Dynamic typing and anti-lock brakes

When we make one part of our lives safer, we tend to take more chances somewhere else. Psychologists call this tendency risk homeostasis.

One of the studies often cited to support the theory of risk homeostasis involved German cab drivers. Drivers in the experimental group were given cabs with anti-lock brakes while drivers in the control group were given cabs with conventional brakes. There was no difference in the rate of crashes between the two groups. The drivers who had better brakes drove less carefully.

Risk homeostasis may explain why dynamic programming languages such as Python aren’t as dangerous as critics suppose.

Advocates of statically typed programming languages argue that it is safer to have static type checking than to not have it. Would you rather the computer to catch some of your errors or not? I’d rather it catch some of my errors, thank you. But this argument assumes two things:

  1. static type checking comes at no cost, and
  2. static type checking has no impact on programmer behavior.

Advocates of dynamic programming languages have mostly focused on the first assumption. They argue that static typing requires so much extra programming effort that it is not worth the cost. I’d like to focus on the second assumption. Maybe the presence or absence of static typing changes programmer behavior.

Maybe a lack of static type checking scares dynamic language programmers into writing unit tests. Or to turn things around, perhaps static type checking lulls programmers into thinking they do not need unit tests. Maybe static type checking is like anti-lock brakes.

Nearly everyone would agree that static type checking does not eliminate the need for unit testing. Someone accustomed to working in a statically typed language might say “I know the compiler isn’t going to catch all my errors, but I’m glad that it catches some of them.” Static typing might not eliminate the need for unit testing, but it may diminish the motivation for unit testing. The lack of compile-time checking in dynamic languages may inspire developers to write more unit tests.

See Bruce Eckel’s article Strong Typing vs. Strong Testing for more discussion of the static typing and unit testing.

Update: I’m not knocking statically typed languages. I spend most of my coding time in such languages and I’m not advocating that we get rid of static typing in order to scare people into unit testing.

I wanted to address the question of what programmers do, not what they should do. In that sense, this post is more about psychology than software engineering. (Though I believe a large part of software engineering is in fact psychology as I’ve argued here.) Do programmers who work in dynamic languages write more tests? If so, does risk homeostasis help explain why?

Finally, I appreciate the value of unit testing. I’ve spent most of the last couple days writing unit tests. But there is a limit to the kinds of bugs that unit tests can catch. Unit tests are good at catching errors in code that has been written, but most errors come from code that should have been written but wasn’t. See Software sins of omission.

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Rewarding complexity

Clay Shirky wrote an insightful article recently entitled The Collapse of Complex Business Models. The last line of the article contains the observation

… when the ecosystem stops rewarding complexity, it is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future.

It’s interesting to think how ecosystems reward complexity or simplicity.

Academia certainly rewards complexity. Coming up with ever more complex models is the safest road to tenure and fame. Simplification is hard work and isn’t good for your paper count.

Political pundits are rewarded for complex analysis, though politicians are rewarded for oversimplification.

The software market has rewarded complexity, but that may be changing.

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Maintenance costs

No engineered structure is designed to be built and then neglected or ignored. — Henry Petroski

The quote above comes from Henry Petroski’s recent interview on Tech Nation. In the same interview, Petroski says that a common rule of thumb is that maintenance costs about 4% of construction cost per year. For a structure as old as the Golden Gate Bridge (completed in 1937), for example, that’s a lot of 4%’s.

Golden Gate Bridge

Painting the bridge has cost far more than building it. The bridge is painted continuously: as soon as the painters reach the end of the bridge, they turn around and start over. The engineers who designed the bridge knew this would happen. When you build something out of steel and put it outside, it will need to be painted. It was all part of the design.

Image credit: Wikipedia

Related links:

Two kinds of software challenges
Do you really want to be indispensable?
Upcoming Y2K-like problems
The Essential Engineer, Henry Petroski’s new book

Software sins of omission

The Book of Common Prayer contains the confession

… we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done.

The things left undone are called sins of omission; things which ought not to have been done are called sins of commission.

In software testing and debugging, we focus on sins of commission, code that was implemented incorrectly. But according to Robert Glass, the majority of bugs are sins of omission. In Frequently Forgotten Fundamental Facts about Software Engineering Glass says

Roughly 35 percent of software defects emerge from missing logic paths, and another 40 percent are from the execution of a unique combination of logic paths.

If these figures are correct, three out of four software bugs are sins of omission, errors due to things left undone. These are bugs due to contingencies the developers did not think to handle. Three quarters seems like a large proportion, but it is plausible. I know I’ve written plenty of bugs that amounted to not considering enough possibilities, particularly in graphical user interface software. It’s hard to think of everything a user might do and all the ways a user might arrive at a particular place. (When I first wrote user interface applications, my reaction to a bug report would be “Why would anyone do that?!” If everyone would just use my software the way I do, everything would be OK.)

It matters whether bugs are sins of omission or sins of commission. Different kinds of bugs are caught by different means. Developers have come to appreciate the value of unit testing lately, but unit tests primarily catch sins of commission. If you didn’t think to program something in the first place, you’re not likely to think to write a test for it. Complete test coverage could only find 25% of a projects bugs if you assume 75% of the bugs come from code that no one thought to write.

The best way to spot sins of omission is a fresh pair of eyes. As Glass says

Rigorous reviews are more effective, and more cost effective, than any other error-removal strategy, including testing. But they cannot and should not replace testing.

One way to combine the benefits of unit testing and code reviews would be to have different people write the unit tests and the production code.

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Counterfeit coins and rare diseases

Here’s a puzzle I saw a long time ago that came to mind recently.

You have a bag of 27 coins. One of these coins is counterfeit and the rest are genuine. The genuine coins all weigh exactly the same, but the counterfeit coin is lighter. You have a simple balance. How can you find the counterfeit coin while using the scale the least number of times?

The surprising answer is that the false coin can be found while only using the scales only three times. Here’s how. Put nine coins on each side of the balance. If one side is lighter, the counterfeit is on that side; otherwise, it is one of the nine not on the scales. Now that you’ve narrowed it down to nine coins, apply the same idea recursively by putting three of the suspect coins on each side of the balance. The false coin is now either on the lighter side if the scales do not balance or one of the three remaining coins if the scales do balance. Now apply the same idea one last time to find which of the remaining three coins is the counterfeit. In general, you can find one counterfeit in 3n coins by using the scales n times.

The counterfeit coin problem came to mind when I was picking out homework problems for a probability class and ran into the following (problem 4.56 here):

A large number, N = mk, of people are subject to a blood test. This can be administered in two ways.

  1. Each person can be tested separately. In this case N tests are required.
  2. The blood samples of k people can be pooled and analyzed together. If the test is negative, this one test suffices for k people. If the test is positive, each of the k people must be tested separately, and, in all, k+1 test are required for the k people.

Suppose each person being tested has the disease with probability p. If the disease is rare, i.e. p is sufficiently small, the second approach will be more efficient. Consider the extremes. If p = 0, the first approach takes mk tests and the second approach takes only m tests. At the other extreme, if p = 1, the first approach still takes mk tests but the second approach now takes m(k+1) tests.

The homework problem asks for the expected number of tests used with each approach as a function of p for fixed k. Alternatively, you could assume that you always use the second method but need to find the optimal value of k. (This includes the possibility that k=1, which is equivalent to using the first method.)

I’d be curious to know whether these algorithms have names. I suspect computer scientists have given the coin testing algorithm a name. I also suspect the idea of pooling blood samples has several names, possibly one name when it is used in literally testing blood samples and other names when the same idea is applied to analogous testing problems.

How to test a random number generator

Random number generators are challenging to test.

  • The output is supposed to be unpredictable, so how do you know when the generator working correctly?
  • Your tests will fail occasionally, but how do you decide whether they’re failing too often?
  • What kinds of errors are most common when writing random number generation software?

These are some of the questions I address in Chapter 10 of Beautiful Testing.

The book is now in stock at Amazon. It is supposed to be in book stores by Friday. All profits from Beautiful Testing go to Nothing But Nets, a project to distribute anti-malarial bed nets.

Related: Need help with randomization?


Reviewing catch blocks

Here’s an interesting exercise. If you’re writing code in a language like C# or C++ that has catch statements, write a script to report all catch blocks. You might be surprised at what you find. Some questions to ask:

  • Do catch blocks swallow exceptions and thus mask problems?
  • Is information lost by catching an exception and throwing a new one?
  • Are exceptions logged appropriately?
  • Are notification messages grammatically correct and helpful?

Here’s a PowerShell script that will report all catch statements plus the five lines following the catch statement.

Related post: Finding embarrassing and unhelpful error messages

Maybe NASA could use some buggy software

In Coders at Work, Peter Norvig quotes NASA administrator Don Goldin saying

We’ve got to do the better, faster, cheaper. These space missions cost too much. It’d be better to run more missions and some of them would fail but overall we’d still get more done for the same amount of money.

NASA has extremely rigorous processes for writing software. They supposedly develop bug-free code; I doubt that’s true, thought I’m sure they do have exceptionally low bug rates. But this quality comes at a high price. Rumor has it that space shuttle software costs $1,500 per line to develop. When asked about the price tag, Norvig said “I don’t know if it’s optimal. I think they might be better off with buggy software.” At some point it’s certainly not optimal. If it doubles the price of a project to increase your probability of a successful mission from 98% to 99%, it’s not worth it; you’re better off running two missions with a 98% chance of success each.

Few people understand that software quality is all about probabilities of errors. Most people think the question is whether you’d rather have bug-free software or buggy software. I’d rather have bug-free software, thank you. But bug-free is not an option. Nothing humans do is perfect. All we can do is lower the probabilities of bugs. But as the probability of bugs goes to zero, the development costs go to infinity. (Actually it’s not all about probabilities of errors. It’s also about the consequences of errors. Sending back a photo with a few incorrect pixels is not the same as crashing a probe.)

Norvig’s comment makes sense regarding unmanned missions. But what about manned missions? Since one of the possible consequences of error is loss of life, the stakes are obviously higher. But does demanding flawless software increase the probability of a safe mission? One of the consequences of demanding extremely high quality software is that some tasks are too expensive to automate and so humans have to be trained to do those tasks. But astronauts make mistakes just as programmers do. If software has a smaller probability of error than an astronaut would have for a given task, it would be safer to rely on the software.

Related post: Software in space

Finding embarrassing and unhelpful error messages

Every time your software displays an error message, you risk losing credibility with your users. If the message is grammatically incorrect, your credibility definitely goes down a notch. And if the message is unhelpful, your credibility goes down at least one more notch. The same can be said for any message, but error messages are particularly important for three reasons.

  1. Users are in a bad mood when they see error messages; this is not the time to make things worse.
  2. Programmers are sloppy with error messages because they’re almost certain the messages will never be displayed.
  3. Error conditions are unusual by their very nature, and so it’s practically impossible to discover them all by black-box testing.

The best way to find error messages is to search the source code for text potentially displayed to users. I’ve advocated this practice for years and usually I encounter indifference or resistance. And yet nearly every time I extract the user-visible text from a software project I find dozens of spelling errors, grammar errors, and incomprehensible messages.

Last year I wrote an article for CodeProject on this topic and provided a script to strip text strings from source code. See PowerShell Script for Reviewing Text Shown to Users. The script looks for all quoted text and text inside XML entities. Then it tries to filter out text strings that are not displayed to users. For example, a string with no spaces is more likely to be a file name or some other code fragment than a user message. The script produces a report that a copy editor can then review. In addition to checking spelling and grammar, an editor can judge whether a message would be comprehensible and useful.

I admit that the parsing in the script is crude. It could miss some strings, and it could filter out some strings that it should keep. But the script is very simple, less than 100 lines. And it works on multiple source code types: C++, C#, XML, VB, etc. Writing a sophisticated parser for each of those languages would be a tremendous amount of work, but a quick-and-dirty script may be 98% as effective. Since most projects review 0% of their source code text, reviewing 98% is an improvement.

In addition to improving the text that a user sees, a text review gives some insight into a program’s structure. For example, if messages are repeated in multiple files, most likely the code has a lot of “clipboard inheritance,” code copied and pasted rather than isolated into reusable functions. A text review could also determine whether a program is concatenating strings to build SQL statements rather than calling stored procedures, possibly indicating a security vulnerability.