Eccentricity, Flattening, and Aspect Ratio

There are at least three common ways to describe the shape of an ellipse: eccentricity e, flattening f, and aspect ratio r. Each is a number between 0 and 1. (Flattening is also called ellipticity, which is a descriptive name, but unfortunately it sounds a lot like eccentricity.)

Although converting between these three descriptions is simple, it’s also a little counterintuitive. In particular, moderately large values of eccentricity correspond to small values of flattening. The previous post looked at how similar the orbits of all the planets are when you plot them all on the same scale. This is true even though the eccentricity of Venus is essentially 0 and the eccentricity of Pluto is 0.25.

Let a be the semi-major axis of the ellipse, the distance from the center to the furthest point of the ellipse.

Let b be the semi-minor axis of the ellipse, the distance from the center to the closest point on the ellipse.

Then the aspect ratio, flattening, and eccentricity are defined as follows:

\begin{align*} r &= \frac{b}{a} \\ f &= \frac{a-b}{a} \\ e &= \sqrt{1 - \frac{b^2}{a^2}} \\ \end{align*}

If we plot the orbits of all the planets, scaled so that b = 1 for all planets, then the distance to the furthest point in the orbit is 1/r. Here’s a graph of how 1/r varies as a function of e.

Notice that 1/r hardly changes as e varies between, say, 0 and 0.4. So saying that Pluto has a “highly elliptical” orbit with e = 0.25 does not mean that the shape of its orbit is far from a circle. Here’s a plot of all the planet orbits in our solar system, or all the planet orbits plus the orbit of Pluto if you’d like to be pedantic.

Converting between eccentricity, flattening, and aspect ratio

I made the comment on Twitter that the orbit of the earth around the sun is closer to being an exact circle than the lines of constant longitude are. This means that the fact that the earth’s equatorial bulge is more geometrically significant than the elliptical nature of our orbit.

If you want to confirm this statement, you’ll need to know the shape of earth’s orbit and the shape of a meridian. But you’re most likely to find the former described in terms of eccentricity and the latter in terms of flattening. This is an example of why you might want to convert between different ways of describing the shape of an ellipse. Here are the conversion formulas.

\begin{align*} e &= \sqrt{2f - f^2} \\ e &= \sqrt{1-r^2} \\ f &= 1-\sqrt{1-e^2} \\ f &= 1-r \\ r &= \sqrt{1-e^2} \\ r &= 1-f \\ \end{align*}

According to Wikipedia, the eccentricity of earth’s orbit is 0.01671 and the flattening is 1/298.3. To put these on a common scale, meridians have eccentricity: 0.08181, about five times the eccentricity of earth’s orbit.

Similarly, the earth’s orbit has flattening 0.00013962 or about 24 times the flattening of the meridians.

So you could say earth’s orbit is 4 times or 24 times closer to being a circle than earth’s meridians are. The two ratios are very different because the conversion between eccentricity and flattening is highly nonlinear.

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Planetary orbits are very nearly circular

If a science book shows you obviously elliptical orbits of planets, it is literally stretching the truth.

I was taught that our benighted ancestors insisted that planetary orbits are circles for philosophical reasons. In fact, they insisted planetary orbits are circular because they very nearly are.

Here’s a plot of the orbits of all nine planets in our solar system, or all eight planets and the dwarf planet Pluto if you prefer, scaled so that they all have the same semi-minor axis.

See how far the “highly elliptical” orbit of Pluto extends past the perfect circle in the inside? Me neither.

Here is how Kepler discovered that planets have elliptical orbits [1].

From 1601 to 1608, he [Kepler] tried fitting various geometrical curves to Tycho’s data on the positions of Mars. Finally, after struggling for almost a year to remove a discrepancy of of 8 minutes of arc (which a less honest man might have chosen to ignore!) Kepler hit upon the ellipse as a possible solution.

It was only by obsessing over a discrepancy of 0.037% of a circle that Kepler was able to discover that Mars has an elliptical orbit.

The next post explains why eccentricity numbers are misleading. The orbit of Pluto, for example, is “highly eccentric” with eccentricity 0.25, but this does not result in an orbit far from circular.

[1] Roger Bate et al. Fundamentals of Astrodynamics. Dover. 1971

The Pluto-Charon orbit

The Moon doesn’t orbit the center of the Earth; it orbits the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system, which is inside the Earth. The distinction matters for designing satellite orbits, but it cannot be seen on a plot to scale. We’ll quantify this below.

Pluto’s moon Charon, however, is so large relative to Pluto and so close, that the center of mass of the Pluto-Charon system is outside of Pluto, and you can easily see this in a plot.

Plot of Pluto and Charon orbiting their barycenter

Imagine Pluto and Charon sitting on each end of a balanced seesaw. Pluto is a distance x1 to the left of the fulcrum, and Charon is a distance x2 to the right of the fulcrum. Let m1 be the mass of Pluto and m2 be the mass of Charon. Then

m1 x1 = m2 x2


x1 = m2 (x1 + x2) / (m1 + m2).

Now let’s put in some numbers.

m1 = 1.309 × 1022 kg
m2 = 1.62 × 1021 kg
x1 + x2 = 19,640 km

From this we find

x1 = (1.62 × 19640 / 14.71) km = 2163 km

and so the distance from the center of Pluto to the center of mass of the Pluto-Charon system is 2163 km. But the radius of Pluto is only 1190 km. So the center of mass of the Pluto-Charon system is about as far above the surface of Pluto as the center of Pluto is below the surface.

Comparison with the Earth-Moon system

It matters that the moon doesn’t exactly orbit the center of the Earth, but the difference between the center of the Earth and the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is less dramatic. Let’s put in the numbers for the Earth and Moon.

m1 = 5.97 × 1024 kg
m2 = 7.346 × 1022 kg
x1 + x2 = 392,600 km

From this we find

x1 = (7.346 × 392,600 / 604) km = 4,775 km

The radius of Earth is 6,371 km, and so the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is inside the Earth.

I made a plot analogous to the one above but for the Earth-Moon system. You could barely see the moon because it is so small relative to the size of its orbit. And you cannot see the difference between the center of the Earth and the barycenter of the Earth and Moon.

Tidal locking

Not only is Charon tidally locked with Pluto, as our moon is with Earth, but Pluto is tidally locked with Charon as well.

On Earth we only ever see one side of the moon. We never see the “dark side,” which is more accurately the “far side.” But someone standing on the moon would see Earth rotate.

Someone standing on Pluto would only ever see one side of Charon, and someone standing on Charon would only ever see one side of Pluto. Sputnik Planitia, the big heart-shaped feature on Pluto, is on the opposite side of Charon, so you could say Pluto is hiding its heart from its companion.

Image of Pluto featuring heart-shaped region

More orbital mechanics posts

Shape of moon orbit around sun

The earth’s orbit around the sun is nearly a circle, and the moon’s orbit around the earth is nearly a circle, but what is the shape of the moon’s orbit around the sun?

You might expect it to be bumpy, bending inward when the moon is between the earth and the sun and bending output when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. But in fact the shape of the moon’s orbit around the sun is convex as proved in [1] and illustrated below.

If the moon orbited the earth much faster, say 10 times faster, at the same altitude, then we see that the orbit is indeed bumpy.

However, the nothing could orbit the earth 10x faster than the moon at the same distance as the moon. Orbital period determines altitude and vice versa.

A more realistic example would be a satellite in MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) like a GPS satellite. Such a satellite orbits the earth roughly twice a day. The path of a MEO satellite around the sun is not convex.

The plot above shows about one day of an MEO satellite’s orbit around the sun. Note that the vertical and horizontal scales are not the same; it would be hard to see anything but a flat line if the scales were the same because the satellite is far closer to the earth than the sun.

Here are the equations from [1]. Choose units so that the distance to the moon or satellite is 1 and let d be the distance from the planet to the sun. Let p be the number of times the moon or satellite orbits the planet as the planet orbits the sun (the number of sidereal periods).

x(θ) = d cos(θ) + cos(pθ)
y(θ) = d sin(θ) + sin(pθ)

This assumes both the planet’s orbit around the sun and the satellite’s orbit around the planet are circular, which is a good approximation in our examples.

[1] Noah Samuel Brannen. The Sun, the Moon, and Convexity. The College Mathematics Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Sep., 2001), pp. 268-272

Solar declination

This post expands on a small part of the post Demystifying the Analemma by M. Tirado.

Apparent solar declination given δ by

δ = sin-1( sin(ε) sin(θ) )

where ε is axial tilt and θ is the angular position of a planet. See Tirado’s post for details. Here I want to unpack a couple things from the post. One is that that declination is approximately

δ = ε sin(θ),

the approximation being particular good for small ε. The other is that the more precise equation approaches a triangular wave as ε approaches a right angle.

Let’s start out with ε = 23.4° because that is the axial tilt of the Earth. The approximation above is a variation on the approximation

sin φ ≈ φ

for small φ when φ is measured in radians. More on that here.

An angle of 23.4° is 0.4084 radians. This is not particularly small, and yet the approximation above works well. The approximation above amounts to approximating sin-1(x) with x, and Taylor’s theorem tells the the error is about x³/6, which for x = sin(ε) is about 0.01. You can’t see the difference between the exact and approximate equations from looking at their graphs; the plot lines lie on top of each other.

Even for a much larger declination of 60° = 1.047 radians, the two curves are fairly close together. The approximation, in blue, slightly overestimates the exact value, in gold.

This plot was produced in Mathematica with

    ε = 60 Degree
    Plot[{ε Sin[θ] ], ArcSin[Sin[ε] Sin[θ]]}, {θ, 0, 2π}]

As ε gets larger, the curves start to separate. When ε = 90° the gold curve becomes exactly a triangular wave.

Update: Here’s a plot of the maximum approximation error as a function of ε.

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When do two-body systems have stable Lagrange points?

The previous post looked at two of the five Lagrange points of the Sun-Earth system. These points, L1 and L2, are located on either side of Earth along a line between the Earth and the Sun. The third Lagrange point, L3, is located along that same line, but on the opposite side of the Sun.

L1, L2, and L3 are unstable, but stable enough on a short time scale to be useful places to position probes. Lagrange points are in the news this week because the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), launched on Christmas Day, is headed toward L2 at the moment.

The remaining Lagrange points, L4 and L5, are stable. These points are essentially in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, 60° ahead and 60° behind Earth. To put it another way, they’re located where Earth will be in two months and where Earth was two months ago. The points L3, L4, and L5 form an equilateral triangle centered at the Sun.

Lagrange points more generally

Lagrange points are not unique to the Sun and Earth, but also holds for other systems as well. You have two bodies m1 and m2 , such as a star and a planet or a planet and a moon, and a third body, such as the JWST, with mass so much less than the other two that its mass is negligible compared to the other two bodies.

The L1, L2, and L3 points are always unstable, meaning that an object placed there will eventually leave, but the L4 and L5 points are stable, provided one of the bodies is sufficiently less massive than the other. This post will explore just how much less massive.

Mass ratio requirement

Michael Spivak [1] devotes a section of his physics book to the Trojan asteroids, asteroids that orbit the Sun at the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of a Sun-planet system. Most Trojan asteroids are part of the Sun-Jupiter system, but other planets have Trojan asteroids as well. The Earth has a couple Trojan asteroids of its own.

Spivak shows that in order for L4 and L5 to be stable, the masses of the two objects must satisfy

(m1m2) / (m1 + m2) > k

where m1 is the mass of the more massive body, m2 is the mass of the less massive body, and

k = √(23/27).

If we define r to be the ratio of the smaller mass to the larger mass,

r = m2 / m1,

then by dividing by m1 we see that equivalently we must have

(1 – r) / (1 + r) > k.

We run into the function (1 – z)/(1 + z) yet again. As we’ve pointed out before, this function is its own inverse, and so the solution for r is that

r < (1 – k) / (1 + k) = 0.04006…

In other words, the more massive body must be at least 25 times more massive than the smaller body.

The Sun is over 1000 times more massive than Jupiter, so Jupiter’s L4 and L5 Lagrange points with respect to the Sun are stable. The Earth is over 80 times more massive than the Moon, so the L4 and L5 points of the Earth-Moon system are stable as well.

Pluto has only 8 times the mass of its moon Charon, so the L4 and L5 points of the Pluto-Charon system would not be stable.

Related posts

[1] Michael Spivak: Physics for Mathematicians: Mechanics I. Addendum 10A.

Finding Lagrange points L1 and L2

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is on its way to the Lagrange point L2 of the Sun-Earth system. Objects in this location will orbit the Sun at a fixed distance from Earth.

There are five Lagrange points, L1 through L5. The points L1, L2, and L3 are unstable, and points L4 and L5 are stable. Since L2 is unstable, it will have to adjust its orbit occasionally to stay at L2.

The Lagrange points L1 and L2 are nearly equally distant from Earth, with L1 between the Earth and Sun, and L2 on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun.

The equations for the distance r from L1 and L2 to Earth are very similar and can be combined into one equation:

\frac{M_1}{(R\pm r)^2} \pm \frac{M_2}{r^2}=\left(\frac{M_1}{M_1+M_2}R \pm r\right)\frac{M_1+M_2}{R^3}

The equation for L1 corresponds to taking ± as – and the equation for L2 corresponds to taking ± as +.

In the equation above, R is the distance between the Sun and Earth, and M1 and M2 are the mass of the Sun and Earth respectively. (This is not going to be too precise since the distance between the Sun and Earth is not constant. We’ll use the mean distance for R.)

For both L1 and L2 we have

r \approx R \sqrt[3]{\frac{M_2}{3M_1}}

Let’s use Newton’s method to solve for the distances to L1 and L2, and see how they compare to the approximation above.

    from scipy.optimize import newton
    M1 = 1.988e30 # kg
    M2 = 5.972e24 # kg
    R  = 1.471e8  # km

    approx = R*(M2/(3*M1))**(1/3)
    def f(r, sign):
        M = M1 + M2
        ret = M1/(R + sign*r)**2 + sign*M2/r**2
        ret -= (R*M1/M + sign*r)*M/R**3
        return ret
    L1 = newton(lambda r: f(r, -1), approx)
    L2 = newton(lambda r: f(r,  1), approx)
    print("L1       = ", L1)
    print("approx   = ", approx)
    print("L2       = ", L2)
    print("L1 error = ", (approx - L1)/L1)
    print("L2 error = ", (L2 - approx)/L2)    

This prints the following.

    L1       = 1467000
    approx   = 1472000
    L2       = 1477000
    L1 error = 0.3357%
    L2 error = 0.3312%

So L2 is slightly further away than L1. The approximate distance under-estimates L2 and over-estimates L1 both by about 0.33% [1].

L1 and L2 are about 4 times further away than the moon.

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[1] The approximation for r makes an excellent starting point. When I set the relative error target to 1e-5, Newton’s method converged in four iterations.

    full = newton(lambda r: f(r, 1), approx, tol=1e-5, full_output=True)

S and C functions

I was reading a book on orbital mechanics recently [1], and one of the things that stood out was the use of two variations on sine and cosine, functions the book denotes by S and C.

\begin{align*} S(z) &= \frac{\sqrt{z} - \sin(\sqrt{z})}{\sqrt{z^3}} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(-z)^k}{(2k+3)!} \\ C(z) &= \frac{\phantom{\sqrt{}}1 - \cos(\sqrt{z})}{z} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(-z)^k}{(2k+2)!} \end{align*}

Strictly speaking, the functions are defined to be the analytic continuation of the middle expressions to the full complex plane, and these continuations have the given power series.

These functions come up in deriving time of flight equations. The direct derivation has expressions that would have a singularity at zero because of square root terms, and recasting the solution in terms of the functions above avoids the singularities.

(Are these functions used outside of orbital mechanics? Do they have names other than S and C? If you’ve seen them before, please let me know.)

I find these functions interesting for several reasons. First, it’s interesting that the power series for the two functions are so similar.

Second, the functions S and C are derived from sine and cosine, but you might not guess that from looking at their plots.

The power series forms of the two functions are similar, but the plots of the two functions are not.

Third, you might expect the derivative of a sine-like thing to be a cosine-like thing and vice versa. Well, that’s sorta true in our case. The derivatives of S and C are related to the functions S and C, but its a little complicated.

\begin{align*} S'(z) &= \frac{1}{2z} (C - 3S) \\ C'(z) &= \frac{1}{2z} (1 - 2C - zS) \end{align*}

Maybe it’s surprising that the relationship is as complicated as it is, or maybe it’s surprising that it’s not more complicated.

Finally, when z is a real variable, we can evaluate S with

S(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \big(\sqrt{x} - \sin(\sqrt{x})\big)/\sqrt{x^3} & \mbox{if } x > 0 \\ 1/6 & \mbox{if } x = 0 \\ \big(\sinh(\sqrt{-x})- \sqrt{-x}\big)/\sqrt{(-x)^3} & \mbox{if } x < 0 \end{array} \right.

and evaluate C with

C(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \big(1-\cos\sqrt{x}\big)/x & \mbox{if } x > 0 \\ 1/2 & \mbox{if } x = 0 \\ \big(1-\cosh\sqrt{-x}\big)/x & \mbox{if } x < 0 \end{array} \right.

Written this way, it looks like the functions S and C are arbitrarily patched together. But the functions are smooth at 0, even analytic at 0 as the power series shows. The equations are not arbitrary at all but uniquely determined.

Update: Someone contributed this post to Hacker News and someone else left a helpful comment with some historical background. Apparently this work goes back to Karl Stumpff and was written up in a NASA technical report. It was further developed at MIT and written up in a textbook by Richard Battin.

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[1] Fundamentals of Astrodynamics by Roger R Bate, Donald D. Mueller, and Jerry E. White. Dover, 1971.

Efficiently solving Kepler’s equation

A couple years ago I wrote a blog post on Kepler’s equation

M + e sin EE.

Given mean anomaly M and eccentricity e, you want to solve for eccentric anomaly E.

There is a simple way to solve this equation. Define

f(E) = M + e sin E

and take an initial guess at the solution and stick it into f. Then take the output and stick it back into f, over and over, until you find a fixed point, i.e. f(E) = E.

Faster solutions

The algorithm above is elegant, and practical if you only need to do it once. However, if you need to solve Kepler’s equation billions of times, say in the process of tracking satellite debris, this isn’t fast enough.

An obvious improvement would be to use Newton’s root-finding method rather than the simple iteration scheme above, and this isn’t far from the state of the art. However, there have been improvements over Newton’s method, and a paper posted on arXiv this week gives an algorithm that is about 3 times faster than Newton’s method [1].

Patterns in applied math

This paper is an example of a common pattern in applied math. It starts with a simple problem that has a simple solution, but this simple solution doesn’t scale. And so we apply advanced mathematics to a problem formulated in terms of elementary mathematics.

In particular, the paper makes use of contour integration. This seems like a step backward in two ways.

First, we have a root-finding problem, but you want to turn it into an integration problem?! Isn’t root-finding faster than integration? Not in this case.

Second, not only are we introducing integration, we’re introducing integration in the complex plane. Isn’t complex analysis complex? Not in the colloquial sense. The use of “complex” as a technical term is unfortunate because complex analysis often simplifies problems. As Jacques Hadamard put it,

The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain.

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[1] Oliver H. E. Philcox, Jeremy Goodman, Zachary Slepian. Kepler’s Goat Herd: An Exact Solution for Elliptical Orbit Evolution. arXiv:2103.15829

NASA’s favorite ODE solver

NASA’s Orbital Flight Handbook, published in 1963, is a treasure trove of technical information, including a section comparing the strengths and weaknesses of several numerical methods for solving differential equations.

The winner was a predictor-corrector scheme known as Gauss-Jackson, a method I have not heard of outside of orbital mechanics, but one apparently particularly well suited to NASA’s needs.

The Gauss-Jackson second-sum method is strongly recommended for use in either Encke or Cowell [approaches to orbit modeling]. For comparable accuracy, it will allow step-sizes larger by factors of four or more than any of the forth order methods. … As compared with unsummed methods of comparable accuracy, the Gauss-Jackson method has the very important advantage that roundoff error growth is inhibited. … The Gauss-Jackson method is particularly suitable on orbits where infrequent changes in the step-size are necessary.

Here is a table summarizing the characteristics of each of the solvers.

Notice that Gauss-Jackson is the only method whose roundoff error accumulation is described as “excellent.”

A paper from 2004 [1] implies that the Gauss-Jackson method was still in use at NASA at the time of writing.

The Gauss-Jackson multi-step predictor-corrector method is widely used in numerical integration problems for astrodynamics and dynamical astronomy. The U.S. space surveillance centers have used an eighth-order Gauss-Jackson algorithm since the 1960s.

I could imagine a young hotshot explaining to NASA why they should use some other ODE solver, only to be told that the agency had already evaluated the alternatives half a century ago, and that the competitors didn’t have the same long-term accuracy.

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[1] Matthew M. Berry and Liam M. Healy. Implementation of the Gauss-Jackson Integration for Orbit Propagation. The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol 52, No 3, July-September 2004, pp. 311–357.