Is helpful software really helpful?

In his new book The Shallows, Nicholas Carr relates an experiment by Christof van Nimwegen on computer-human interaction. Users were asked to solve a puzzle using software. Some users were given software designed to be very helpful, highlighting permissible moves etc. Other users were given bare-bones software.

In the early stages of solving the puzzle, the group using the helpful software made correct moves more quickly than the other group, as would be expected. But as the test proceeded, the proficiency of the group using the bare-bones software increased more rapidly. In the end, those using the unhelpful program were able to solve the puzzle more quickly and with fewer wrong moves.

I immediately thought of the debate over fancy software development tools versus simple tools. Then I read the conclusion:

… those using the unhelpful software were better able to plan ahead and plot strategy, while those using the helpful software tending to rely on simple trial and error. Often, in fact, those with the helpful software were found “to aimlessly click around” as they tried to crack the puzzle.

That really sounds like software development.

Christof van Nimwegen did variations on his experiment and got similar results. For example, he had two groups schedule a complicated series of meetings. One group had plain calendar software and one had software designed to help people schedule complicated meetings. The folks with the simple software won.

The debate over whether to use fancy software development tools (e.g. integrated development environments, wizards, etc.) or simple tools (editors and make files) is a Ford-Chevy argument that won’t go away. I could imagine many valid objections to the applicability of the van Nimwegen studies to the software tools debate, but I’d say they score a point for the simple tools side.

A rebuttal to the van Nimwegan studies is that he has only shown that particular helpful software wasn’t particularly helpful. Maybe the specific puzzle-solving software didn’t help in the long run, but someone could have written software that was ultimately more helpful than the bare-bones software. Maybe someone could have written scheduling software that allows people to schedule tasks faster than using simple calendar software.

A rebuttal to the rebuttal is that someone might indeed write software that allows users get the job done more quickly than they would using simpler software. It may even be inevitable that someone will write such software eventually. However, most attempts fail. It’s hard to write genuinely helpful software. Attempts to help a user too much may interfere with the user’s ability to form a good mental model of the problem.

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Defining minimalism

I stirred up some controversy yesterday with an article critical of extreme minimalism. Some people took my article as an attack on minimalism in general. I wanted to clarify a few thoughts on minimalism.

I’m attracted to the general idea of minimalism, though I don’t like the name. “Minimal” literally means an extreme. I appreciate moderate minimalists, though strictly speaking “moderate minimalist” is a contradiction in terms. A more accurate but unwieldy name for minimalists might be “people who are keenly aware of the indirect costs of owning stuff.” Possessions have to be dusted, oiled, upgraded, insured, etc. Eliminating unnecessary things frees up physical and mental space.

Minimalists want to pare down their possessions to a minimum. But an absolute minimum would be to own nothing. Instead, minimalists want to eliminate non-essentials. So you could define a minimalist as someone who wants to eliminate non-essential possessions (or more generally non-essential intangibles as well). But by that definition, Donald Trump would be a minimalist if he believes everything he owns is essential. The essence of minimalism is an aesthetic for what constitutes “essential.”

One final complaint about the term “minimalism” is that it implies that a minimalist’s goal in life is to minimize possessions. I imagine most people who call themselves minimalists do not want to be obsessed with eliminating stuff any more than they want to be obsessed with acquiring stuff. They just want to think about their stuff less.

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Stupidity scales

I’m fed up with conversations that end something like this.

Yes, that would be the smart thing to do, but it won’t scale. The stupid approach is better because it scales.

We can’t treat people like people because that doesn’t scale well.

We can’t use common sense because it doesn’t fit on a form.

We can’t use a simple approach to solve the problem in front of us unless the same approach would also work on a problem 100x larger that we may never have.

If the smart thing to do doesn’t scale, maybe we shouldn’t scale.

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Rewarding complexity

Clay Shirky wrote an insightful article recently entitled The Collapse of Complex Business Models. The last line of the article contains the observation

… when the ecosystem stops rewarding complexity, it is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future.

It’s interesting to think how ecosystems reward complexity or simplicity.

Academia certainly rewards complexity. Coming up with ever more complex models is the safest road to tenure and fame. Simplification is hard work and isn’t good for your paper count.

Political pundits are rewarded for complex analysis, though politicians are rewarded for oversimplification.

The software market has rewarded complexity, but that may be changing.

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Confusing familiar with simple

Is Spanish simpler than Chinese? Most English speakers would think so, though that may not be true. Spanish is more familiar than Chinese if you’re an English speaker, but that does not mean the language is objectively simpler. In fact, linguists have a theory that all human languages are about equally complex, though they allocate their complexity in different areas. For example, Chinese has a complex tonal system, but I’ve been told its grammar is relatively simple.

We often confuse familiar with simple. Rich Hickey makes this observation in the context of programming languages, though the principle applies much more generally.

I think programmers have become inured to incidental complexity, in particular by confusing familiar or concise with simple. And when they encounter complexity, they consider it a challenge to overcome, rather than an obstacle to remove. Overcoming complexity isn’t work, it’s waste.

In some sense the familiar is simple. Familiar things have less perceived complexity, and sometimes perceived complexity is all that counts. But perceived complexity is personal. We can forget that familiarity clouds our judgment about complexity. We may recommend something familiar but complex to someone else who finds it unfamiliar and complex. Teachers have to keep in mind what students find complex. Programmers have to keep in mind what users find complex. Doctors have to keep in mind what patients find complex.

However, familiarity and perceived complexity can be deceiving even though no one else is involved. You may find something familiar and not realize how much effort you’re devoting to fighting its complexity. It’s easy to assume that things must be as complex as they are. I didn’t realize how complex clarinet was until I learned to play saxophone. I didn’t realize how complex C++ was until I had some experience with other programming languages. I didn’t realize how complex some desktop software was until I tried online alternatives.

The complexity of the familiar may not be apparent until you look closer. Nothing could be more familiar than the experience that the sun and planets go around the earth. That is a simple explanation until you look at orbits more carefully. Then you start introducing epicycles on top of epicycles to preserve the earth-centric model.  You may find that what you thought was simple was only familiar, and that what you dismissed as more complex was only less familiar.

A dozen posts on simplicity

Here are a dozen posts I’ve written about simplicity.

Four mechanical devices better than their newer counterparts

Here are four mechanical devices I prefer to their modern counterparts.

French press. It makes better coffee than a typical coffee machine. Also, a French press work without electricity. Next time a hurricane comes through Houston and knocks out our power, I can still make my coffee.

Reel mower. I had gasoline powered lawn mowers until last year. Sometimes they’d start, sometimes they wouldn’t. My reel mower always starts. And it’s quiet.

Rake. I had a leaf blower once. It was obnoxiously loud and a nuisance to my neighbors. I much prefer raking leaves even though it takes longer.

Pencil sharpener. With four children, we sharpen a fair number of pencils. We have owned a couple electric pencil sharpeners. They were noisy, hard to use, and soon wore out. Our mechanical pencil sharpener is cheaper and far more reliable.

I’m no Luddite, but I firmly believe that newer isn’t necessarily better.

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Adding simplicity

Simplicity is costly. You have to give up something to achieve it. You can’t just add it on top. William Bridges illustrates this in his book The Way of Transition where he describes his moving out to the country.

… I had been infatuated with Thoreau’s Walden and its story of living a basic life, close to nature. The heart of that undertaking, he had written, was to simplify your life. … In retrospect, I can see that although I thought that this was what I was doing, I was really just trying to add simplicity to my life. In addition to all the old things I had been doing … Of course, my life grew more and more complicated in the process.

A simplification has to remove or replace something else. You can’t just add on simplicity.

There may be an exception to this. Sometimes you can add a few missing pieces to make something more symmetric. In that case, the additions simplify the whole. (Mendeleev did something like this when he drew his periodic table.) Even then, I suppose you could say you’re removing the asymmetry. In any case, achieving simplicity usually requires more subtraction than addition.

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Abstractions are never perfect

Better to have a simple system than a complex system with a simple abstraction on top.

Abstractions are never perfect. Every new layer creates failure points, interoperability hassles, and scalability problems. New tools can hide complexity, but they can’t justify it … The more complex the system, the more difficult it is to fix when something goes wrong.

From the preface to RESTful Web Services.

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Conservation of complexity

Larry Wall said something one time to the effect that Scheme is beautiful and every Scheme program is ugly; Perl is ugly, but it lets you write beautiful programs. Of course it also lets you write ugly programs if you choose.

Scheme is an elegant, minimalist language. The syntax of the language is extremely simple; you could say it has no syntax. But this simplicity comes at a price. But because the language does so little for you, you have to write the code that might have been included in other languages. And because the language has no syntax, code written in Scheme is hard to read. As Larry Wall said

The reason many people hate programming in Lisp [the parent language of Scheme] is because every thing looks the same. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Lisp has all the visual appeal of oatmeal with fingernail clippings mixed in.

The complexity left out of Scheme is transferred to the code you write in Scheme. If you’re writing small programs, that’s fine. But if you write large programs in Scheme, you’ll either write a lot of code yourself or you’ll leverage a lot of code someone else has written in libraries.

Perl is the opposite of a minimalist language. There are shortcuts for everything. And if you master the language, you can write programs that are beautiful in that they are very concise. Perl programs can even be easy to read. Yes, Perl programs look like line noise to the uninitiated, but once you’ve learned Perl, the syntax can be helpful if used well. (I have my complaints about Perl, but I got over the syntax.)

Perl is a complicated language, but it works very well for some problems. Features that other languages would put in libraries (e.g. regular expressions, text munging) are baked directly into the Perl language. And if you depend on those features, it’s very handy to have direct support in the language.

The point of my discussion of Scheme and Perl is that the complexity has to go somewhere, either in the language, in libraries, or in application code. That doesn’t mean all languages are equal for all tasks. Some languages put the complexity where you don’t have to think about it. For example, Java simpler than C++, as long as you don’t have to understand the inner workings of the JVM. But if you do need to look inside the JVM, suddenly Java is more complex than C++. The total complexity hasn’t changed, but your subjective experience of the complexity increased.

Earlier this week I wrote a post about C and C++. My point there was similar. C is simpler than C++, but software written in C is often more complicated that software written in C++ when you compare code written by developers of similar talent. If you need the functionality of C++, and most large programs will, then you will have to write it yourself if you’re using C. And if you’re a superstar developer, that’s fine. If you’re less than a superstar, the people who inherit your code may wish that you had used a language that had this functionality built-in.

I understand the attraction to small programming languages. The ideal programming language has everything you need and nothing more. But that means the ideal language is a moving target, changing as your work changes. As your work becomes more complicated, you might be better off moving to a more complex language, pushing more of the complexity out of your application code and into the language and its environment. Or you may be able down-size your language because you no longer need the functionality of a more complex language.

More posts on programming language complexity