Chi-square goodness of fit test example with primes

chi squared

Yesterday Brian Hayes wrote a post about the distribution of primes. He showed how you could take the remainder when primes are divided by 7 and produce something that looks like rolls of six-sided dice. Here we apply the chi-square goodness of fit test to show that the rolls are too evenly distributed to mimic randomness. This post does not assume you’ve seen the chi-square test before, so it serves as an introduction to this goodness of fit test.

In Brian Hayes’ post, he looks at the remainder when consecutive primes are divided by 7, starting with 11. Why 11? Because it’s the smallest prime bigger than 7. Since no prime is divisible by any other prime, all the primes after 7 will have a remainder of between 1 and 6 inclusive when divided by 7. So the results are analogous to rolling six-sided dice.

The following Python code looks at prime remainders and (pseudo)random rolls of dice and computes the chi-square statistic for both.

First, we import some functions we’ll need.

    from sympy import prime
    from random import random
    from math import ceil

The function prime takes an argument n and returns the nth prime. The function random produces a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1. The ceiling function ceil rounds its argument up to an integer. We’ll use it to convert the output of random into dice rolls.

In this example we’ll use six-sided dice, but you could change num_sides to simulate other kinds of dice. With six-sided dice, we divide by 7, and we start our primes with the fifth prime, 11.

    num_sides = 6
    modulus = num_sides + 1

    # Find the index of the smallest prime bigger than num_sides
    index = 1
    while prime(index) <= modulus:
        index += 1

We’re going to take a million samples and count how many times we see 1, 2, …, 6. We’ll keep track of our results in an array of length 7, wasting a little bit of space since the 0th slot will always be 0. (Because the remainder when dividing a prime by a smaller number is always positive.)

    # Number of samples
    N = 1000000
    observed_primes = [0]*modulus
    observed_random = [0]*modulus

Next we “roll” our dice two ways, using prime remainders and using a pseudorandom number generator.

    for i in range(index, N+index):
        m = prime(i) % modulus
        observed_primes[m] += 1
        m = int(ceil(random()*num_sides))
        observed_random[m] += 1

The chi-square goodness of fit test depends on the observed number of events in each cell and the expected number. We expect 1/6th of the rolls to land in cell 1, 2, …, 6 for both the primes and the random numbers. But in a general application of the chi-square test, you could have a different expected number of observations in each cell.

    expected = [N/num_sides for i in range(1, modulus)]

The chi-square test statistic sums (O – E)2/E over all cells, where O stands for “observed” and E stands for “expected.”

    def chisq_stat(O, E):
        return sum( (o - e)**2/e for (o, e) in zip(O, E) )

Finally, we compute the chi-square statistic for both methods.

    ch = chisq_stat(observed_primes[1:], expected[1:])

    ch = chisq_stat(observed_random[1:], expected[1:])

Note that we chop off the first element of the observed and expected lists to get rid of the 0th element that we didn’t use.

When I ran this I got 0.01865 for the prime method and 5.0243 for the random method. Your results for the prime method should be the same, though you might have a different result for the random method.

Now, how do we interpret these results? Since we have six possible outcomes, our test statistics has a chi-square distribution with five degrees of freedom. It’s one less than the number of possibilities because the total counts have to sum to N; if you know how many times 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 came up, you can calculate how many times 6 came up.

A chi-square distribution with ν degrees of freedom has expected value ν. In our case, we expect a value around 5, and so the chi-square value of 5.0243 is unremarkable. But the value of 0.01864 is remarkably small. A large chi-square statistics would indicate a poor fit, the observed numbers being suspiciously far from their expected values. But a small chi-square value suggests the fit is suspiciously good, closer to the expected values than we’d expect of a random process.

We can be precise about how common or unusual a chi-square statistic is by computing the probability that a sample from the chi square distribution would be larger or smaller. The cdf gives the probability of seeing a value this small or smaller, i.e. a fit this good or better. The sf gives the probability of seeing a value this larger or larger, i.e. a fit this bad or worse. (The scipy library uses sf for “survival function,” another name for the ccdf, complementary cumulative distribution function).

    from scipy.stats import chi2
    print(chi2.cdf(ch, num_sides-1), chi2.sf(ch, num_sides-1))

This says that for the random rolls, there’s about a 41% chance of seeing a better fit and a 59% chance of seeing a worse fit. Unremarkable.

But it says there’s only a 2.5 in a million chance of seeing a better fit than we get with prime numbers. The fit is suspiciously good. In a sense this is not surprising: prime numbers are not random! And yet in another sense it is surprising since there’s a heuristic that says primes act like random numbers unless there’s a good reason why in some context they don’t. This departure from randomness is the subject of research published just this year.

If you look at dice with 4 or 12 sides, you get a suspiciously good fit, but not as suspicious as with 6 sides. But with 8 or 20-sided dice you get a very bad fit, so bad that its probability underflows to 0. This is because the corresponding moduli, 9 and 21, are composite, which means some of the cells in our chi-square test will have no observations. (Suppose m has a proper factor a. Then if a prime p were congruent to a mod m, p would be have to be divisible by a.)

Update: See the next post for a systematic look at different moduli.

You don’t have to use “dice” that correspond to regular solids. You could consider 10-sided “dice,” for example. For such numbers it may be easier to think of spinners than dice, a spinner with 10 equal arc segments it could fall into.

Related post: Probability that a number is prime

How to create Green noise in Python

This is a follow-on to my previous post on green noise. Here we create green noise with Python by passing white noise through a Butterworth filter.

Green noise is in the middle of the audible spectrum (on the Bark scale), just where our hearing is most sensitive, analogous to the green light, the frequency where our eyes are most sensitive. See previous post for details, including an explanation of where the left and right cutoffs below come from.

Here’s the code:

from import write
from scipy.signal import buttord, butter, filtfilt
from scipy.stats import norm
from numpy import int16

def turn_green(signal, samp_rate):
    # start and stop of green noise range
    left = 1612 # Hz
    right = 2919 # Hz

    nyquist = (samp_rate/2)
    left_pass  = 1.1*left/nyquist
    left_stop  = 0.9*left/nyquist
    right_pass = 0.9*right/nyquist
    right_stop = 1.1*right/nyquist

    (N, Wn) = buttord(wp=[left_pass, right_pass],
                      ws=[left_stop, right_stop],
                      gpass=2, gstop=30, analog=0)
    (b, a) = butter(N, Wn, btype='band', analog=0, output='ba')
    return filtfilt(b, a, signal)

def to_integer(signal):
    # Take samples in [-1, 1] and scale to 16-bit integers,
    # values between -2^15 and 2^15 - 1.
    signal /= max(signal)
    return int16(signal*(2**15 - 1))

N = 48000 # samples per second

white_noise= norm.rvs(0, 1, 3*N) # three seconds of audio
green = turn_green(white_noise, N)
write("green_noise.wav", N, to_integer(green))

And here’s what it sounds like:

(download .wav file)

Let’s look at the spectrum to see whether it looks right. We’ll use one second of the signal so the x-axis coincides with frequency when we plot the FFT.

from scipy.fftpack import fft

one_sec = green[0:N]
plt.xlim((1500, 3000))

Here’s the output, concentrated between 1600 and 3000 Hz as expected:

spectral plot of green noise

How to digitize a graph

Suppose you have a graph of a function, but you don’t have an equation for it or the data that produced it. How can you reconstruction the function?

There are a lot of software packages to digitize images. For example, Web Plot Digitizer is one you can use online. Once you have digitized the graph at a few points, you can fit a spline to the points to approximately reconstruct the function. Then as a sanity check, plot your reconstruction to see if it looks like the original. It helps to have the same aspect ratio so you’re not distracted by something that doesn’t matter, and so that differences that do matter are easier to see.

For example, here is a graph from Zwicker and Fastl’s book on psychoacoustics. It contains many graphs with no data or formulas. This particular one gives the logarithmic transmission factor between free field and the peripheral hearing system.

Here’s Python code to reconstruct the functions behind these two curves.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate 

curve_names = ["Free", "Diffuse"]
plot_styles = { "Free" : 'b-', "Diffuse" : 'g:'}

data = {}
for name in curve_names:
    data = np.loadtxt("{}.csv".format(name), delimiter=',')

    x = data[:,0]
    y = data[:,1]
    spline = interpolate.splrep(x, y)
    xnew = np.linspace(0, max(x), 100)
    ynew = interpolate.splev(xnew, spline, der=0)
    plt.plot(xnew, ynew, plot_styles[name])
logical_x_range  = 24    # Bark
logical_y_range  = 40    # dB
physical_x_range = 7     # inch
physical_y_range = 1.625 # inch

plt.legend(curve_names, loc=2)
plt.xlabel("critical-band rate")
plt.xlim((0, logical_x_range))

    (physical_y_range/logical_y_range) / 
    (physical_x_range/logical_x_range) )
ax = plt.gca()
ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24])
ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([-10, 0, 10, 20, 30])

Here’s the reconstructed graph.

Creating police siren sounds with frequency modulation

Yesterday I was looking into calculating fluctuation strength and playing around with some examples. Along the way I discovered how to create files that sound like police sirens. These are sounds with high fluctuation strength.

police car lights

The Python code below starts with a carrier wave at fc = 1500 Hz. Not surprisingly, this frequency is near where hearing is most sensitive. Then this signal is modulated with a signal with frequency fm. This frequency determines the frequency of the fluctuations.

The slower example produced by the code below sounds like a police siren. The faster example makes me think more of an ambulance or fire truck. Next time I hear an emergency vehicle I’ll pay more attention.

If you use a larger value of the modulation index β and a smaller value of the modulation frequency fm you can make a sound like someone tuning a radio, which is no coincidence.

Here are the output audio files in .wav format:



from import write
from numpy import arange, pi, sin, int16

def f(t, f_c, f_m, beta):
    # t    = time
    # f_c  = carrier frequency
    # f_m  = modulation frequency
    # beta = modulation index
    return sin(2*pi*f_c*t - beta*sin(2*f_m*pi*t))

def to_integer(signal):
    # Take samples in [-1, 1] and scale to 16-bit integers,
    # values between -2^15 and 2^15 - 1.
    return int16(signal*(2**15 - 1))

N = 48000 # samples per second
x = arange(3*N) # three seconds of audio

data = f(x/N, 1500, 2, 100)
write("slow.wav", N, to_integer(data))

data = f(x/N, 1500, 8, 100)
write("fast.wav", N, to_integer(data))

More frequency modulation posts

The empty middle: why no one is average

In 1945, a Cleveland newspaper held a contest to find the woman whose measurements were closest to average. This average was based on a study of 15,000 women by Dr. Robert Dickinson and embodied in a statue called Norma by Abram Belskie. Out of 3,864 contestants, no one was average on all nine factors, and fewer than 40 were close to average on five factors. The story of Norma and the Cleveland contest is told in Todd Rose’s book The End of Average.

People are not completely described by a handful of numbers. We’re much more complicated than that. But even in systems that are well described by a few numbers, the region around the average can be nearly empty. I’ll explain why that’s true in general, then look back at the Norma example.

General theory

Suppose you have N points, each described by n independent, standard normal random variables. That is, each point has the form (x1, x2, x2, …, xn) where each xi is independent with a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. The expected value of each coordinate is 0, so you might expect that most points are piled up near the origin (0, 0, 0, …, 0). In fact most points are in spherical shell around the origin. Specifically, as n becomes larger, most of the points will be in a thin shell with distance √n from the origin. (More details here.)

Simulated contest

In the contest above, n = 9, and so we expect most contestants to be about a distance of 3 from average when we normalize each of the factors being measured, i.e. we subtract the mean so that each factor has mean 0, and we divide each by its standard deviation so the standard deviation is 1 on each factor.

We’ve made several simplifying assumptions. For example, we’ve assumed independence, though presumably some of the factors measured in the contest were correlated. There’s also a selection bias: presumably women who knew they were far from average would not have entered the contest. But we’ll run with our simplified model just to see how it behaves in a simulation.

import numpy as np

# Winning critera: minimum Euclidean distance
def euclidean_norm(x):
    return np.linalg.norm(x)

# Winning criteria: min-max
def max_norm(x):
    return max(abs(x))

n = 9
N = 3864

# Simulated normalized measurements of contestants 
M = np.random.normal(size=(N, n))

euclid = np.empty(N)
maxdev = np.empty(N)
for i in range(N):
    euclid[i] = euclidean_norm(M[i,:])
    maxdev[i] = max_norm(M[i,:])

w1 = euclid.argmin()
w2 = maxdev.argmin()

print( M[w1,:] )
print( euclidean_norm(M[w1,:]) )
print( M[w2,:] )
print( max_norm(M[w2,:]) )

There are two different winners, depending on how we decide the winner. Using the Euclidean distance to the origin, the winner in this simulation was contestant 3306. Her normalized measurements were

[ 0.1807, 0.6128, -0.0532, 0.2491, -0.2634, 0.2196, 0.0068, -0.1164, -0.0740]

corresponding to a Euclidean distance of 0.7808.

If we judge the winner to be the one whose largest deviation from average is the smallest, the winner is contestant 1916. Her normalized measurements were

[-0.3757, 0.4301, -0.4510, 0.2139, 0.0130, -0.2504, -0.1190, -0.3065, -0.4593]

with the largest deviation being the last, 0.4593.

By either measure, the contestant closest to the average deviated significantly from the average in at least one dimension.

Maximum principle and approximating boundary value problems

Solutions to differential equations often satisfy some sort of maximum principle, which can in turn be used to construct upper and lower bounds on solutions.

We illustrate this in one dimension, using a boundary value problem for an ordinary differential equation (ODE).

Maximum principles

If the second derivative of a function is positive over an open interval (ab), the function cannot have a maximum in that interval. If the function has a maximum over the closed interval [ab] then it must occur at one of the ends, at a or b.

This can be generalized, for example, to the following maximum principle. Let L be the differential operator

L[u] = u” + g(x)u’ + h(x)

where g and h are bounded functions on some interval [a, b] and h is non-positive. Suppose L[u] ≥ 0 on (a, b). If u has an interior maximum, then u must be constant.

Boundary value problems

Now suppose that we’re interested in the boundary value problem L[u] = f where we specify the values of u at the endpoints a and b, i.e. u(a) = ua and u(b) = ub. We can construct an upper bound on u as follows.

Suppose we find a function z such that L[z] ≤ f and z(a) ≥ ua and z(b) ≥ ub. Then by applying the maximum principle to u – z, we see that u – z must be ≤ 0, and so z is an upper bound for u.

Similarly, suppose we find a function w such that L[w] ≥ f and w(a) ≤ ua and w(b) ≤ ub. Then by applying the maximum principle to w – u, we see that w – u must be ≤ 0, and so w is an lower bound for u.

Note that any functions z and w that satisfy the above requirements give upper and lower bounds, though the bounds may not be very useful. By being clever in our choice of z and w we may be able to get tighter bounds. We might start by choosing polynomials, exponentials, etc. Any functions that are easy to work with and see how good the resulting bounds are.

Tomorrow’s post is similar to this one but looks at bounds for an initial value problem rather than a boundary value problem.

Airy equation example

The following is an elaboration on an example from [1]. Suppose we want to bound solutions to

u”(x) – x u(x) = 0

where u(0) = 0 and u(1) = 1. (This is a well-known equation, but for purposes of illustration we’ll pretend at first that we know nothing about its solutions.)

For our upper bound, we can simply use z(x) = x. We have L[z] ≤ 0 and z satisfies the boundary conditions exactly.

For our lower bound, we use w(x) = x – βx(1 – x). Why? The function z already satisfies the boundary condition. If we add some multiple of x(1 – x) we’ll maintain the boundary condition since x(1 – x) is zero at 0 and 1. The coefficient β gives us some room to maneuver. Turns out L[w] ≥ 0 if β ≥ 1/2. If we choose β = 1/2 we have

(xx2)/2 ≤ u(x) ≤ x

In general, you don’t know the function you’re trying to bound. That’s when bounds are most useful. But this is a sort of toy example because we do know the solution. The equation in this example is well known and is called Airy’s equation. The Airy functions Ai and Bi are independent solutions. Here’s a plot of the solution with its upper and lower bounds.

Here’s the Python code I used to solve for the coefficients of Ai and Bi and make the plot.

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve
from scipy.special import airy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# airy(x) returns (Ai(x), Ai'(x), Bi(x), Bi'(x))
def Ai(x):
    return airy(x)[0]

def Bi(x):
    return airy(x)[2]

M = np.matrix([[Ai(0), Bi(0)], [Ai(1), Bi(1)]])
c = solve(M, [0, 1])

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
plt.plot(t, (t + t**2)/2, 'r-', t, c[0]*Ai(t) + c[1]*Bi(t), 'k--', t, t, 'b-',)
plt.legend(["lower bound $(x + x^2)/2$", 
    "exact solution $c_0Ai + c_1Bi$", 
    "upper bound $x$"], loc="upper left")

SciPy’s function airy has an optimization that we waste here. The function computes Ai and Bi and their first derivatives all at the same time. We could take advantage of that to remove some redundant computations, but that would make the code harder to read. We chose instead to wait an extra nanosecond for the plot.

Help with differential equations

* * *

[1] Murray Protter and Hans Weinberger. Maximum Principles in Differential Equations.

Musical pitch notation

How can you convert the frequency of a sound to musical notation? I wrote in an earlier post how to calculate how many half steps a frequency is above or below middle C, but it would be useful go further have code to output musical pitch notation.

In scientific pitch notation, the C near the threshold of hearing, around 16 Hz, is called C0. The C an octave higher is C1, the next C2, etc. Octaves begin with C; other notes use the octave number of the closest C below.

C4, middle C

The lowest note on a piano is A0, a major sixth up from C0. Middle C is C4 because it’s 4 octaves above C0. The highest note on a piano is C8.


A4, the A above middle C, has a frequency of 440 Hz. This is nine half steps above C4, so the pitch of C4 is 440*2-9/12. C0 is four octaves lower, so it’s 2-4 = 1/16 of the pitch of C4. (Details for this calculation and the one below are given in here.)

For a pitch P, the number of half steps from C0 to P is

h = 12 log2(P / C0).


Here is a page that will let you convert back and forth between frequency and music notation: Music, Hertz, Barks.

If you’d like code rather than just to do one calculation, see the Python code below. It calculates the number of half steps h from C0 up to a pitch, then computes the corresponding pitch notation.

from math import log2, pow

A4 = 440
C0 = A4*pow(2, -4.75)
name = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
def pitch(freq):
    h = round(12*log2(freq/C0))
    octave = h // 12
    n = h % 12
    return name[n] + str(octave)

The pitch for A4 is its own variable in case you’d like to modify the code for a different tuning. While 440 is common, it used to be lower in the past, and you’ll sometimes see higher values like 444 today.

If you’d like to port this code to a language that doesn’t have a log2 function, you can use log(x)/log(2) for log2(x).

Powers of 2

When scientific pitch notation was first introduced, C0 was defined to be exactly 16 Hz, whereas now it works out to around 16.35. The advantage of the original system is that all C’s have frequency a power of 2, i.e. Cn has frequency 2n+4 Hz. The formula above for the number of half steps a pitch is above C0 simplifies to

h = 12 log2P – 48.

If C0 has frequency 16 Hz, the A above middle C has frequency 28.75 = 430.54, a little flat compared to A 440. But using the A 440 standard, C0 = 16 Hz is a convenient and fairly accurate approximation.

More posts on music and acoustics

General birthday problem

The birthday problem, sometimes called the birthday paradox, says that it’s more likely than you’d expect that two people in a group have the same birthday. Specifically, in a random sample of 23 people, there’s about a 50-50 chance that two people share the same birthday.

The birthday problem makes a nice party trick, but generalizations of the problem come up frequently in applications. I wrote in the previous post how it comes up in seeding distributed Monte Carlo simulations. In computer science, it’s a concern in hashing algorithms.

If you have a set of N things to choose from, such as N = 365 birthdays, and take r samples, the probability that all r samples are unique is

p = \frac{N!}{N^r (N-r)!}

and the probability that at least two of the samples are the same is 1 – p. (This assumes that N is at least as big as r. Otherwise the denominator is undefined, but in that case we know p is 0.)

With moderately large values of N and r the formula is likely to overflow if implemented directly. So as usual the trick is to use logarithms to avoid overflow or underflow. Here’s how you could compute the probability above in Python. SciPy doesn’t have a log factorial function, but does have a log gamma function, so we use that instead.

    from scipy import exp, log
    from scipy.special import gammaln

    def prob_unique(N, r):
        return exp( gammaln(N+1) - gammaln(N-r+1) - r*log(N) )


Related: Need help with randomization?

Spectral coordinates in Python

A graph doesn’t have any geometric structure unless we add it. The vertices don’t come with any position in space. The same graph can look very different when arranged different ways.

Spectral coordinates are a natural way to draw a graph because they are determined by the properties of the graph, not arbitrary aesthetic choices. Construct the Laplacian matrix and let x and y be the eigenvectors associated with the second and third eigenvalues. (The smallest eigenvalue is always zero and has an eigenvector of all 1’s. The second and third eigenvalues and eigenvectors are the first to contain information about a graph.) The spectral coordinates of the ith node are the ith components of x and y.

We illustrate this with a graph constructed from a dodecahedron, a regular solid with twenty vertices and twelve pentagonal faces. You can make a dodecahedron from a soccer ball by connecting the centers of all the white hexagons. Here’s one I made from Zometool pieces for a previous post:

Although we’re thinking of this graph as sitting in three dimensions, the nodes being the corners of pentagons etc., the graph simply says which vertices are connected to each other. But from this information, we can construct the graph Laplacian and use it to assign plane coordinates to each point. And fortunately, this produces a nice picture:

Here’s how that image was created using Python’s NetworkX library.

    import networkx as nx
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.linalg import eigh

    # Read in graph and compute the Laplacian L ...
    # Laplacian matrices are real and symmetric, so we can use eigh, 
    # the variation on eig specialized for Hermetian matrices.
    w, v = eigh(L) # w = eigenvalues, v = eigenvectors

    x = v[:,1] 
    y = v[:,2]
    spectral_coordinates = {i : (x[i], y[i]) for i in range(n)}
    G = nx.Graph()

    nx.draw(G, pos=spectral_coordinates)

Update: After posting this I discovered that NetworkX has a method draw_spectral that will compute the spectral coordinates for you.

More spectral graph theory

Estimating the exponent of discrete power law data

Suppose you have data from a discrete power law with exponent α. That is, the probability of an outcome n is proportional to n. How can you recover α?

A naive approach would be to gloss over the fact that you have discrete data and use the MLE (maximum likelihood estimator) for continuous data. That does a very poor job [1]. The discrete case needs its own estimator.

To illustrate this, we start by generating 5,000 samples from a discrete power law with exponent 3 in the following Python code.

   import numpy.random

   alpha = 3
   n = 5000
   x = numpy.random.zipf(alpha, n)

The continuous MLE is very simple to implement:

    alpha_hat = 1 + n / sum(log(x))

Unfortunately, it gives an estimate of 6.87 for alpha, though we know it should be around 3.

The MLE for the discrete power law distribution satisfies

\frac{\zeta'(\hat{\alpha})}{\zeta(\hat{\alpha})} = -\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i-1}^n \log x_i

Here ζ is the Riemann zeta function, and xi are the samples. Note that the left side of the equation is the derivative of log ζ, or what is sometimes called the logarithmic derivative.

There are three minor obstacles to finding the estimator using Python. First, SciPy doesn’t implement the Riemann zeta function ζ(x) per se. It implements a generalization, the Hurwitz zeta function, ζ(x, q). Here we just need to set q to 1 to get the Riemann zeta function.

Second, SciPy doesn’t implement the derivative of zeta. We don’t need much accuracy, so it’s easy enough to implement our own. See an earlier post for an explanation of the implementation below.

Finally, we don’t have an explicit equation for our estimator. But we can easily solve for it using the bisection algorithm. (Bisect is slow but reliable. We’re not in a hurry, so we might as use something reliable.)

    from scipy import log
    from scipy.special import zeta
    from scipy.optimize import bisect 

    xmin = 1

    def log_zeta(x):
        return log(zeta(x, 1))

    def log_deriv_zeta(x):
        h = 1e-5
        return (log_zeta(x+h) - log_zeta(x-h))/(2*h)

    t = -sum( log(x/xmin) )/n
    def objective(x):
        return log_deriv_zeta(x) - t

    a, b = 1.01, 10
    alpha_hat = bisect(objective, a, b, xtol=1e-6)

We have assumed that our data follow a power law immediately from n = 1. In practice, power laws generally fit better after the first few elements. The code above works for the more general case if you set xmin to be the point at which power law behavior kicks in.

The bisection method above searches for a value of the power law exponent between 1.01 and 10, which is somewhat arbitrary. However, power law exponents are very often between 2 and 3 and seldom too far outside that range.

The code gives an estimate of α equal to 2.969, very near the true value of 3, and much better than the naive estimate of 6.87.

Of course in real applications you don’t know the correct result before you begin, so you use something like a confidence interval to give you an idea how much uncertainty remains in your estimate.

The following equation [2] gives a value of σ from a normal approximation to the distribution of our estimator.

\sigma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n\left[ \frac{\zeta''(\hat{\alpha}, x_{min})}{\zeta(\hat{\alpha}, x_{min})} - \left(\frac{\zeta'(\hat{\alpha}, x_{min})}{\zeta(\hat{\alpha}, x_{min})}\right)^2\right]}}

So an approximate 95% confidence interval would be the point estimate +/- 2σ.

    from scipy.special import zeta
    from scipy import sqrt

    def zeta_prime(x, xmin=1):
        h = 1e-5
        return (zeta(x+h, xmin) - zeta(x-h, xmin))/(2*h)

    def zeta_double_prime(x, xmin=1):
        h = 1e-5
        return (zeta(x+h, xmin) -2*zeta(x,xmin) + zeta(x-h, xmin))/h**2

    def sigma(n, alpha_hat, xmin=1):
        z = zeta(alpha_hat, xmin)
        temp = zeta_double_prime(alpha_hat, xmin)/z
        temp -= (zeta_prime(alpha_hat, xmin)/z)**2
        return 1/sqrt(n*temp)

    print( sigma(n, alpha_hat) )

Here we use a finite difference approximation for the second derivative of zeta, an extension of the idea used above for the first derivative. We don’t need high accuracy approximations of the derivatives since statistical error will be larger than the approximation error.

In the example above, we have α = 2.969 and σ = 0.0334, so a 95% confidence interval would be [2.902, 3.036].


[1] Using the continuous MLE with discrete data is not so bad when the minimum output xmin is moderately large. But here, where xmin = 1 it’s terrible.

[2] Equation 3.6 from Power-law distributions in empirical data by Aaron Clauset, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, and M. E. J. Newman.