A Bayesian approach to proving you’re human

I set up a GitHub account for a new employee this morning and spent a ridiculous amount of time proving that I’m human.

The captcha was to listen to three audio clips at a time and say which one contains bird sounds. This is a really clever test, because humans can tell the difference between real bird sounds and synthesized bird-like sounds. And we’re generally good at recognizing bird sounds even against a background of competing sounds. But some of these were ambiguous, and I had real birds chirping outside my window while I was doing the captcha.

You have to do 20 of these tests, and apparently you have to get all 20 right. I didn’t. So I tried again. On the last test I accidentally clicked the start-over button rather than the submit button. I wasn’t willing to listen to another 20 triples of audio clips, so I switched over to the visual captcha tests.

These kinds of tests could be made less annoying and more secure by using a Bayesian approach.

Suppose someone solves 19 out of 20 puzzles correctly. You require 20 out of 20, so you have them start over. When you do, you’re throwing away information. You require 20 more puzzles, despite the fact that they only missed one. And if a bot had solved say 8 out of 20 puzzles, you’d let it pass if it passes the next 20.

If you wipe your memory after every round of 20 puzzles, and allow unlimited do-overs, then any sufficiently persistent entity will almost certainly pass eventually.

Bayesian statistics reflects common sense. After someone (or something) has correctly solved 19 out of 20 puzzles designed to be hard for machines to solve, your conviction that this entity is human is higher than if they/it had solved 8 out of 20 correctly. You don’t need as much additional evidence in the first case as in the latter to be sufficiently convinced.

Here’s how a Bayesian captcha could work. You start out with some distribution on your probability θ that an entity is human, say a uniform distribution. You present a sequence of puzzles, recalculating your posterior distribution after each puzzle, until the posterior probability that this entity is human crosses some upper threshold, say 0.95, or some lower threshold, say 0.50. If the upper threshold is crossed, you decide the entity is likely human. If the lower threshold is crossed, you decide the entity is likely not human.

If solving 20 out of 20 puzzles correctly crosses your threshold of human detection, then after solving 19 out 20 correctly your posterior probability of humanity is close to the upper threshold and would only require a few more puzzles. And if an entity solved 8 out of 20 puzzles correctly, that may cross your lower threshold. If not, maybe only a few more puzzles would be necessary to reject the entity as non-human.

When I worked at MD Anderson Cancer Center we applied this approach to adaptive clinical trials. A clinical trial might stop early because of particularly good results or particularly bad results. Clinical trials are expensive, both in terms of human costs and financial costs. Rejecting poor treatments quickly, and sending promising treatments on to the next stage quickly, is both humane and economical.

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Estimating an author’s vocabulary

How would you estimate the size of an author’s vocabulary? Suppose you have a analyzed the author’s available works and found n words, x of which are unique. Then you know the author’s vocabulary was at least x, but it’s reasonable to assume that the author may have know words he never used in writing, or that at least not in works you have access to.

Brainerd [1] suggested the following estimator based on a Markov chain model of language. The estimated vocabulary is the number N satisfying the equation

\sum_{j=0}^{x-1}\left(1 - \frac{j}{N}\right)^{-1} = n

The left side is a decreasing function of N, so you could solve the equation by finding a values of N that make the sum smaller and larger than n, then use a bisection algorithm.

We can see that the model is qualitatively reasonable. If every word is unique, i.e. x = n, then the solution is N = ∞. If you haven’t seen any repetition, you the author could keep writing new words indefinitely. As the amount of repetition increases, the estimate of N decreases.

Brainerd’s model is simple, but it tends to underestimate vocabulary. More complicated models might do a better job.

Problems analogous to estimating vocabulary size come up in other applications. For example, an ecologist might want to estimate the number of new species left to be found based on the number of species seen so far. In my work in data privacy I occasionally have to estimate diversity in a population based on diversity in a sample. Both of these examples are analogous to estimating potential new words based on the words you’ve seen.

[1] Brainerd, B. On the relation between types and tokes in literary text, J. Appl. Prob. 9, pp. 507-5

Detecting the language of encrypted text

Imagine you are a code breaker living a century ago. You’ve intercepted a message, and you go through your bag of tricks, starting with the simplest techniques first. Maybe the message has been encrypted using a simple substitution cipher, so you start with that.

Simple substitution ciphers can be broken by frequency analysis: the most common letter probably corresponds to E, the next most common letter probably corresponds to T, etc. But that’s only for English prose. Maybe the message was composed in French. Or maybe it was composed in Japanese, then transliterated into the Latin alphabet so it could be transmitted via Morse code. You’d like to know what language the message was written in before you try identifying letters via their frequency.

William Friedman’s idea was to compute a statistic, what he dubbed the index of coincidence, to infer the probable language of the source. Since this statistic only depends on symbol frequencies, it gives the same value whether computed on clear text or text encrypted with simple substitution. It also gives the same value if the text has been run through a transposition cipher as well.

(Classical cryptanalysis techniques, such as computing the index of coincidence, are completely useless against modern cryptography. And yet ideas from classical cryptanalysis are still useful for other applications. Here’s an example that came up in a consulting project recently.)

As I mentioned at the top of the post, you’d try breaking the simplest encryption first. If the index of coincidence is lower than you’d expect for a natural language, you might suspect that the message has been encrypted using polyalphabetic substitution. That is, instead of using one substitution alphabet for every letter, maybe the message has been encrypted using a cycle of n different alphabets, such as the Vigenère cypher.

How would you break such a cipher? First, you’d like to know what n is. How would you do that? By trial and error. Try splitting the text into groups of letters according to their position mod n, then compute the index of coincidence again for each group. If the index statistics are much larger when n = 7, you’re probably looking a message encrypted with a key of length 7.

The source language would still leave its signature. If the message was encrypted by cycling through seven scrambled alphabets, each group of seven letters would most likely have the statistical distribution of the language used in the clear text.

Friedman’s index of coincidence, published in 1922, was one statistic that could be computed based on letter frequencies, one that worked well in practice, but you could try other statistics, and presumably people did. The index of coincidence is essentially Rényi entropy with parameter α = 2. You might try different values of α.

If the approach above doesn’t work, you might suspect that the text was not encrypted one letter at a time, even using multiple alphabets. Maybe pairs of letters were encrypted, as in the Playfair cipher. You could test this hypothesis by looking that the frequencies of pairs of letters in the encrypted text, calculating an index of coincidence (or some other statistic) based on pairs of letters.

Here again letter pair frequencies may suggest the original language. It might not distinguish Spanish from Portuguese, for example, but it would distinguish Japanese written in Roman letters from English.

Uncovering names masked with stars

Sometimes I’ll see things like my name partially concealed as J*** C*** and think “a lot of good that does.”

Masking letters reveals more than people realize. For example, when you see that someone’s first name is four letters and begins with J, there’s about a 70% chance they’re male and there’s a 44% chance they’re named John. If you know this person is male, there’s a 63% chance they’re name is John.

If you know a man’s name has the form J***, his name isn’t necessarily John, though that’s the most likely possibility. There’s a 8% chance his name is Jack and a 6% chance his name is Joel.

All these numbers depend on the data set you’re looking at, but these are roughly accurate numbers for looking at any representative sample of American names.

Some names stand out more than others. If I tell you someone’s name is E********, there’s a 90% chance the name is Elizabeth.

If I tell you someone’s name is B*****, there’s a 77% chance this person is female, but it’s harder to guess which name is hers. The most likely possibility is Brenda, but there are several other possibilities that are fairly likely: Bonnie, Brooke, Brandy, etc.

We could go through a similar exercise with last names. You can probably guess who S**** is, though C***** is not so clear.

In short, replacing letters with stars doesn’t do much to conceal someone’s name. It usually doesn’t let you infer someone’s name with certainty, but it definitely improves your chances of guessing correctly. If you have a few good guesses as to someone’s name, and some good guesses on a handful of other attributes, together you have a good chance of identifying someone.

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When is less data less private?

If I give you a database, I give you every row in the database. So if you delete some rows from the database, you have less information, not more, right?

This seems very simple, and it mostly is, but there are a couple subtleties.

A common measure in data privacy is k-anonymity. The idea is that if at least k individuals in a data set share some set of data values, and k is large enough, then the privacy of those individuals is protected.

Now suppose you randomly select a single record from a database that was deemed deidentified because it satisfied k-anonymity with k = 10. Now your new dataset, consisting of only one record, is k-anonymous with k = 1: every record is unique because there’s only one record. But how is this person’s data any less private that it was before?

Note that I said above that you selected a record at random. If you selected the row using information that you know but which isn’t in the database, you might have implicitly added information. But if you select a subset of data, using only information explicit in that data, you haven’t added information.

Here’s where k-anonymity breaks down. The important measure is k-anonymity in the general population, not k-anonymity in a data set, unless you know that someone is in the data set.

If you find someone named John Cook in a data set, you probably haven’t found my information, even if there is only one person by that name in the data set. My name may or may not be common in that particular data set, but my name is common in general.

The number of times a combination of data fields gives a lower bound on how often the combination appears in general, so k-anonymity in a data set is a good sign for privacy, but the lack of k-anonymity is not necessarily a bad sign. The latter could just be an artifact of having a small data set.

How likely is a random variable to be far from its center?

There are many answers to the question in the title: How likely is a random variable to be far from its center?

The answers depend on how much you’re willing to assume about your random variable. The more you can assume, the stronger your conclusion. The answers also depend on what you mean by “center,” such as whether you have in mind the mean or the mode.

Chebyshev’s inequality says that the probability of a random variable X taking on a value more than k standard deviations from its mean is less than 1/k². This of course assumes that X has a mean and a standard deviation.

If we assume further that X is unimodal, and k ≥ √(8/3), then the conclusion of Chebyshev’s inequality can be strengthened to saying that the probability of X being more than k standard deviations from its mean is less than 4/9k². This is the Vysochanskiĭ-Petunin inequality. More on this inequality here.

If k ≤ √(8/3) the Vysochanskiĭ-Petunin inequality says the probability of X being more than k standard deviations from its mean is less than

4/3k² − 1/3.

Gauss’ inequality is similar to the Vysochanskiĭ-Petunin inequality. It also assumes X is unimodal, and for convenience we will assume the mode is at zero (otherwise look at Y = Xm where m is the mode of X). Gauss’ inequality bounds the probability of X being more than k standard deviations away from its mode rather than its mean.

Let τ² be the expected value of X². If the mean value of X is zero then τ² = σ² and the equations below are similar to the Vysochanskiĭ-Petunin inequality. But Gauss does not require that X has mean zero.

Gauss’ inequality says that

P(|X| > kτ) ≤ 4/9k²

if if k ≥ √(4/3) and

P(|X| > kτ) ≤ 1 − k/(√3 τ)


Gauss’ inequality is stronger than the Vysochanskiĭ-Petunin inequality when X has zero mean, but it is also assuming more, namely that the mean and mode are equal.

Related post: Strengthening Markov’s inequality with conditional probability.

Two-digit zip codes

It’s common to truncate US zip codes to the first three digits for privacy reasons. Truncating to the first two digits is less common, but occurs in some data sets.

HIPAA Safe Harbor requires sparse 3-digit zip codes to be suppressed; even when rolled up to three digits some regions are still sparsely populated.

How sparse can a two-digit zip code region be? Empty. The population of all zip codes starting with 09 is zero. That’s because all zip codes of the form 09XXX are overseas military bases and not anyone’s permanent residence.

Aside from that, the least populated 2-digit zip code is 69 with a population of about 175,000.

The most populated 2-digit zip code is 33 with a population of about 10,500,000.

So the ratio of the largest population to the smallest non-zero population is about 60.

What if we roll up all the way to 1-digit zip codes? Now things are more evenly distributed. The smallest region is 5 with a population of about 17.5M and the largest is 9 with a population of about 54M. A ratio of about 3.

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Beta inequality symmetries

I was thinking about the work I did when I worked in biostatistics at MD Anderson. This work was practical rather than mathematically elegant, useful in its time but not of long-term interest. However, one result came out of this work that I would call elegant, and that was a symmetry I found.

Let X be a beta(a, b) random variable and let Y be a beta(c, d) random variable. Let g(a, b, c, d) be the probability that a sample from X is larger than a sample from Y.

g(a, b, c, d) = Prob(X > Y)

This function often appeared in the inner loop of a simulation and so we spent thousands of CPU-hours computing its values. I looked for ways to evaluate this function more quickly, and along the way I found a symmetry.

The function I call g was studied by W. R. Thompson in 1933 [1]. Thompson noted two symmetries:

g(a, b, c, d) = 1 − g(c, d, a, b)


g(a, b, c, d) = g(d, c, b, a)

I found an additional symmetry:

g(a, b, c, d) = g(d, b, c, a).

The only reference to this result in a journal article as far as I know is a paper I wrote with Saralees Nadarajah [2]. That paper cites an MD Anderson technical report which is no longer online, but I saved a copy here.

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[1] W. R. Thompson. On the Likelihood that One Unknown Probability Exceeds Another in View of the Evidence of Two Samples. Biometrika, Volume 25, Issue 4. pp. 285 – 294.

[2] John D. Cook and Saralees Nadarajah. Stochastic Inequality Probabilities for Adaptively Randomized Clinical Trials. Biometrical Journal. 48 (2006) pp 256–365.


The Five Safes data privacy framework

Five safes

The Five Safes decision framework was created a couple decades ago by Felix Ritchie at the UK Office for National Statistics. It is a framework for evaluating the safe use of confidential data, particularly by government agencies. You can find a description of the Five Safes, for example, in NIST SP 800-188.

The Five Safes are

  1. Safe projects
  2. Safe people
  3. Safe settings
  4. Safe data
  5. Safe outputs

Safe projects asks whether the use of the data is appropriate. It doesn’t matter how safe the access controls and so forth are if the project itself is inappropriate.

Safe people asks whether the users be trusted to use the data in an appropriate manner. For health care data, for example, one could ask whether users have had HIPAA training.

Safe settings applies to physical access. Does the facility hosting the data limit unauthorised access?

Safe data asks about statistical disclosure control, whether the data itself poses a disclosure risk. For example, have the data been adequately deidentified?

Safe outputs asks whether the output of the project poses a privacy risk.

Various approaches to data privacy have different trade-offs between the Five Safes. Differential privacy focuses on safe outputs. There are mathematical guarantees that the outputs satisfy a certain definition of privacy. The data itself is regarded as unsafe, and so it is important that the people and settings are safe.

HIPAA expert determination focuses on safe data. Often there is a sort of firewall with data considered safe on one side for one set of reasons (patient consent, a BAA contract, etc.) and considered safe on the other side of the wall because the data itself is safe, i.e. properly deidentified.

Safe Harbor is unrelated to the Five Safes. Safe Harbor is a provision under the HIPAA Privacy Rule for deeming certain data safe. Whether the Safe Harbor rules actually result in safe data depends on context. Data may comply with the letter of the law appealing to Safe Harbor, and yet not protect individuals in the data from being identified.

If you would like help evaluating the privacy aspects of a data analysis project, let’s talk.

Database reconstruction attacks

In 2018, three researchers from the US Census Bureau published a paper entitled “Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data.” [1] The article showed that private data on many individuals could be reverse engineered from public data.

As I wrote about a few days ago, census blocks are at the bottom of the US Census Bureau’s hierarchy of geographical entities. On average a census block may contain about 40 people, but a block may contain only one person.

In hindsight it seems fairly obvious that data reported at the census block level is vulnerable to re-identification, and yet this doesn’t seem to have been noticed before around 2000. There were some privacy measures in place before then, but it wasn’t clear that these methods were insufficient to protect privacy.

You can think of each fact about each person as a variable and each reported statistic as an equation. When the number of equations is comparable to the number of variables, it’s possible that the system of equations has a unique solution. (We know a priori that there exists at least one solution, assuming the reported statistics were correctly computed.)

It’s not quite as simple as that, though that is roughly the idea in [1]. The data collected in the census is binary or integer data, which makes database reconstruction easier. Ages, for example, are integers, and typically integers less than 100.

One of the techniques the Census Bureau previously used in an attempt to protect individual privacy was a sort of small cell rule, a rule to not report statistics based on three or fewer individuals. This may or may not help. In the example given in [1], there are 7 people in a hypothetical census block, of whom 4 are adults and an unreported number are minors. Determining the number of minors is left as an exercise for the reader.

The set of equations is more complicated than a set of linear equations. The inference problem is a matter of logic programming or constraint satisfaction. Missing data is not always as trivial to reconstruct as in the preceding paragraph, but missing data can still convey partial information. The very fact that the data is missing tells you something.

The discrete nature of the data makes the solution process both harder and easier. It makes things harder in the sense of requiring a more complicated solution algorithm, but it makes things easier in the sense of increasing the likelihood that the equations have a unique solution.

This is why the Census Bureau embraced differential privacy for the 2020 census. They had no choice but to do something substantially different than they had done in the past once it became apparent that their previous approach failed rather badly at protecting confidentiality.

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[1] Simson Garfinkel, John M. Abowd, Christain Martindale. Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data. ACM Quque, October 2018. The article was also published in Communications of the ACM in March 2019.