal” point.

Here’s some Python code to write the bits to a file. We start with the bits in hexadecimal since that’s more compact. In hex notation, π = 3.243f6a8885a3… For more details, see this post on hexadecimal floating point.

import binascii

data = '243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89'
with open('pibits', 'wb') as f:

We can inspect pibits in a hex editor to verify that the bits are correct, say by running xxd.


We can convert our binary file to ASCII using gpg, which stands for GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), the GNU implementation of Pretty Good Privacy. Running

gpg --enarmor pibits

produces a file pibits.ascii with the following contents.

Comment: Use "gpg --dearmor" for unpacking



If we run

gpg --dearmor pibits.asc

we get a file pibits.asc.gpg identical to the original file pibits, which we could verify using diff.

Base 64 encoding

How does the string JD9… above correspond to bits?

A hexadecimal character represents 4 bits, and a base 64 character represents 6 bits. So every 3 hexadecimal character corresponds to 12 bits or 2 base 64 characters.

The first three hexadecimal characters in our data, 243, corresponds to the first two characters in our ASCII armor data, JD, as follows. First of all,

243hex = 001001000011two

and if we split the bits into groups of six we have 001001two = 9ten and 000011two = 3ten. ASCII armor represents base-64 numbers the same way MIME encoding does: the numbers 0 through 63 are represented by

A, B, C, … Z, a, b, c, …, z, 0, 1, 2, …, 9, +, /

So 9 is encoded as J, and 3 is encoded as D.

The 120 bits of π represented by the 30 hexadecimal characters 243…C89 or by the 20 base 64 characters JD…xO in base 64. Note that the last character is the letter O, not the decimal 0. (Base 58 avoids this problem by not using typographically similar symbols.)

In this example we had 120 bits, which is a multiple of 6. What if the number of bits is not a multiple of 6? See this post for an answer.


After the 20 characters encoding our data follows five more characters, =0G7A. The equal sign is a separator, and 0G7A is a base 64 encoding of a 24-bit CRC checksum. The details of the checksum, and C code for implementing it, are given in RFC 4880 Section 6.1.

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Victorian public key cryptography

Electronic computers were invented before public key cryptography. Would public key cryptography have been possible before computers?

The security of RSA encryption depends on the ratio of the difficulty of factoring relative to the difficulty of multiplication. This ratio was high, maybe higher, before modern computers.

Suppose the idea of RSA encryption had occurred to Lewis Carroll (1832–1898). What key size would have been necessary for security in his day? Would it have been practical to manually encrypt data using keys of that size?

I imagine if you handed Victorians a pair of public and private RSA keys, they could have manually carried out public key encryption. But coming up with private keys, i.e. finding pairs of large prime numbers, would be harder than carrying out the encryption process.

The largest prime discovered without a computer was 2127 − 1, proved prime by Edouard Lucas in 1876. Such primes would have been large enough—I seriously doubt it was feasible to factor the product of 40-digit primes at the time—but this was a prime of a very special form, a Mersenne prime. Lucas had developed an algorithm for efficiently testing whether a Mersenne number is prime. To this day the largest known primes are Mersenne primes. More on this here.

Lucas would not have been able to produce two 40-digit primes. The largest known prime in 1851 had 12 digits:


Because of the special form of this number, it would seem that even coming up with 12-digit primes was quite an achievement. Euler (1707–1783) had found a 10-digit prime, but it was also a Mersenne prime. Large primes without special structure were unknown. But maybe two 10-digit primes would have been adequate, as long as they had no special structure, i.e. they were found by generating random numbers and testing them for primality.

Perhaps if Lewis Carroll had found a couple moderately large primes, he might have presented them to his queen to be used in public key cryptography. Their product could be published in newspapers, but the factors would be state secrets. Anyone could send Queen Victoria encrypted messages via public communication.

Diffie-Hellman public key encryption might have been more practical. It only requires one large prime, and that prime can be made public. Everyone can share it.

The prime p that Lucas discovered would do, until people realized that p − 1 has a lot of small factors [1], which could be used to break Diffie-Hellman cryptography. I don’t know that any large safe primes were known until more recently.

If someone from the future had given the Victorians a large safe prime, Diffie-Hellman cryptography would have been possible, though laborious. Someone could write a steampunk novel about a time traveler giving the pre-computerized world a big safe prime and teaching them Diffie-Hellman cryptography.


[1] 2126 − 1 = 3³ × 7² × 19 × 43 × 73 × 127 × 337 × 5419 × 92737 × 649657 × 77158673929

See the next post for a theorem that would allow you to find this factorization by hand.

Timing attacks

If you ask someone a question and they say “yes” immediately, that gives you different information than if they pause and slowly say “yes.” The information you receive is not just the response but also the time it took to generate the response.

Encryption can be analogous. The time it takes to encrypt data can leak information about the data being encrypted. It probably won’t reveal the data per se, but it may reveal enough about the data or the encryption process to reduce the effort needed to break the encryption.

There are two ways of thwarting timing attacks. One is to try to make the encryption take the same amount of time, independent of the data. This would prevent an attacker from inferring, for example, which branch of an algorithm was taken if one branch executes faster than the other.

If the encryption process always takes the same amount of time, then the execution time of the encryption process carries no information. But its enough that the execution time carries no useful information.

It may be easier to make execution time uncorrelated with content than to make execution time constant. Also, keeping the execution time of an algorithm constant may require making the program always run as slow as the worst case scenario. You may get faster average execution time by allowing the time to vary in a way that is uncorrelated with any information useful to an attacker.

One example of this would be Garner’s algorithm used in decrypting RSA encoded messages.

Suppose you’re using RSA encryption with a public key e, private key d, and modulus n. You can decrypt cyphertext c to obtain the cleaertext m by computing

m = cd mod n.

An alternative would be to compute a random message r and decrypt rec:

(rec)d = red  cdrm mod n

then multiply by the inverse of r mod n to obtain m. Because r is random, the time required to decrypt rec is uncorrelated with the time required to decrypt c.

Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange

I concluded the previous post by saying elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange (ECDHE) requires smaller keys than finite field Diffie-Hellman (FFDHE) to obtain the same level of security.

How much smaller are we talking about? According to NIST recommendations, a 256-bit elliptic curve provides about the same security as working over a 3072-bit finite field. Not only are elliptic curves smaller, they scale better. A 512-bit elliptic curve is believed to be about as secure as a 15360-bit finite field: a factor of 2x for elliptic curves and a factor of 5x for finite fields.

The core idea of Diffie-Hellman is to pick a group G, an element g, and a large number of x. If y is the result of starting with x and applying the group operation x times, it is difficult to recover x from knowing y. This is called the discrete logarithm problem, taking its name from the case of the group operation being multiplication. But the inverse problem is still called the discrete logarithm problem when the group is additive.

In FFDHE the group G is the multiplicative group of a generator g modulo a large prime p. Applying the group operation (i.e. multiplication) to g a number of times x is computing

y = gx

and x is rightly called a discrete logarithm; the process is directly analogous to taking the logarithm of a real number.

In ECDHE the group is given by addition on an elliptic curve. Applying the group operation x times to g, adding g to itself x times, is written xg. The problem of recovering x from xg is still called the discrete logarithm problem, though you could call it the discrete “division” problem.

Some groups are unsuited for Diffie-Hellman cryptography because the discrete logarithm problem is easy. If we let G be the additive group modulo a prime (not the multiplicative group) then it is easy to recover x from xg.

Note that when we talk about applying the group operation a large number of times, we mean a really large number of times, in theory, though not in practice. If you’re working over an elliptic curve with on the order of 2256 elements, and x is on the order of 2256, then xg is the result of adding x to itself on the order of 2256 times. But in practice you’d double g on the order of 256 times. See fast exponentiation.

In the post on FFDHE we said that you have to be careful that your choice of prime and generator doesn’t give the group structure that a cryptanalysist could exploit. This is also true for the elliptic curves used in ECDHE, and even more so because elliptic curves are more subtle than finite fields.

If large-scale quantum computing ever becomes practical, Diffie-Hellman encryption will be broken because a quantum computer can solve discrete logarithm problems efficiently via Schor’s algorithm. This applies equally to finite fields and elliptic curves.

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Finite field Diffie Hellman primes

Diffie-Hellman key exchange is conceptually simple. Alice and Bob want to generate a shared cryptographic key. They want to use asymmetric (public) cryptography to share a symmetric (private) key.

The starting point is a large prime p and a generator 1 < g < p.

Alice generates a large random number x, her private key, and sends Bob gx mod p.

Similarly, Bob generates a large random number y, his private key, and sends Alice gy mod p.

Alice takes gy and raises it to her exponent x, and Bob takes gx and raises it to the exponent y. They arrive at a common key k because

k = (gy)x = (gx)y mod p.

The security of the system rests on the assumption that the discrete logarithm problem is hard, i.e. given g and gz it is computationally impractical to solve for z. This assumption appears to be true in general, but can fail when the group generated by g has exploitable structure.

You can read more about Diffie-Hellman here.

Recommended primes

The choice of prime p and generator g can matter is subtle ways and so there are lists of standard choices that are believed to be secure.

IETF RFC 7919 recommends five standard primes. These have the form

p = 2^b - 2^{b-64} + 2^{64} \left( \lfloor 2^{b-130} e\rfloor + X \right) - 1

where b is the size of p in bits, e is the base of natural logarithms, and X is the smallest such that p is a safe prime. In every case the generator is g = 2.

The values of b are 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, and 8192. The values of X and p are given in RFC 7919, but they’re both determined by b.

I don’t imagine there’s anything special about the constant e above. I suspect it’s there to shake things up a bit in a way that doesn’t appear to be creating a back door. Another irrational number like π or φ would probably do as well, but I don’t know this for sure.


The recommended primes have names of the form “ffdhe” followed by b. For b = 2048, the corresponding value is X is 560316.

I wrote a little Python code to verify that this value of X does produce a safe prime and that smaller values of X do not.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from sympy import isprime, E, N, floor
    b = 2048
    e = N(E, 1000)
    c = floor(2**(b-130) * e)
    d = 2**b - 2**(b-64) + 2**64*c - 1
    def candidate(b, x):
        p = d + 2**64*x
        return p
    for x in range(560316, 0, -1):
        p = candidate(b, x)
        if isprime(p) and isprime((p-1)//2):

This took about an hour to run. It only printed 560316, verifying the claim in RFC 7919.

Other groups

Finite field Diffie-Hellman is so called because the integers modulo a prime form a finite field. We don’t need a field per se; we’re working in the group formed by the orbit of g within that field. Such groups need to be very large in order to provide security.

It’s possible to use Diffie-Hellman over any group for which the discrete logarithm problem is intractable, and the discrete logarithm problem is harder over elliptic curves than over finite fields. The elliptic curve groups can be smaller and provide the same level of security. Smaller groups mean smaller keys to exchange. For this reason, elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman is more commonly used than finite field Diffie-Hellman.

Gaining efficiency by working modulo factors

Suppose m is a large integer that you are able to factor. To keep things simple, suppose m = pq where p and q are distinct primes; everything in this post generalizes easily to the case of m having more than two factors.

You can carry out calculations mod m more efficiently by carrying out the same calculations mod p and mod q, then combining the results. We analyze m into its remainders by p and q, carry out our calculations, then synthesize the results to get back to a result mod m.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) says that this synthesis is possible; Garner’s algorithm, the subject of the next post, shows how to compute the result promised by the CRT.

For example, if we want to multiply xy mod m, we can analyze x and y as follows.

\begin{align*} x &\equiv x_p \pmod p \\ x &\equiv x_q \pmod q \\ y &\equiv y_p \pmod p \\ y &\equiv y_q \pmod q \\ \end{align*}


\begin{align*} xy &\equiv x_py_p \pmod p \\ xy &\equiv x_qy_q \pmod q \\ \end{align*}

and by repeatedly multiplying x by itself we have

\begin{align*} x^e &\equiv x_p^e \pmod p \\ x^e &\equiv x_q^e \pmod q \\ \end{align*}

Now suppose p and q are 1024-bit primes, as they might be in an implementation of RSA encryption. We can carry out exponentiation mod p and mod q, using 1024-bit numbers, rather than working mod n with 2048-bit numbers.

Furthermore, we can apply Euler’s theorem (or the special case Fermat’s little theorem) to reduce the size of the exponents.

\begin{align*} x^e &\equiv x_p^e \equiv x_p^{e \bmod p-1}\pmod p \\ x^e &\equiv x_q^e \equiv x_q^{e \bmod q-1}\pmod q \end{align*}

Assuming again that p and q are 1024-bit numbers, and assuming e is a 2048-bit number, by working mod p and mod q we can use exponents that are 1024-bit numbers.

We still have to put our pieces back together to get the value of xe mod n, but that’s the subject of the next post.

The trick of working modulo factors is used to speed up RSA decryption. It cannot be used for encryption since p and q are secret.

The next post shows that is in fact used in implementing RSA, and that a key file contains the decryption exponent reduced mod p-1 and mod q-1.

Group theory and RSA encryption

RSA encryption a map from numbers mod n to numbers mod n where n is a public key. A message is represented as an integer m and is encrypted by computing

c = me mod n

where e is part of the public key. In practice, e is usually 65537 though it does not have to be.

Multiplicative group

As discussed in an earlier post, not all messages m can be decrypted unless we require m to be relatively prime to n. In practice this is almost certainly the case: discovering a message m not relatively prime to n is equivalent to finding a factor of n and breaking the encryption.

If we limit ourselves to messages which can be encrypted and decrypted, our messages come not from the integers mod n but from the multiplicative group of integers mod n: the integers less than and relatively prime to n form a group G under multiplication.

The encryption function that maps m to me is an invertible function on G. Its inverse is the function that maps c to cd where d is the private key. Encryption is an automorphism of G because

(m1 m2) e = m1e m2e mod n.

Totient functions

Euler’s theorem tells us that

mφ(n) = 1 mod n

for all m in G. Here φ is Euler’s totient function. There are φ(n) elements in G, and so we could see this as a consequence of Lagrange’s theorem: the order of an element divides the order of a group.

Now the order of a particular m might be less than φ(n). That is, we know that if we raise m to the exponent φ(n) we will get 1, but maybe a smaller exponent would do. In fact, maybe a smaller exponent would do for all m.

Carmichael’s totient function λ(n) is the smallest exponent k such that

mk = 1 mod n

for all m. For some values of n the two totient functions are the same, i.e. λ(n) = φ(n). But sometimes λ(n) is strictly less than φ(n). And going back to Lagrange’s theorem, λ(n) always divides φ(n).

For example, there are 4 positive integers less than and relatively prime to 8: 1, 3, 5, and 7. Since φ(8) = 4, Euler’s theorem says that the 4th power of any of these numbers will be congruent to 1 mod 8. That is true, but its also true that the square of any of these numbers is congruent to 1 mod 8. That is, λ(8) = 2.

Back to RSA

Now for RSA encryption, n = pq where p and q are large primes and pq. It follows that

φ(pq) = φ(p) φ(q) = (p − 1)(q − 1).

On the other hand,

λ(pq) = lcm( λ(p), λ(q) ) = lcm(p − 1, q − 1).

Since p − 1 and q − 1 at least share a factor of 2,

λ(n) ≤ φ(n)/2.


It’s possible that λ(n) is smaller than φ(n) by more than a factor of 2. For example,

φ(7 × 13) = 6 × 12 = 72


λ(7 × 13) = lcm(6, 12) = 12.

You could verify this last calculation with the following Python code:

>>> from sympy import gcd
>>> G = set(n for n in range(1, 91) if gcd(n, 91) == 1)
>>> set(n**12 % 91 for n in s)

This returns {1}.


The significance of Carmichael’s totient to RSA is that φ(n) can be replaced with λ(n) when finding private keys. Given a public exponent e, we can find d by solving

ed = 1 mod λ(n)

rather than

ed = 1 mod φ(n).

This gives us a smaller private key d which might lead to faster decryption.

OpenSSL example

I generated an RSA key with openssl as in this post

    openssl genpkey -out fd.key -algorithm RSA \
      -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -aes-128-cbc

and read it using

    openssl pkey -in  fd.key -text -noout

The public exponent was 65537 as noted above. I then brought the numbers in the key over to Python.

    from sympy import lcm

    modulus = xf227d5...a9
    prime1 = 0xf33514...d9
    prime2 = 0xfee496...51
    assert(prime1*prime2 == modulus)

    publicExponent = 65537
    privateExponent = 0x03896d...91

    phi = (prime1 - 1)*(prime2 - 1)
    lamb = lcm(prime1 - 1, prime2 - 1)
    assert(publicExponent*privateExponent % lamb == 1)
    assert(publicExponent*privateExponent % phi != 1)

This confirms that the private key d is the inverse of e = 65537 using modulo λ(pq) and not modulo φ(pq).

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