Rewarding complexity

Clay Shirky wrote an insightful article recently entitled The Collapse of Complex Business Models. The last line of the article contains the observation … when the ecosystem stops rewarding complexity, it is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, […]

Different kinds of software complexity

It has always seemed odd to me that computer science refers to the number of operations necessary to execute an algorithm as the “complexity” of the algorithm. For example, an algorithm that takes O(N3) operations is more complex than an algorithm that takes O(N2) operations. The big-O analysis of algorithms is important, but “complexity” is […]

Obscuring complexity

Here’s a great quote from The Logic of Failure on obscuring complexity. By labeling a bundle of problems with a single conceptual label, we make dealing with that problem easier — provided we’re not interested in solving it. … A simple label can’t make the complex nature of the problem go away, but it can so […]

How to Organize Technical Research?

  64 million scientific papers have been published since 1996 [1]. Assuming you can actually find the information you want in the first place—how can you organize your findings to be able to recall and use them later? It’s not a trifling question. Discoveries often come from uniting different obscure pieces of information in a […]


A few weeks ago I wrote about how the dissonance of a musical interval is related to the complexity of the frequency ratio as a fraction, where complexity is measured by the sum of the numerator and denominator. Consonant intervals have simple frequency ratios and dissonant intervals have complex frequency ratios. By this measure, the […]

Fractional linear and linear

A function of the form where ad – bc ≠ 0 is sometimes called a fractional linear transformation or a bilinear transformation. I usually use the name Möbius transformation. In what sense are Möbius transformations linear transformations? They’re nonlinear functions unless b = c = 0. And yet they’re analogous to linear transformations. For starters, […]