The plumber programmer

I called someone a plumber programmer the other day. The person I was speaking to didn’t realize that “plumber programmer” is a term of great respect. The plumber is often the most experienced programmer on a team.

As with literal plumbing, software plumbing connects things together. It deals with things other people don’t want to see or think about. And it’s crucial.

Thomas Guest made a couple diagrams that illustrate this. Managers draw software diagrams with big boxes and little arrows. The boxes represent software components and the arrows represent the code that connects them together.

This gives the impression that the boxes are the hard part and the arrows are easy. The opposite is probably true. Thomas says if we drew the diagram so that the size of the components is proportional to the effort, it might look like this:

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Separating presentation from content

In the late ’90s I went to a fair number of Microsoft presentations. One presentation would say “The problem with Technology X is that it mixes presentation and content. We’ve introduced Technology Y to make your code cleaner, separating presentation and content.” A few months later I’d be at another presentation that would announce “The problem with Technology Y is that it mixes presentation and content. We’ve introduced Technology Z …” (Does this remind anyone else of The Cat in the Hat Comes Back?)

When I first learned LaTeX, I was told that one of its strengths is that it separates presentation and content. Then a few years later I hear complaints that the problem with LaTeX is that it mingles presentation and content, unlike XHTML. A few years later, guess what? XHTML mixes presentation and content, so we need something else.

I shut down when I hear someone announce that everything before their product was bad because it mixed presentation and content, and now with their solution, presentation and content will be completely separate.

Sometimes one technology really does make a cleaner separation of presentation and content. But at best the separation is relative. LaTeX separates presentation and content more than Word, though not as much as well-written HTML and CSS, maybe. But presentation and content cannot be entirely separated. Nor is there unanimous agreement on what exactly the dividing line is between the two.

Many people don’t want to separate their presentation and content. They don’t understand why this would be desirable, and they’ll fight against anything designed to encourage separation. Maybe they need to learn the advantages, or maybe they’re just doing the best they can to get their job done and they can’t be bothered with long term advantages that may not materialize.

The principle of separating presentation and content is admirable. It really does have advantages, but it’s easier said than done.

Poor Mercator

This morning’s xkcd cartoon is “What your favorite map projection says about you.” It’s really funny, but poor Mercator comes off as the most boring projection.

Mercator: You're not really into maps

Mercator is the most familiar projection, but it has some interesting properties. The most important is that lines of constant bearing on the Earth correspond to straight lines on the map, obviously a desirable property for navigation. More details here.

The inverse of the Mercator projection, going from maps onto the globe, is more interesting. Aside from its geographical importance, it gives a way of relating circular and hyperbolic functions without using complex numbers. More details here.

The Mercator projection is also historically interesting. The modern derivation of the Mercator projection uses logarithms and calculus, but Mercator came up with his projection in 1569 before logarithms or calculus had been discovered. (Update: See more historical detail in Thony C’s comment below.)

Draw a symbol, look it up

LaTeX users may know about Detexify, a website that lets you draw a character then looks up its TeX command. Now there’s a new site Shapecatcher that does the same thing for Unicode. According to the site, “Currently, there are 10,007 Unicode character glyphs in the database.” It does not yet support Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

For example, I drew a treble clef on the page:

The site came back with a list of possible matches, and the first one was what I was hoping for:

Interestingly, the sixth possible match on the list was a symbol for contour integration:

Notice the treble clef response has a funny little box on the right side. That’s because my browser did not have a glyph to display that Unicode character. The browser did have a glyph for the contour integration symbol and displayed it.

Another Unicode resource I recommend is this Unicode Codepoint Chart. It is organized by code point value, in blocks of 256. If you were looking for the contour integration symbol above, for example, you could click on a link “U+2200 to U+22FF: Mathematical Operators” and see a grid of 256 symbols and click on the one you’re looking for. This site gives more detail about each character than does Shapecatcher. So you might use Shapecatcher to find where to start looking, then go to the Unicode Codepoint Chart to find related symbols or more details.

Other posts on Unicode

Simple versus easy

Rich Hickey argued in a recent talk that simplicity is objective but easiness is subjective. Something is simple if it is singular: it does one thing, it is made of one thing, etc. Something is easy if it is close at hand, i.e. familiar.

I think this is a useful distinction, though simplicity is a little harder to pin down than the talk implies. Simplicity is relative and requires context. Rich Hickey’s context is programming languages, and in that context it may be fairly objective to say one construction is simpler than another because it does less.

For example, Hickey says one complication of Lisp is that it uses parentheses for function calls and for grouping. It would be simpler if one symbol did one thing. Mathematica does something like this. Parentheses are for grouping only. Function calls are delimited by square brackets. The square brackets are inconsistent with standard mathematical notation, so they’re not as easy (i.e. familiar), but they are simpler.

Mnemonics often complicate things to make them easier. For example, consider this mnemonic for pi:

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

This sentence is easier for most people to remember than 3.14159265358979.  But the sentence is also more complex. A computer can represent the number in 8 bytes but the sentence takes 94 bytes of ASCII, more in Unicode.

Sometimes complex is better than simple, better in some context. It’s easier to memorize coherent sentences than numbers. But imagine if we got so excited by this mnemonic that we decided to represent all numbers by sentences. This would be amusing for a little while but would quickly become painful.

Some things are objectively simple but inhuman. Counting seconds since some event (e.g. Unix time) is much simpler than our system of keeping time with days, weeks, months, and years. But our human experience is profoundly influenced by the rotations and revolutions of our planet. Even weeks, which have no astronomical significance, seem to be aligned with human nature. So we keep our complex calendars while our computers count seconds.

I believe Hickey’s main point is that we need to reevaluate what we believe is simple. Maybe what we think is simple is complex but familiar. Maybe there is something new that is objectively simpler would become even easier once we’re used to it. (In particular, Hickey would like for us to try his programming language.) Once you practice thinking this way, you’ll see that many familiar things could be made simpler.

Related post: A little simplicity goes a long way

Unix tool tips

I’ve renamed my SedAwkTip twitter account to UnixToolTip to reflect its new scope. If you were following SedAwkTip, there’s no need to do anything. You’ll just see a different name.

I have about a week’s worth of sed and awk tips scheduled. Then I’ll start adding in tips on grep, find, uniq, etc. And I’ll come back to sed and awk now and then.

These tools came from the Unix world, but they’re also available on Windows.

For now I’m keeping the original icon. I’m open to suggestions if someone has an idea for a better icon.


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Richard Feynman and Captain Picard try to prove Fermat’s Last Theorem

In 1989, Star Trek: The Next Generation aired The Royale. In this episode, we learn that Captain Picard tries his hand at proving Fermat’s Last Theorem (FLT) in his spare time. The writers must have believed that FLT would still be unresolved in the 24th century. Four years after The Royale, Andrew Wiles announced his proof of FLT. There was a flaw in Wiles’ first proof, but this was patched two years later in 1995.

Richard Feynman also tried his hand at FLT. He wrote a paper (unpublished) in which he gave a pseudo-proof of FLT based on probability. Feynman said that the probability of FLT being false was “certainly less than 10^-200.” The argument was high creative, sketchy, but ultimately nonsensical. Paul Nahin concludes

Feynman’s probabilistic analysis of Fermat’s Last Theorem would have no mathematical interest at all but for the fact it was Feynman who cooked it up.

Source: Number-Crunching by Paul Nahin.

Lucky trig identity

I love this trig identity. I could imagine a student believing it for the wrong reason, a grader counting it wrong for the wrong reason, and a teacher counting it right for the right reason.

sin(x – y) sin(x + y) = (sin(x) – sin(y)) (sin(x) + sin(y))

Someone manipulating symbols unknowingly might think this is obviously true: of course you can replace sin(x + y) with sin(x) + sin(y) and replace sin(x – y) with sin(x) – sin(y). All the world is linear.

Someone with a little more experience would say that this identity obviously cannot be true. After all, sin(x ± y) clearly does not equal sin(x) ± sin(y).

But someone with a little more patience might get a pencil and paper and work out that it indeed is true. Even though naive symbol manipulation would be wrong-headed, in this case it happens to lead you to the right result.

For more examples of a novice and an expert agreeing but someone in between disagreeing, see Coming full circle.

More trig-related posts

More than sed and awk

I’m going to expand the content of my SedAwkTip twitter account. I’ve covered the most commonly used features of sed and awk, and rather than go into more advanced/obscure features of these languages, I’m going to add tips on other common command line software.

I’ll probably change the name of the account to reflect the new content. I’ll cycle back to sed and awk tips now and then.

Update: I’ve renamed SedAwkTip to UnixToolTip.

The applications I plan to go into ship as part of Linux and OS X, and they’re available for Windows here.

Other daily tip Twitter accounts:

