What’s the Best Code Editor?

Emacs, vi, TextEdit, nano, Sublime, Notepad, Wordpad, Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc., etc.—everyone’s got a favorite.

I used Visual Studio previously and liked the integrated debugger. Recently I started using VS again and found the code editing windows rather cluttered. Thankfully you can tone this down, if you can locate the right options.

Eclipse for Java has instantaneous checking for syntax errors. I have mixed feelings on this. Perhaps you could type a little more code before getting a glaring error message?

Concerning IDEs (integrated development environments) like this—I’ve met people who think that a full GUI-based IDE is the only way to go. Maybe so. However , there’s another view.

You’d think if anyone would know how to write code quickly, accurately and effectively, it would be world-class competitive programmers. They’re the best, right?

One of the very top people is Gennady Korotkevich. He’s won many international competitions.

What does he use? Far Manager, a text-based user interface tool with a mere two panels and command prompt. It’s based on 1980s pre-GUI file manager methodologies that were implemented under DOS.

It reminds me of a conversation I had with our admin when I was in grad school. I asked, “Why do you use vi instead of MS Word for editing documents?” Answer: “I like vi because it’s faster—your fingers never need to leave the keyboard.”

Admittedly, not all developer workflows would necessarily find this approach optimal. But still it makes you think. Sometimes the conventional answer is not the best one.

Do you have a favorite code editor? Please let us know in the comments.


In his book The World Beyond Your Head Matthew Crawford talks about jigs literally and metaphorically.

A jig in carpentry is something to hold parts in place, such as aligning boards that need to be cut to the same length. Crawford uses the term more generally to describe labor-saving (or more importantly, thought-saving) techniques in other professions, such as a chef setting out ingredients in the order in which they need to be added. He then applies the idea of jigs even more generally to cultural institutions.

Jigs reduce options. A craftsman voluntarily restricts choices, not out of necessity, but in order to focus attention where it matters more. Novices may chafe at jigs because they can work without them. Experts are even more capable of working without jigs than novices, but are also more likely to appreciate their use.

Style guides, whether in journalism or in software development, are jigs. They limit freedom of expression in minor details, ideally directing creativity into more productive channels.

Automation is great, but there’s a limit to how much we can automate our work. People often seek out a consulting firm precisely because there’s something non-standard about their project [1]. There’s more opportunity for jigs than automation, especially when delegating work. If I could completely automate a task, there would be no need to delegate it. Giving someone a jig along with a task increases the chances of the delegation being successful.

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[1] In my previous career, I sat through a presentation by a huge consulting company that promised to build software completely adapted to our unique needs, software which they had also built for numerous previous clients. This would be something they’ve never built before and something they have built many times before. I could imagine a more nuanced presentation that clarified what would be new and what would not be, but this presentation was blatantly contradictory and completely unaware of the contradiction.

Do 5% less

I’ve been thinking about things that were ruined by doing about 5% more than was necessary, like an actor whose plastic surgery looks plastic.

Sometimes excellence requires pushing ourselves to do more than we want to do or more than we think we can do. But sometimes excellence requires restraint. Context is everything.

A few times the extra effort I’ve put into a report backfired. An illustration added to make things clearer caused confusion. (Or maybe it revealed confusion.)

I’ve made software harder to write and harder to use by having it do a little more than it should have, such as trying to fully automate something that should be 95% automated.

In the course of writing this post I’ve thought of several ways to expand it. I’ve drafted and deleted several versions of this concluding paragraph. But I’ll take my own advice and stop.

Productive constraints

This post will discuss two scripting languages, but that’s not what the post is really about. It’s really about expressiveness and (or versus) productivity.


I was excited to discover the awk programming language sometime in college because I had not used a scripting language before. Compared to C, awk was high-level luxury.

Then a few weeks later someone said “Have you seen Perl? It can do everything awk can do and a lot more.” So I learned Perl. Was that or a good idea or a bad idea? I’ve been wondering about that for years.

Awk versus Perl is a metaphor for a lot of other decisions.


Awk is a very small language, best suited for working with tabular data files. Awk implicitly loops over a file, repeating some code on every line of a file. This makes it possible to write very short programs, programs so short that they can be typed at the command line, for doing common tasks. I am continually impressed by bits of awk code I see here and there, where someone has found a short, elegant solution to a problem.

Because awk is small and specialized, it is also efficient at solving the problems it is designed to solve. The previous post gives an example.

The flip side of awk being small and specialized is that it can be awkward to use for problems that deviate from its sweet spot.


Perl is a very expressive programming language and is suitable for a larger class of problems than awk is. Awk was one of the influences in the design of Perl, and you can program in an awk-like subset of Perl. So why not give yourself more options and write Perl instead?

Expressiveness is mostly good. Nobody is forcing you to use any features you don’t want to use and it’s nice to have options. But expressiveness isn’t a free option. I’ll mention three costs.

  1. You might accidentally use a feature that you don’t intend to use, and rather than getting an error message you get unexpected behavior. This is not a hypothetical risk but a common experience.
  2. If you have more options, so does everyone writing code that you might need to debug or maintain. “Expressiveness for me but not for thee.”
  3. More options means more time spent debating options. Having too many options dissipates your energy.


You can mitigate #1 by turning on warnings available in later versions of Perl. And you can mitigate #2 and #3 by deciding which language features you (or your team) will use and which features you will avoid.

But if you use a less expressive language, these decisions have been made for you. No need to decide on and enforce rules on features to shun. Avoiding decision fatigue is great, if you can live with the decisions that have been made for you.

The Python community has flourished in part because the people who don’t like the language’s design choices would rather live with those choices than leave these issues permanently unsettled.


Bruce Lee famously said “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” You could apply that aphorism by choosing to master a small language like awk, learning not just its syntax but its idioms, and learning it so well that you never need to consult documentation.

Some people have done this, mastering awk and a few other utilities. They write brief scripts that do tasks that seem like they would require far more code. I look at these scripts expecting to see utilities or features that I didn’t know about, but usually these people have combined familiar pieces in a clever way.


Some people like to write haiku and some free verse. Hedgehogs and foxes. Scheme and Common Lisp. Birds and Frogs. Awk and Perl. So the optimal size of your toolbox is to some extent a matter of personality. But it’s also a matter of tasks and circumstances. There are no solutions, only trade-offs.

The cobbler’s son

There’s an old saying “The cobbler’s son has no shoes.” It’s generally taken to mean that we can neglect to do for ourselves something we do for other people.

I’ve been writing a few scripts for my personal use, things I’ve long intended to do but only recently got around to doing.

I said something about this and someone pointed out that what I said rhymed. With a little editing I turned this into a little couplet:

The cobbler’s son is getting some shoes:
Writing some scripts for myself to use.

I won’t be blogging about my scripts because they’re not interesting. As I commented here, really useful productivity tools are not interesting to a wide audience precisely because they’re so specialized.

Convert LaTeX to Microsoft Word

I create nearly all my documents in LaTeX, even documents that might be easier to create in Word. The reason is that even if a particular document would be easier to write in Word, my workflow is more efficient if everything is in LaTeX. LaTeX makes small, plain text files that work well with version control and searching, and I can edit them with the same editor I use for writing code and everything else I do.

Usually I send read-only documents to clients. They don’t know or care what program created the PDF I sent them. The fact that they cannot edit my reports is a feature, not a bug: if I’m going to sign off on something, I need to be sure that it doesn’t include any changes that someone else made that I’m unaware of.

But occasionally I do need to send clients a file they can edit, and this usually means Microsoft Word. Lawyers particularly want Word documents.

It’s possible to create a PDF using LaTeX and copy-and-paste the content into a Word document. This works, but you’ll have to redo all your formatting.

A better approach is to use Pandoc. The command

    pandoc foo.tex -o -s foo.docx

will convert the LaTeX file foo.tex directly to the Word document foo.docx. You may have to touch up the Word document a little, but it will retain more of the original formatting than if you when from LaTeX to Word via PDF.

You could wrap this in a script for convenience and so you don’t have to remember the pandoc syntax.


    $tex = $ARGV[0];
    ($doc = $tex) =~ s/\.tex$/.docx/;
    exec "pandoc $tex -o $doc";

You could save this to tex2doc and run

    tex2doc foo.tex

to produce foo.docx.

Update: The syntax when I wrote this post did not work when I revisited this today (2023-11-30) but instead gave several warnings.  What worked today was

    pandoc foo.tex --from latex --to docx > foo.docx

Unfortunately I don’t have the version number that I used when I first wrote this post. Today I was using pandoc version

Productive productivity

I skimmed Automate Your Busywork the other day and realized I already have automated most of my busywork. I don’t have a lot of repetitive tasks to do, and I’ve written scripts to streamline most of the repetitive tasks I do have.

The scripts that have been most useful are of zero interest to anyone else because they are very specific to my work. I imagine that’s true of most scripts ever written.

Here are a couple things that have improved my productivity that may be of some general interest.

I found it helpful to remap a few keys so I can have cross platform muscle memory. That is, the same keys do the same thing whether I’m using Mac, Windows, or Linux. (And to some extent Emacs, which is kinda like its own operating system.) And by the same keys, I mean the same key positions, not the same key labels.

I’ve also found it helpful do as much as practical with plain text files and tools designed to work with plain text files. Plain text files are small, easy to search, and amenable to version control. They are robust and transparent. And they’re interoperable. I’ve found, for example, that even if a task is easier to do in Microsoft Word than in LaTeX, it’s better for my long-term productivity to use LaTeX.

Both of these are rather pedestrian tips, not photogenic or technically impressive, but useful, at least in my experience. And I suspect that the more likely a tip is to catch your attention when surfing the web, the less likely it is to be genuinely useful. Of course your mileage may vary.

Small-scale automation


Saving keystrokes is overrated, but maintaining concentration is underrated.

This post is going to look at automating small tasks in order to maintain concentration, not to save time.

If a script lets you easily carry out some ancillary task without taking your concentration off your main task, that’s a big win. Maybe the script only saves you five seconds, but it could save you from losing a train of thought.

If your goal in writing a script is to preserve concentration, that script has to be effortless to run. It’s worth taking a few minutes to search for a script that is going to save you an hour. But if the purpose of a script is to preserve your state of flow, having to search for it defeats the purpose.

Remembering what you’ve written

I’ve often said to myself “I’ve had to do this task several times. I should automate it!” Good idea, except I couldn’t quickly find the code later when I needed it.

I’ve heard many people say you should automate repetitive tasks; I’ve never heard anyone discuss the problem of remembering what you’ve automated and how to invoke it. Maybe there’s less discussion of the memory problem because the solution is personal. It depends, for instance, on what tools you use and what you find memorable.

One suggestion would be to periodically review what you’ve written, say once a month [1]. Maybe you’ve put useful aliases in your shell configuration file. Skimming that config file occasionally could help you remember what’s there. If you have a directory where you keep custom scripts, it could help to browse that directory once in a while. It helps if there aren’t too many places you need to look, which leads to the next section.

Tool priorities

It would also help to minimize the number of tools you use, or at least the number of tools you customize.

And even with a very minimal tool set, it helps to have a primary emphasis on one of those tools. For example, maybe your work environment consists mostly of a shell, a programming language, and an editor. When it’s not obvious which tool to pick, are you going to write a shell script, a program, or an editor extension? By picking one tool as your default, you get better at that tool, accumulate more sample code for that tool, and have fewer contexts to explore when you’re looking for something you’ve written.


[1] A long time ago I heard someone say he reads documentation ever Friday afternoon. I did that for a while and recommend it. Maybe set aside a few minutes each Friday afternoon to review and tweak config files. If you don’t get through everything, pick up next week where you left off.

Self-documenting software

programmer using a laptop in the dark

The electricity went out for a few hours recently, and because the power was out, the internet was out. I was trying to do a little work on my laptop, but I couldn’t do what I intended to do because I needed a network connection to access some documentation. I keep offline documentation for just this situation, but the information I needed wasn’t in my local files. Or maybe it was there, but I gave up too soon.

This made me think of the Emacs slogan that it is a self-documenting editor. It’s also a very old editor, with roots going back to the 1970s. Originally the phrase “self-documenting” contrasted with software that only had paper documentation. Now it’s common for software to have online documentation, but most software still isn’t self-documenting in the way that Emacs is. The documentation for Emacs is extensive, well-written, and thoroughly integrated with the editor.

Most of the software I use has local documentation, but the documentation is more difficult to use than doing a web search. Maybe the local documentation would be easier to use if I invested more time learning how to use it, but this investment has to be repeated for each application; every application has its own documentation system.

The best approach may be to commit to a small number of tools and learn how each one’s documentation works. I’ve done the former but wish I’d put more work into the latter sooner.

Years ago I had gotten to the point that I was using a menagerie of different software applications, none of which I knew well. Following the advice to use the best tool for the job lead to too many tools for wide variety of jobs. I determined that sometimes using a sub-optimal tool would be optimal overall if it allowed me to switch tools less often.

What I didn’t do at the time, but I’d recommend now, is to also to dig into each tool’s documentation system. A web search will always be faster in the moment than learning how to use an arcane help system. (More on this here.) But in the long run, becoming fluent in the local help systems of your most important applications is more efficient, and leads to serendipitous discoveries. It also helps you preserve a state of flow by reducing context switches.

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Photo by Valeriy Khan on Unsplash

Cross platform muscle memory

I’ve mostly used Windows and Linux for the last several years. When I needed to get a new laptop recently I got a MacBook Pro. I’ve used a Mac before, but it’s been a while, and so I’m starting over.

I can move between Windows and Linux and almost forget what OS I’m using because keyboard shortcuts work the same way. But MacOS is substantially different. I’m trying to find a way to remap the modifier keys on my Mac so that my muscle memory still works on the new laptop.

There are two difficulties: where the keys are located, and what the keys do. I’ll explain why I distinguish these.

I use Emacs, which means I use the Control key a lot. So the first thing I did was swap Caps Lock and Control. Now when I use the-key-formerly-known-as-caps-lock it behaves as I expect, on Linux, Windows, and Mac. Similarly, I swapped the Option and Command keys so that the-key-next-to-the-spacebar acts the same on all three operating systems.

But when I’m not using Emacs, there’s a problem. The Control key is where I expect it, but the Control key doesn’t do what I expect. I expect, for example, Control-C to copy and Control-V to paste. But on Mac, Command-C copies and Command-C pastes. In general, the Command key on a Mac does what the Control key does on Windows and Linux.

I’m trying to customize my OS configurations and habits in order to bring my use of three operating systems closer together. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far, and I welcome your suggestions.

Now the key in the lower left corner of the keyboard acts the same across operating systems. Holding down that key and pressing C copies etc. On my Mac, this key is labeled with a globe icon, and on my other machines it’s labeled Ctrl. But I type by feel, not by sight, and when I reach for this key it does what I expect. However, I do have to keep in mind that the functionality of the Command key on MacOS is not exactly the same as the functionality of the Control key on Windows and Linux.

Now on Linux I have two left Control keys, one in the bottom left corner as discussed above, and one labeled “Caps Lock.” I could use either one anywhere, but I’m getting in the habit of using the former Caps Lock as the control key when using Emacs and using the key in the lower left as the control key everywhere else. That way my keyboard mostly does what I expect across platforms.


There’s a simple pattern I didn’t realize until after I posted this article:

The Control key on a Mac works like the Control key in Emacs, and the Command key on a Mac works like the Control key on Windows.

For example, Control-B moves backward, as in Emacs, and Command-B makes text bold, like Control-B on Windows.

The settings described above work well with this pattern. Mac has one Unix-like control key and one Windows-like control key .