What is the point of a public key fingerprint?

Public key cryptography uses two keys: a private key and a public key. The nature of these keys depends on the encryption scheme, such as whether one is using RSA, ECC, or some other method, but you can think of a key as a long number. A key may be a short list of numbers, but let’s just say a key is a number.

When you generate a public key, you get a pair of numbers, one that you keep secret and one that you publicize. Anyone can use your public key to encrypt a message that only you can decrypt, assuming only you have your private key.

If I give you my public key, say I post it on my website, how can you be sure that it’s really my key? Maybe my site has been hacked and I don’t even know it. Or maybe someone tampers with the site content between the time it leaves my server and arrives at your browser (though TLS is supposed to address that).

We could get on a phone call and you could read the key back to me. The problem with this approach is that keys are long. A 4096-bit RSA key, for example, encoded in hexadecimal, is 1024 characters long.

You could read off the last so many characters of the key, maybe telling me that what you received ends in 9F0D 38FA. That would probably be sufficient to tell one key from another—it’s very unlike you’d have two keys in a keychain that share the same last 32 bits—but that doesn’t mean the previous part of the key hasn’t been tampered with.

What you’d really like is a cryptographic hash of the public key, short enough to conveniently compare, but long enough that it would be infeasible for someone to alter the public key in such a way as to produce the same hash. And that’s exactly what a fingerprint is.

In GnuPG, the GNU implementation of PGP, a fingerprint is an 160-bit hash, which means 40 hexadecimal characters. Manually verifying 40 characters is feasible; manually verifying 1024 characters is not.

Why not reuse passwords?

Perhaps you’ve heard that you should not reuse passwords but don’t understand why. After all, you have a really good password, one that nobody would ever guess, so why not use it everywhere?

Your password is not as good as you think

First of all, people who think they have a really good password are usually wrong. They implicitly assume that an attacker would have to recreate the devious process they went through to create the password. This is not the case. A password needs to be hard for an attacker to crack, not hard for the owner to create, and these are not the same thing. The former requires passwords that are long and randomly generated.

Credential stuffing

Suppose you use the same password on sites X and Y. Then site X gets hacked, revealing your password. Now your user name (most likely your email address) and password is part of a list posted online somewhere. Hackers then use scripts to see whether the same credentials will work somewhere else, and they often do. If they try site Y, then your account on Y has been compromised as well.

Now suppose you use a different username at the two sites. This is better, but the hack on X still means that your password has been added to a list of known passwords.

The worst case scenario is a site that stores passwords in the clear. This practice has long been discouraged, but the more times you reuse a password, the higher the chance that you’ll use your password at a site that does not hash passwords.


Most sites these days don’t store your password per se but a cryptographic hash of your password. When you enter your password, the site hashes it and compares the result to the hashed value it has on file. If they match, you’re in.

If your hashed password for X is part of a breach, and the hashing algorithms for X and Y known, an attacker can try hashing a list of known passwords and maybe one of them will match the hash of your password on Y.

If sites X and Y use different hashing algorithms, then a hash of your password for X is not directly useful to hacking your account on site Y. But it is possible to “unhash” passwords, especially if a site uses a hashing algorithm that has been broken. This takes a lot of computation, but people do it.


This is not hypothetical. It has happened many times. For example, it was part of what lead to the recent 23andMe breach. And when a hacker obtains one person’s family tree data, they obtain data on many other people at the same time. If you used a unique, long, randomly generated password on 23andMe but your cousin used password123, then your data may have been stolen.

What to do?

What can you do? You almost have to use a password manager. A strong password is necessarily hard to remember, and memorizing hundreds of strong passwords would be quite a chore. Still, you might want to memorize one or two strong passwords if they protect something really valuable.

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Database reconstruction attacks

In 2018, three researchers from the US Census Bureau published a paper entitled “Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data.” [1] The article showed that private data on many individuals could be reverse engineered from public data.

As I wrote about a few days ago, census blocks are at the bottom of the US Census Bureau’s hierarchy of geographical entities. On average a census block may contain about 40 people, but a block may contain only one person.

In hindsight it seems fairly obvious that data reported at the census block level is vulnerable to re-identification, and yet this doesn’t seem to have been noticed before around 2000. There were some privacy measures in place before then, but it wasn’t clear that these methods were insufficient to protect privacy.

You can think of each fact about each person as a variable and each reported statistic as an equation. When the number of equations is comparable to the number of variables, it’s possible that the system of equations has a unique solution. (We know a priori that there exists at least one solution, assuming the reported statistics were correctly computed.)

It’s not quite as simple as that, though that is roughly the idea in [1]. The data collected in the census is binary or integer data, which makes database reconstruction easier. Ages, for example, are integers, and typically integers less than 100.

One of the techniques the Census Bureau previously used in an attempt to protect individual privacy was a sort of small cell rule, a rule to not report statistics based on three or fewer individuals. This may or may not help. In the example given in [1], there are 7 people in a hypothetical census block, of whom 4 are adults and an unreported number are minors. Determining the number of minors is left as an exercise for the reader.

The set of equations is more complicated than a set of linear equations. The inference problem is a matter of logic programming or constraint satisfaction. Missing data is not always as trivial to reconstruct as in the preceding paragraph, but missing data can still convey partial information. The very fact that the data is missing tells you something.

The discrete nature of the data makes the solution process both harder and easier. It makes things harder in the sense of requiring a more complicated solution algorithm, but it makes things easier in the sense of increasing the likelihood that the equations have a unique solution.

This is why the Census Bureau embraced differential privacy for the 2020 census. They had no choice but to do something substantially different than they had done in the past once it became apparent that their previous approach failed rather badly at protecting confidentiality.

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[1] Simson Garfinkel, John M. Abowd, Christain Martindale. Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data. ACM Quque, October 2018. The article was also published in Communications of the ACM in March 2019.

Personal information in digital photos

Is it possible to identify the people in the photo above? Maybe. Digital images potentially contain a large amount of metadata that could reveal the photographer’s identify and location. There may also be a surprising number of clues in the photo itself.

EXIF metadata

The standard format for image metadata is EXIF, Exchangeable Image File Format. Some of this information is obviously identifiable, such as fields called CameraOwnerName, Photographer, and ImageEditor. A camera may or may not include such information, and someone may remove this image from photos after they are taken, but this image is possible inside the photo.

Similarly, the photo may include information regarding where the photo was taken, such as in the GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, and GPSAltitude fields. There are also fields for recording when the photo was taken or edited.

A recurring theme in data privacy is that information that is not obviously identifiable may still be used to identify someone. If this data doesn’t do the whole job, it narrows down possibilities to the point that other known information may complete the identification.

For example, the highly technical fields contained in an image could identify the camera equipment. The camera serial number directly identifies the camera, but other fields may indirectly identify the camera.

Similarly, a image without GPS data still maybe contain indirect location. For example, there are fields for recording temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. These fields used in combination with timestamps could identify a location, or at least narrow down the set of possible locations.

There are many EXIF fields that are allowed to be arbitrarily long ASCII or Unicode (UTF-8) sequences. A program for editing EXIF data would allow someone to copy the contents of Moby Dick into one of these fields.

The next post describes a similar situation for medical images.

Clues in the photo itself

Stripping EXIF data from an image before making it public is a good idea both for privacy and for size. If a free text field does contain Moby Dick, you could make your image 1.2 MB smaller by removing it.

However, it’s often possible to detect from the photo itself where the photo was taken. I stumbled on a YouTube channel of someone who identifies photos as a hobby. No doubt there are many such people. The host invites people to send in photos and he uses openly available information to track down where they are.

If you strip the precise time and location information from the metadata, someone may be able to infer approximate replacements from clues in the photo itself such as shadows or seasonal vegetation.

Ordinary people have no idea how much location information can be inferred from a photo. Neither do some people who ought to know better. There was a story a few months ago about a photo at a secret military location whose position was inferred from, among other clues, stars that faintly appeared in the sky near dusk.

Update: As noted in the comments, Facebook has a patent on a way to identify people from the pattern of dust on their camera lenses.

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Photo by Evgeniy Prokofiev on Unsplash

What can you learn from a phone number?

What can someone learn about you from your phone number?

The answer depends on what other information someone has. Identifiers always depend on context. To a naked man in a tree [1] the phone number doesn’t carry any information. But to someone with a list of names and phone numbers, some sort of reverse phone number look up, it might tell them your name.

A while back I wrote about area codes and how they are distributed among states. NANPA publicly posts data that goes into greater detail with central office codes. Using this data, you can look up the first six digits of a phone number and find more specifically where the central office associated with the number is located geographically.

For example, take the phone number 469 863 7090. This is a business phone number, and so you could type it into a search engine and find out exactly whose number it is. But if that weren’t possible, you could look up 469-863 in the NANPA database to find that the number is located in Frisco, Texas. In fact, the number belongs to Sky Rocket Burger. Recommended.

Now people can move around and keep their mobile phone numbers, so any kind of phone look up may tell you about where someone used to be rather than where they are. That could be even more useful.

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[1] A lawyer once told me that his law school professor said that the only thing the interstate commerce clause of the US Constitution doesn’t apply to is a naked man in a tree.

Zero-Concentrated Differential Privacy

Differential privacy can be rigid and overly conservative in practice, and so finding ways to relax pure differential privacy while retaining its benefits is an active area of research. Two approaches to doing this are concentrated differential privacy [1] and Rényi differential privacy [3].

Concentrated differential privacy was used in reporting results from the 2020 US Census. Specifically, zero-concentrated differential privacy with Gaussian noise.

Differential privacy quantifies the potential impact of an individual’s participation or lack of participation in a database and seeks to bound the difference. The original proposal for differential privacy and the approaches discussed here differ in how they measure the difference an individual can make. Both concentrated differential privacy (CDP) and Rényi differential privacy (RDP) use Rényi divergence, though they use it in different ways.

In [3], Mirinov discusses the similarities and differences regarding CDP and RDP. (I changed Mirnov’s reference numbers to the reference numbers used here.)

The closely related work by Dwork and Rothblum [1], followed by Bun and Steinke [2], explore privacy definitions—Concentrated Differential Privacy and zero-Concentrated Differential Privacy—that are framed using the language of, respectively, subgaussian tails and the Rényi divergence. The main difference between our approaches is that both Concentrated and zero-Concentrated DP require a linear bound on all positive moments of a privacy loss variable. In contrast, our definition applies to one moment at a time. Although less restrictive, it allows for more accurate numerical analyses.

(α, ε)-RDP fixes values of α and ε and requires that the Rényi divergence of order α between a randomized mechanism M applied to two adjacent databases, databases that differ by the data on one individual, is bounded by ε.

D_\alpha(M(x) || M(x')) \leq \varepsilon

Zero-concentrated differential privacy (zCDP) with parameters ε and ρ requires that the Rényi divergence is bounded by ε + ρα for all α in (1, ∞).

D_\alpha(M(x) || M(x')) \leq \varepsilon + \rho\alpha

The pros and cons of zCDP and RDP are complicated. For more details, see the references below.

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[1] Cynthia Dwork and Guy Rothblum. Concentrated differential privacy. CoRR, abs/1603.01887, 2016.

[2] Mark Bun, Thomas Steinke. Concentrated Differential Privacy: Simplifications, Extensions, and Lower Bounds. arXiv:1605.02065 [cs.CR], 2017

[3] Ilya Mironov. Renyi Differential Privacy. arXiv:1702.07476 [cs.CR]

Differentially private stochastic gradient descent

Let’s work our way up to differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) a little at a time. We’ll first look at gradient descent, then stochastic gradient descent, then finally differentially private stochastic gradient descent.

Gradient descent

We’ll start with gradient descent. Suppose you have a function of several variables f(x) where x is a vector. Then the gradient ∇f(x) points in the direction of greatest increase in f, and its negative −∇f(x) points in the direction of greatest decrease. So you can decrease the function f by moving in the direction −∇f(x). You can turn this observation into an algorithm for minimizing f. Find the gradient, take a step in the opposite direction. Rinse, lather, and repeat. The gradient descent method is also called steepest descent because locally you’re always moving in the direction of steepest descent.

Locally is the key word here. In some finite neighborhood of x, −∇f(x) points in a direction that will decrease the value of f. How large is this neighborhood? Hard to say. How long a step should you take? Also hard to say.

If your function f is strictly convex, then there is a global minimum, and the gradient descent algorithm will converge to it.

Stochastic gradient descent

What could go wrong? If your objective function f is strictly convex, convergence is guaranteed, but convergence may be slow. The method is always locally optimal, but optimal may mean inside a tiny little neighborhood of where you start each iteration.

Gradient descent can meander through a valley, a nearly flat spot of the objective function, taking tiny steps back and forth and not making much progress toward finding the low point.

Another problem is that gradient descent can get stuck in a local minimum. If f is strictly convex then there are no local minima, just one global minimum, but stochastic gradient descent is used to minimize functions that are not convex and that may have many local minima.

So to get unstuck, either from being stuck at a local minimum or from a flat spot, stochastic gradient descent adds randomness.

The objective functions used in training neural networks have many variables, maybe millions or billions, and these functions are far from convex.

Differentially private stochastic gradient descent

Now suppose you’re doing machine learning on sensitive data, such as medical records. You want to train a model on the data, but you don’t want the model to memorize and leak personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI).

If you were simply querying the data, rather than training a network on it, you could apply differential privacy to queries, adding an amount of noise to each query result calibrated to be just enough randomness to preserve privacy. But training a neural network is far more complicated that running a SQL query.

The core idea of differential privacy is that any individual’s presence or absence from a database must not make much difference, in a rigorously quantified sense. Any outcome that happened with someone in the database could plausibly have happened without that person being in the database. Stochastic gradient descent is already a randomized algorithm, and variations on the algorithm can also provide differential privacy guarantees. See [1] for a seminal paper and [2] for a later refinement.

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[1] Shuang Song, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Anand D. Sarwate. Stochastic gradient descent with differentially private updates. 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)

[2] Abadi et al. Deep Learning with Differential Privacy. arXiv:1607.00133 [stat.ML]

Randomized response and local differential privacy

Differential privacy protects user privacy by adding randomness as necessary to the results of queries to a database containing private data. Local differential privacy protects user privacy by adding randomness before the data is inserted to the database.

Using the visualization from this post, differential privacy takes the left and bottom (blue) path through the diagram below, whereas local differential privacy takes the top and right (green) path.

The diagram does not commute. Results are more accurate along the blue path. But this requires a trusted party to hold the identifiable data. Local differential privacy does not require trusting the recipient of the data to keep the data private and so the data must be deidentified before being uploaded. If you have enough data, e.g. telemetry data on millions of customers, then you can statistically afford to randomize your data before storing it.

I gave a simple description of randomized response here years ago. Randomized response gives users plausible deniability because their communicated responses are not deterministically related to their actual responses. That post looked at a randomized response to a simple yes/no question. More generally, you could have a a question with k possible answers and randomize each answer to one of ℓ different possibilities. It is not necessary that k = ℓ.

A probability distribution is said to be ε-locally differentially private if for all possible pairs of inputs x and x′ and any output y, the ratio of the conditional probabilities of y given x and y given x′ is bounded by exp(ε). So when ε is small, the probability of any given output conditional on each possible input is roughly the same. Importantly, the conditional probabilities are not exactly the same, and so one can recover some information about the unrandomized response in aggregate via statistical means. However, it is not possible to infer any individual’s unrandomized response, assuming ε is small.

In the earlier post on randomized response, the randomization mechanism and the inference from the randomized responses were simple. With multiple possible responses, things are more complicated. You could choose different randomization mechanisms and different inference approaches for different contexts and priorities.

With local differential privacy, users can share their data without trusting the data recipient to keep the data private; in a real sense the recipient isn’t receiving personal data at all. The recipient is receiving the output of a stochastic process which is weakly correlated with individual data, but isn’t receiving individual data per se.

Local differential privacy scales up well, but it doesn’t scale down well. When ε is small, each data contributor has strong privacy protection, but the aggregate data isn’t very useful unless so many individuals are represented in the data that the randomness added to the responses can largely be statistically removed.

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PATE framework for differentially private machine learning

Machine learning models can memorize fragments of their training data and return these fragments verbatim. I’ve seen instances, for example, where I believe an LLM returned phrases verbatim from this site. It’s easy to imagine how medical data might leak this way.

How might you prevent this? And how might you do it in a way that is easy to defend?

One such approach is the PATE framework. PATE stands for Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles. PATE was introduced in [1] and refined in [2].

In the PATE framework, you divide your sensitive data into n disjoint subsets and train a “teacher” model on each subset. These subsets are formed so that only one teacher has access to data from a particular individual.

Only these teacher models have direct access to sensitive data, and these models will not be released into production. Instead, the teacher models are used to train a “student” model.

The student model asks questions of the teacher models and so the student model is only indirectly trained on sensitive data. Furthermore, differential privacy is inserted between the student and teacher models as a further layer of privacy protection. So the student model is actually not trained on the answers from the teacher models but from an aggregate of the teacher models with a (ideally small) amount of randomness thrown in to further protect privacy. Publicly available data is also added to the training set for the student model.

There are a couple clever refinements in [2] that stretch the framework’s privacy budget.

To be more selective, our new mechanisms leverage some pleasant synergies between privacy and utility in PATE aggregation. For example, when teachers disagree, and there is no real consensus, the privacy cost is much higher; however, since such disagreement also suggest that the teachers may not give a correct answer, the answer may simply be omitted.

Differential privacy is a way of quantifying the notion that an individual’s participation or lack of participation in a database makes little difference. If the teacher models disagree, it may because an individual who is an outlier has had a large influence on the teacher model that was trained on his data. If you protect the privacy of the “teachers” then you protect the privacy of the individuals since no more than one teacher was training on any given individual’s data. When there is consensus among the teachers, there’s no need to spend much of the privacy budget.

The authors go on to say

Similarly, teachers may avoid giving an answer where the student already is confidently predicting the right answer.

Since each query uses some amount of the privacy budget, avoiding even asking questions saves budget.

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[1] Nicholas Papernot et al. Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data arXiv:1610.05755

[2] Nicolas Papernot et al. Scalable Private Learning with PATE. arXiv:1802.08908v1

Earth mover’s distance

There are many ways to describe the distance between two probability distributions. The previous two posts looked at using the p-norm to measure the difference between the PDFs and using Kullbach-Leibler divergence. Earth mover’s distance (EMD) is yet another approach.

Imagine a probability distribution on ℝ² as a pile of dirt. Earth mover’s distance measures how different two distributions are by how much work it would take to reshape the pile of dirt representing one distribution into a pile of dirt representing the other distribution. Unlike KL divergence, earth mover’s distance is symmetric, and so it really is a distance. (EMD is a colorful name for what is more formally known as the Wasserstein metric.)

The concept of t-closeness in data privacy is based on EMD. Deidentification procedures such as k-anonymity that protect individual privacy may not protect group privacy. t-closeness measures the distribution of values of some attribute in a group and compares this distribution to that of the overall distribution using EMD.

Earth mover’s distance is difficult to compute, or even to rigorously define, when working in several dimensions, but in one dimension it is particularly simple. The 1-Wasserman distance between two probability distributions is simply the 1-norm distance between the corresponding CDFs.

W_1(X, Y) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty |F_X(x) - F_Y(x)|\, dx
There are p-Wasserstein metrics just as there are p-norms, but the case p = 1 is particularly simple and so we will focus on it for this post.

We can illustrate the univariate Wasserstein metric by returning to a problem in a recent post, namely now to optimally approximate a standard normal by a logistic distribution.

Logistic distribution example

One of the nice things about the logistic distribution is that its CDF is an elementary function. If X is a logistic distribution with mean 0 and scale s then the CDF is

F_X(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x/s)}

The CDF of a normal distribution has no elementary form but can be written in terms of the complementary error function. If Z is a standard normal random variable, then

F_Z(x) = \mbox{erfc}( -x/\sqrt{2}) / 2

We get a distance of 0.05926 if we use the value of s  = 0.5513 obtained from moment matching here. The optimal value is s = 0.5867, a little smaller than the optimal values of s when minimizing the 1, 2, and ∞ norms which were around 0.61.

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