A variation on Rock, Paper, Scissors

Imagine in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors one player is free to play as usual but the other is required to choose each option the same number of times. That is, in 3n rounds of the game, the disadvantaged player much choose Rock n times, Paper n times, and Scissors n times.

Obviously the unrestricted player would be expected to win more games, but how many more? At least one, because the unrestricted player knows what the restricted player will do on the last round.

If n is large, then in the early rounds of the game it makes little difference that one of the players is restricted. The restriction doesn’t give the unrestricted player much exploitable information. But in the later rounds of the game, the limitations on the restricted player’s moves increase the other players chances of winning more.

It turns out that the if the unrestricted player uses an optimal strategy, he can expect to win O(√n) more rounds than he loses. More precisely, the expected advantage approaches 1.4658√n as n grows. You can find a thorough analysis of the problem in this paper.

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q-analog of rising powers

The previous post looked at the probability that a random n by n matrix over a finite field of order q is invertible. This works out to be

\prod_{i=1}^n \left(1 - \frac{1}{q^i}\right)

This function of q and n comes up in other contexts as well and has a name that we will get to shortly.

Pochhammer symbols

Leo August Pochhammer (1841–1920) defined the kth rising power of x by

(x)_k = x(x + 1)(x + 2)\cdots(x + k - 1)

Rising and falling powers come up naturally in combinatorics, finite difference analogs of calculus, and in the definition of hypergeometric functions.

q-Pochhammer symbols

The q-analog of the Pochhammer symbol is defined as

(a;q)_n = \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (1-aq^k)=(1-a)(1-aq)(1-aq^2)\cdots(1-aq^{n-1})

Like the Pochhammer symbol, the q-Pochhammer symbol also comes up in combinatorics.

In general, q-analogs of various concepts are generalizations that reduce to the original concept in some sort of limit as q goes to 1. The relationship between the q-Pochhammer symbol and the Pochhammer symbol is

\lim_{q\to 1} \frac{(q^x;q)_n}{(1-q)^n} = (x)_n
For a simpler introduction to q-analogs, see this post on q-factorial and q-binomial coefficients.

Back to our probability problem

The motivation for this post was to give a name to the function that gives probability a random n by n matrix over a finite field of order q is invertible. In the notation above, this function is (1/q; 1/q)n.

There’s a confusing notational coincidence here. The number of elements in a finite field is usually denoted by q. The q in q-analogs such as the q-Pochhammer symbol has absolute value less than 1. It’s a coincidence that they both use the letter q, and the q in our application of q-Pochhammer symbols is the reciprocal of the q representing the order of a finite field.

I mentioned in the previous post that the probability of the matrix being invertible is a decreasing function of n. This probability decreases to a positive limit, varying with the value of q. This limit is (1/q; 1/q). Here the subscript ∞ denotes that we take the limit in (1/q; 1/q)n as n goes to infinity. There’s no problem here because the infinite product converges.

Mathematica and plotting

The q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q)n is implemented in Mathematica as QPochhammer[a, q, n] and the special case (q; q) is implemented as QPochhammer[q]. We can use the latter to make the following plot.

Plot[QPochhammer[q], {q, -1, 1}]

Recall that the q in our motivating application is the reciprocal of the q in the q-Pochhhammer symbol. This says for large fields, the limiting probability that an n by n matrix is invertible as n increases is near 1, but that for smaller fields the limiting probability is also smaller. For q = 2, the probability is 0.288788.

Plot[QPochhammer[1/q], {q, 2, 100}, PlotRange -> All]

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Solvability of linear systems over finite fields

If you have n equations in n unknowns over a finite field with q elements, how likely is it that the system of equations has a solution?

The number of possible n × n matrices with entries from a field of size q is qn². The set of invertible n × n matrices over a field with q elements is GLn(q) and the number of elements in this set is [1]

|GL_n(q)| = q^{n(n-1)/2} \prod_{i=1}^n(q^i - 1)

The probability that an n × n matrix is invertible is then

\prod_{i=1}^n \left(1 - \frac{1}{q^i}\right)

which is an increasing function of q and a decreasing function of n. More on this function in the next post.

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[1] Robert A. Wilson. The Finite Simple Groups. Springer 2009

Why do medical tests always have error rates?

Most people implicitly assume medical tests are infallible. If they test positive for X, they assume they have X. Or if they test negative for X, they’re confident they don’t have X. Neither is necessarily true.

Someone recently asked me why medical tests always have an error rate. It’s a good question.

A test is necessarily a proxy, a substitute for something else. You don’t run a test to determine whether someone has a gunshot wound: you just look.

A test for a disease is based on a pattern someone discovered. People who have a certain condition usually have a certain chemical in their blood, and people who do not have the condition usually do not have that chemical in their blood. But it’s not a direct observation of the disease.

“Usually” is as good as you can do in biology. It’s difficult to make universal statements. When I first started working with genetic data, I said something to a colleague about genetic sequences being made of A, C, G, and T. I was shocked when he replied “Usually. This is biology. Nothing always holds.” It turns out some viruses have a Zs (aminoadenine) rather than As (adenine).

Error rates may be very low and still be misleading. A positive test for rare disease is usually a false positive, even if the test is highly accurate. This is a canonical example of the need to use Bayes theorem. The details are written up here.

The more often you test for something, the more often you’ll find it, correctly or incorrectly. The more conditions you test, the more conditions you find, correctly or incorrectly.

Wouldn’t it be great if your toilet had a built in lab that tested you for hundreds of diseases several times a day? No, it would not! The result would be frequent false positives, leading to unnecessary anxiety and expense.

Up to this point we’ve discussed medical tests, but the same applies to any kind of test. Surveillance is a kind of test, one that also has false positives and false negatives. The more often Big Brother reads you email, the more likely it is that he will find something justifying a knock on your door.

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Rényi’s parking constant

Parallel parking photo by IFCAR, Public Domain

Imagine parallel parking is available along the shoulder of a road, but no parking spaces are marked.

The first person to park picks a spot on the shoulder at random. Then another car also chooses a spot along the shoulder at random, with the constraint that the second car can’t overlap the first. This process continues until no more cars can park. How many people can park this way?

Assume all cars have the same length, and we choose our units so that cars have length 1. The expected number of cars that can park is a function M(x) of the length of the parking strip x. Clearly if x < 1 then M(x) = 0. Alfréd Rényi [1] found that for x ≥ 1, M(x) satisfies the equation

M(x) = 1 + \frac{2}{x-1}\int_0^{x-1} M(t)\, dt

This is an unusual equation, difficult to work with because it defined M only implicitly. It’s not even clear that the equation has a solution. But it does, and the ratio of M(x) to x approaches a constant as x increases.

m = \lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{M(x)}{x} = 0.74759\ldots

The number m is known as Rényi’s parking constant.

This say for a long parking strip, parking sequentially at random will allow about 3/4 as many cars to park as if you were to pack the cars end-to-end.

More posts on Rényi’s work

[1] Steven R. Finch. Mathematical Constants. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Calculating when a planet will appear to move backwards

When we say that the planets in our solar system orbit the sun, not the earth, we mean that the motions of the planets is much simpler to describe from the vantage point of the sun. The sun is no more the center of the universe than the earth is. Describing the motion of the planets from the perspective of our planet is not wrong, but it is inconvenient. (For some purposes. It’s quite convenient for others.)

The word planet means “wanderer.” This because the planets appear to wander in the night sky. Unlike stars that appear to orbit the earth in a circle as the earth orbits the sun, planets appear to occasionally reverse course. When planets appear to move backward this is called retrograde motion.

Apparent motion of Venus

Here’s what the motion of Venus would look like over a period of 8 years as explored here.

Venus from Earth

Venus completes 13 orbits around the sun in the time it takes Earth to complete 8 orbits. The ratio isn’t exactly 13 to 8, but it’s very close. Five times over the course of eight years Venus will appear to reverse course for a few days. How many days? We will get to that shortly.

When we speak of the motion of the planets through the night sky, we’re not talking about their rising and setting each day due to the rotation of the earth on its axis. We’re talking about their motion from night to night. The image above is how an observer far above the Earth and not rotating with the Earth would see the position of Venus over the course of eight years.

The orbit of Venus as seen from earth is beautiful but complicated. From the Copernican perspective, the orbits of Earth and Venus are simply concentric circles. You may bristle at my saying planets have circular rather than elliptical orbits [1]. The orbits are not exactly circles, but are so close to circular that you cannot see the difference. For the purposes of this post, we’ll assume planets orbit the sun in circles.

Calculating retrograde periods

There is a surprisingly simple equation [2] for finding the points where a planet will appear to change course:

\cos(kt) = \frac{\sqrt{Rr}}{R + r - \sqrt{Rr}}

Here r is the radius of Earth’s orbit and R is the radius of the other planet’s orbit [3]. The constant k is the difference in angular velocities of the two planets. You can solve this equation for the times when the apparent motion changes.

Note that the equation is entirely symmetric in r and R. So Venusian observing Earth and an Earthling observing Venus would agree on the times when the apparent motions of the two planets reverse.

Example calculation

Let’s find when Venus enters and leaves retrograde motion. Here are the constants we need.

r = 1       # AU
R = 0.72332 # AU

venus_year = 224.70 # days
earth_year = 365.24 # days
k = 2*pi/venus_year - 2*pi/earth_year

c = sqrt(r*R) / (r + R - sqrt(r*R))

With these constants we can now plot cos(kt) and see when it equals c.

This shows there are five times over the course of eight years when Venus is in apparent retrograde motion.

If we set time t = 0 to be a time when Earth and Venus are aligned, we start in the middle of retrograde period. Venus enters prograde motion 21 days later, and the next retrograde period begins at day 563. So out of every 584 days, Venus spends 42 days in retrograde motion and 542 days in prograde motion.

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[1] Planets do not exactly orbit in circles. They don’t exactly orbit in ellipses either. Modeling orbits as ellipses is much more accurate than modeling orbits as circles, but not still not perfectly accurate.

[2] 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics: Their History and Solution. By Heinrich Dörrie. Dover, 1965.

[3] There’s nothing unique about observing planets from Earth. Here “Earth” simply means the planet you’re viewing from.

Do incremental improvements add, multiply, or something else?

Suppose you make an x% improvement followed by a y% improvement. Together do they make an (x + y)% improvement? Maybe.

The business principle of kaizen, based on the Japanese 改善 for improvement, is based on the assumption that incremental improvements accumulate. But quantifying how improvements accumulate takes some care.

Add or multiply?

Two successive 1% improvements amount to a 2% improvement. But two successive 50% improvements amount to a 125% improvement. So sometimes you can add, and sometimes you cannot. What’s going on?

An x% improvement multiplies something by 1 + x/100. For example, if you earn 5% interest on a principle of P dollars, you now have 1.05 P dollars.

So an x% improvement followed by a y% improvement multiplies by

(1 + x/100)(1 + y/100) = 1 + (x + y)/100 + xy/10000.

If x and y are small, then xy/10000 is negligible. But if x and y are large, the product term may not be negligible, depending on context. I go into this further in this post: Small probabilities add, big ones don’t.


Now let’s look at a variation. Suppose doing one thing by itself brings an x% improvement and doing another thing by itself makes a y% improvement. How much improvement could you expect from doing both?

For example, suppose you find through A/B testing that changing the font on a page increases conversions by 10%. And you find in a separate A/B test that changing an image on the page increases conversions by 15%. If you change the font and the image, would you expect a 25% increase in conversions?

The issue here is not so much whether it is appropriate to add percentages. Since

1.1 × 1.15 = 1.265

you don’t get a much different answer whether you multiply or add. But maybe you could change the font and the image and conversions increase 12%. Maybe either change alone creates a better impression, but together they don’t make a better impression than doing one of the changes. Or maybe the new font and the new image clash somehow and doing both changes together lowers conversions.

The statistical term for what’s going on is interaction effects. A sequence of small improvements creates an additive effect if the improvements are independent. But the effects could be dependent, in which case the whole is less than the sum of the parts. This is typical. Assuming that improvements are independent is often overly optimistic. But sometimes you run into a synergistic effect and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Sequential testing

In the example above, we imagine testing the effect of a font change and an image change separately. What if we first changed the font, then with the new font tested the image? That’s better. If there were a clash between the new font and the new image we’d know it.

But we’re missing something here. If we had tested the image first and then tested the new font with the new image, we might have gotten different results. In general, the order of sequential testing matters.

Factorial testing

If you have a small number of things to test, you can discover interaction effects by doing a factorial design, either a full factorial design or a fractional factorial design.

If you have a large number of things to test, you’ll have to do some sort of sequential testing. Maybe you do some combination of sequential and factorial testing, guided by which effects you have reason to believe will be approximately independent.

In practice, a testing plan needs to balance simplicity and statistical power. Sequentially testing one option at a time is simple, and may be fine if interaction effects are small. But if interaction effects are large, sequential testing may be leaving money on the table.

Help with testing

If you’d like some help with testing, or with web analytics more generally, we can help.


The Clausen function

I ran across the Clausen function the other day, and when I saw a plot of the function my first thought was that it looks sorta like a sawtooth wave.

Plot of Clausen function Cl_2

I wondered whether it also sounds like a sawtooth wave, and indeed it does. More on that shortly.

The Clausen function can be defined in terms of its Fourier series:

\text{Cl}_2(x) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\sin(kx)}{k^2}

The function commonly known as the Clausen function is one of a family of functions, hence the subscript 2. The Clausen functions for all non-negative integers n are defined by replacing 2 with n on both sides of the defining equation.

The Fourier coefficients decay quadratically, as do those of a triangle wave or sawtooth wave, as discussed here. This implies the function Cl2(x) cannot have a continuous derivative. In fact, the derivative of Cl2(x) is infinite at 0. This follows quickly from the integral representation of the function.

\text{Cl}_2(x)=-\int_0^x\log \left|2\sin\frac{t}{2} \right|\, dt

The fundamental theorem of calculus shows that the derivative

\text{Cl}'_2(x)=-\log \left|2\sin\frac{x}{2} \right|

blows up at 0.

Now suppose we create an audio clip of Cl2(440x). This creates a sound with pitch A 440, but rather than a sinewave it has an unpleasant buzzing sound, much like a sawtooth wave.



The harshness of the sound is due to the slow decay of the Fourier coefficients; the Fourier coefficients of more pleasant musical sounds decay much faster than quadratically.

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Limit of a doodle

Suppose you’re in a boring meeting and you start doodling. You draw a circle, and then you draw a triangle on the outside of that circle.

Next you draw a circle through the vertices of the triangle, and draw a square outside that.

Then you draw a circle through the vertices of the square, and draw a pentagon outside that.

Then you think “Will this ever stop?!”, meaning the meeting, but you could ask a similar question about your doodling: does your sequence of doodles converge to a circle of finite radius, or do they grow without bound?

An n-gon circumscribed on the outside of a circle of radius r is inscribed in a circle of radius


So if you start with a unit circle, the radius of the circle through the vertices of the N-gon is

\prod_{n=3}^N \frac{1}{\cos(\pi/n)}

and the limit as N → ∞ exists. The limit is known as the polygon circumscribing constant, and it equals 8.7000366252….

We can visualize the limit by making a plot with large N. The plot is less cluttered if we leave out the circles and just show the polygons. N = 30 in the plot below.

The reciprocal of the polygon circumscribing constant is known as the Kepler-Bouwkamp constant. The Kepler-Bouwkamp constant is the limiting radius if you were to reverse the process above, inscribing polygons at each step rather than circumscribing them. It would make sense to call the Kepler-Bouwkamp constant the polygon inscribing constant, but for historical reasons it is named after Johannes Kepler and Christoffel Bouwkamp.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) and its checksum

Healthcare providers in the United States are required to have an ID number known as the NPI (National Provider Identifier). This is a 10-digit unique identifier which serves as the primary key in a publicly available database. You can use the NPI number to look up a provider’s name, credentials, their practice location, etc. The use of NPI numbers was required by HIPAA.

The specification for the NPI number format says that the first digit must be either 1 or 2. Currently every NPI in the database starts with 1. There are about 8.4 million NPIs currently, so it’ll be a while before they’ll need to roll the first digit over to 2.

The last digit of the NPI is a check sum. The check sum uses the Luhn algorithm, the same check sum used for credit cards and other kinds of identifiers. The Luhn algorithm was developed in 1954 and was designed to be easy to implement by hand. It’s kind of a quirky algorithm, but it will catch all single-digit errors and nearly all transposition errors.

The Luhn algorithm is not applied to the NPI itself but by first prepending 80840 to the (first nine digits of) the NPI.

For example, let’s look at 1993999998. This is not (currently) anyone’s NPI, but it has a valid NPI format because the Luhn checksum of 80840199399999 is 8. We will verify this with the code below.

Python code for Luhn checksum

The following code computes the Luhn checksum.

    def checksum(payload):
        digits = [int(c) for c in reversed(str(payload))]
        s = 0
        for i, d in enumerate(digits):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                t = 2*d
                if t > 9:
                    t -= 9
                s += t
                s += d
        return (s*9) % 10

And the following checks whether the last digit of a number is the checksum of the previous digits.

    def verify(fullnumber):
        payload = fullnumber // 10
        return checksum(payload) == fullnumber % 10

And finally, the following validates an NPI number.

    def verify_npi(npi):
        return verify(int("80840" + str(npi)))

Here we apply the code above to the hypothetical NPI number mentioned above.

    assert(checksum(80840199399999) == 8)

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